Non-motoring > Yet another quiz Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 22

 Yet another quiz - Crankcase

Actually better than zero, as in %. Just.


Your Number Correct: 6/20
You are smarter than 30.24% of the population.

Find out which ones you got wrong
Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 30.24%
Time Taken: 6:38
 Yet another quiz - CGNorwich
Your Number Correct: 12/20
You are smarter than 86.46% of the population.
Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 86.46%
Time Taken: 8:50

 Yet another quiz - Roger.
Your Number Correct: 12/20
You are smarter than 87.01% of the population.

Find out which ones you got wrong
Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 87.01%
Time Taken: 4:13
 Yet another quiz - Zero
Your Number Correct: 10/20
You are smarter than 76.36% of the population.
Find out which ones you got wrong

Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 76.36%
Time Taken: 5:58
 Yet another quiz - Armel Coussine
12/20. Slow though.
 Yet another quiz - Pat

You are smarter than 75.85% of the population:)

 Yet another quiz - PhilW
13/20. A couple I got right were complete guesses! A couple I got wrong I'm kicking myself for (the one about Pi for example and the other about finding out about what happened on Friday) I guess they evened out!
 Yet another quiz - Alanovich

Having to guess a several American based questions doesn't help.
 Yet another quiz - Manatee
Your Number Correct: 14/20
You are smarter than 91.23% of the population.
Find out which ones you got wrong

Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 91.23%
Time Taken: 16:19

Took a long time...don't know how you could do that in 6 minutes without just guessing.

I did stop to remove a small beetle from the laptop screen!

No I didn't get question 20...
 Yet another quiz - Crankcase
My hint is that if you do it in six minutes and guess because you have the attention span of a gnat and bore easily, then you'll get about 6 out of 20...
 Yet another quiz - Westpig
Your Number Correct: 7/20
You are smarter than 43.76% of the population.
Find out which ones you got wrong

Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 43.76%
Time Taken: 6:14
 Yet another quiz - Fursty Ferret
13/20, but started guessing out of boredom towards the end. Oh yes. Packing.
 Yet another quiz - Lygonos
20/20 in 16m 46s
 Yet another quiz - Armel Coussine
>> 20/20 in 16m 46s

I thought it was supposed to be impossible. Surely q 20 didn't have a right answer? Anyway ponce ponce Lygonos. I sometimes suspect you of secretly chainsmoking and guzzling whisky, but perhaps your body really is a temple... I wonder what it's like...

Some of the questions were susceptible to rational analysis, some were like crossword clues and others seemed to require specialist sports knowledge. I made several wild and obviously bad guesses. Didn't use google or look anything up. Was too bored even to find out which ones I'd got right. Knew most of them anyway.
 Yet another quiz - Lygonos
I laughed when I saw q20 because I thought it would be a 'whatever you click it'll say you were wrong' one... however I recognised a couple of the words from having read Clockwork Orange and I guessed correctly only one of the answers wasn't from Burgess's 'patois'

If you do get 20 right it says something like "You did better than 98% of the rest" so the line about no-one ever having managed 20/20 is advertising hyperbole... perhaps to encourage you to take part and allow the malware/trojans/viruses onto your PC


Last edited by: Lygonos on Tue 10 Dec 13 at 07:48
 Yet another quiz - sherlock47
18/20 - was about 12min from memory - annoyed at the 2 I got wrong!
 Yet another quiz - Ambo
Selecting at random, 4/20. Selecting the last alternative in each case, 7/20.
 Yet another quiz - Dog
I 'Binged' the questions ... still took longer than Scotty ... I'll just have to cancel my Mensa member ship.

 Yet another quiz - helicopter
9/20..... I got bored somewhere about half way through ......
 Yet another quiz - VxFan

I is smarter than 94.36% of the population.

Average Number Correct: 8.32/20
Percentile: 94.36%
Time Taken: 14:37
 Yet another quiz - Cliff Pope
>> My hint is that if you do it in six minutes and guess because you
>> have the attention span of a gnat and bore easily, then you'll get about 6
>> out of 20...

No, I got 8.

After about Q 2 I saw that it was one of those silly quizzes not worth spending any effort over, so just answered randomly or on hunches thereafter.

It's interesting though that about 50% of the population get by reasonably well simply by making no intelligent decisions at all, and acting entirely by guesswork or at random.
Perhaps there's something to be said for that approach - it would appear to make life easier.
If asked what I mainly do in my job, I would say decisions, decisions, decisions all day long.

Perhaps at the end I'll just say, I don't know Doc, you decide.
 Yet another quiz - Crankcase
Well, at least I scored the lowest. I like things to stay in their natural order.

As I always get everything wrong as well, in every walk of life of course, I'm also assuming someone will point out I wasn't the lowest score, just to make it perfect.
 Yet another quiz - Ted

I got bored after first 2 as well, Smoke started coming out of my ears.....( anagram of ? ).

Went back to watching express freights on the WCML on the Tubeyou .

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