Non-motoring > Slide scanner Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Ted Replies: 13

 Slide scanner - Ted

Any ideas for a scanner to get my inherited 35mm slides onto DVD or memory stick ?

Plenty of different ones on Amazon but some help needed for a non technical nuppet. Somewhere around £50 will do nicely.

The idea is to get all late FiL's slides in viewable form whilst chucking all the ' scenes ' which are of no, ' a mountain somewhere unknown ! ' When the project is done, my cousin in Rugby will go halves and do all his late dad's.

 Slide scanner - Fullchat
Saw one in Aldi today or was it Lidl?? Pretty sure it was Aldi.
 Slide scanner - RattleandSmoke
Ted I have one you can borrow if you want, seems to be pretty good my dad used to scan in several 1000 of his late parents slides.
 Slide scanner - WillDeBeest
Don't underestimate the time required. Today's scanners may be quicker than the one I bought in 2001 but mine can take 2-3 min to scan each frame, plus time to check settings and do the physical handling. I gave up on it for new pictures and opted to pay for a CD of scans with each roll of film instead.

There are specialist companies (there were then, anyway) that will do the whole job for you on their faster, superior equipment. I'm sure there'll be one in Manchester that you can deal with in person - better than committing irreplaceable material to the no-longer-Royal Mail.
 Slide scanner - R.P.

I have one of these - excellent bit of kit. Around 15 secs a slide once set up.
 Slide scanner - Zero
bought one, did this, can't believe how may of the slides I took were meaningless or pure crap. Less than 10% were of interest or sufficient quality. How much money we must have wasted on film in the old days, thank the lord for digital photography.
 Slide scanner - bathtub tom
I intend to do this, one day, when I get a round tuit.

I wonder how many scanners are stored with the foot spas and bread makers, they're the sort of thing that's only used once.

I occasionally look on freecycle for one, perhaps Gumtree or the bay would be a cheap source?
 Slide scanner - Bromptonaut

>> I wonder how many scanners are stored with the foot spas and bread makers, they're
>> the sort of thing that's only used once.

Got mine as a cheepie from Aldi a couple of years ago. It get's dusted when the rest of the kit on my desk does.
 Slide scanner - Fenlander
>>>can't believe how may of the slides I took were meaningless or pure crap. Less than 10% were of interest or sufficient quality. How much money we must have wasted on film in the old days, thank the lord for digital photography.

Very much +1 Exposure was more crucial with slides and so many in family collections are dark or washed out.

The easiest and cheapest way to convert slides to digital is to project them onto a screen and photograph them with a digicam. The results are at least as good as a cheaper DIY scanner and you can easily zoom/crop at the time of taking the image too.

A slide projector in perfect working order with a screen can be had for under a tenner.

Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 10 Jan 14 at 10:30
 Slide scanner - Ted

Thanks for the replies, girls.

Ta for the offer Ratto but I want to pass it on to my cuz and possibly to other fambly members after that.

I've had a dozen or so put on disc in the past by Spielmans but it was quite expensive. They have a shop locally. I've opted for the Vebo one noted above, I'd looked at that before I posted.I've ' one -click ' ordered the deed is done.

 Slide scanner - Alastairw
My brother did the family slides, and is putting the lot on a CD for me. Fortunately I had sat down with grandma some years before and written down all the names of everyone.
 Slide scanner - Dulwich Estate
After much, much research a good few years ago now I got a Canoscan 8800F. It was something over £100 but very good. After doing all the slides it's come in handy for digitising old monochrome family pictures going back 100 years. (Family members now give me their favourite old photos to scan.) I'm happy enough to do it. So, all in all - a top notch machine is worth it IMHO.
 Slide scanner - Ted

Well, the Veho Smartfix scanner arrived and was promptly set up on my desk. I loaded up a sample set of three slides after the battery had charged. All three showed up on the little screen. So far so good. Then it all went frupnys up. It wouldn't do anything else. After 10 minutes of so it wouldn't even show the slides. I messed about on and off during the evening but all it was giving me was an LED....nuffink.

Went on-line and printed off the return labels and bar codes to hoof it back. Only a refund available on this bit of kit...OK. Handed it in with all it's original packaging at the local Costcutters today.

In the meantime I went back on Amazon and ordered a DBtech scanner...didn't fancy trying my hand at another Veho. The DB arrived this SD card with this one but that's ok. Nice bit of kit with good big buttons. Only works on USB but I'm not likely to be using it away from the PC, although they give you a 220V adaptor. A tad more dosh than the Veho, £4 or so.

Used it to do a sample of 18 slides this evening. Very good..about 5 seconds a slide to scan and save. I put all 18 on the SD card from my camera then put it back in the camera and plugged it in to the PC for viewing. Too I deleted them all , tweaked the scanner brightness and did it all again. Much better ! Trial and error really. Some slides will need finer adjustment before scanning. In one way I prefer it to the Veho which has to have three slides clipped in a holder. The DBtech only requires you to drop then one at a time into a slot in front of the screen...much simpler. I can save this set to a folder and print/Email/burn to disc when needed.

As an aside, the piccies were mostly taken by FiL at his silver wedding party at the family home. That would be 1966...SWM was 18 and I was about 20. Apart from her best friend and her fiance, everyone else has died. Makes you think !

 Slide scanner - WillDeBeest
Certainly does. Might not use that caterer again.
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