Non-motoring > Christmas food & drink Miscellaneous
Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 61

 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
That time of year again when I just want to hibernate, and escape the madness.
Talk in the pub last night of gross excess and rampant consumerism, of which we try not to participate.
Three friends & their respectives, have decided to go for a Xmas Day curry. A bit steep for me @ £29.95 a head! My Xmas Day meal is Aldi's 4 bird roast, frozen roasties, a few boiled sprouts and chopped carrots soaked in Orangina with a sprinkling of demerara in t'microwave. Preparation time 15 mins max. Probably the same to wash up & clear away. Maybe a glass or two of Jackson Estate Sav Blanc, but after spending 12 till 3.30 in my 2 local pubs with chums I shall be too full for pudding.
In a perfect world I would be skiing, eating poached eggs, beans on toast for dinner after a bluebird day in fresh powder.
 Christmas food & drink - Dog
I'll be on bread and water again this year from Christmas Eve 'til New Years Eve.

 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
Hope its granary, multi seeded bread
 Christmas food & drink - CGNorwich
Sprinkle some white granulated sugar on it. You'll be alright. ;-)
 Christmas food & drink - FocalPoint
"...on bread and water again this year..."

As a punishment for mowing down cyclists?

(I may be exaggerating a little.)
 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
Best Christmas lunch I can remember was on the 25th of December 1982 in St Moritz. It consisted of two cones of chips and a hip flask of Whisky Mac shared with my then girlfriend while on a skiing trip. We couldn't afford to sit in a cafe so it was eaten in a bus shelter.

Last of the big spenders eh?

 Christmas food & drink - Westpig
>> Best Christmas lunch I can remember was on the 25th of December 1982 in St
>> Moritz. It consisted of two cones of chips and a hip flask of Whisky Mac
>> shared with my then girlfriend while on a skiing trip. We couldn't afford to sit
>> in a cafe so it was eaten in a bus shelter.
>> Last of the big spenders eh?

You old romantic.

...and all for a 'knee trembler'.

Hope it was successful.
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
Probably beef for lunch, probably prepared by me while my wife, daughter SIL & the grandchildren slob around opening pressies.
Yesterday I did a pot roast of brisket (ALDI: for a little over a tenner), slow cooked @ 160C for three and a bit hours, on a bed of veggies liberally floating on a stock and red wine lake!
It worked so well, I'm wondering whether to eschew the projected rib or sirloin in favour of brisket at about 1/3 the price!
We will be taking a home baked Christmas cake, home made apricot chutney, half a dozen bottles of Campo Viejo Reserva and a good few bottles of St Peter's Ruby Ale (ordered yesterday for delivery today, from Ocado) down to rural Suffolk with us.
Looking forward to spoiling our hard working teacher daughter a bit!
Last edited by: Roger on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 11:19
 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
>>Hope it was successful.

 Christmas food & drink - Dog
>>Hope its granary, multi seeded bread

Home made (wholewheat), with an egg on top ... and a tea bag in the (hot) water ;)

>>As a punishment for mowing down cyclists?

Protest (silent) against con-sumer-ism and gluttony, only had chicken at Christmas when young,
now we you have it every week :)

 Christmas food & drink - Zero

>> Protest (silent) against con-sumer-ism and gluttony,

Well thats failed, you just told us all, its silent no more.
 Christmas food & drink - Dog
Should have read salient as in conspicuous (damn that predictive text!)
 Christmas food & drink - No FM2R
>>In a perfect world I would be skiing, eating poached eggs, beans on toast for dinner after a bluebird day in fresh powder.

Your next summer holiday...................

"Portillo is a place free of commercial expansion and distractions. There is no town, no shopping centers and no Starbucks. There is one big yellow hotel, one beautiful ski mountain, 450 guests, and 450 energetic and smiling employees to ensure a care-free vacation for our guests."

 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
Can I get to a nearby airport with Jet2 ex Leeds Bradford?
 Christmas food & drink - No FM2R
Leeds to Santiago involves at least one stop;

Leeds -> x -> Santiago where x can be one of Paris, Frankfurt, Madrid or one of a few others.

Don't even know what Jet2 is.

You'll regret it if you never go.

Its a 2hr journey from Santiago to Portillo. And if you ever make it this far, I'll drive you there and heli-ski with you for a day or two - assuming that suits.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 19:20
 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
Heli skiing..mmmm
Currently planning a road trip with two friends who live just SW of Tahoe. They are both far better skiers than I. We are heading to Revelstoke mid Feb (largest vertical in N America) where they plan to heli ski, which has been a long time ambition of theirs. Midweek cost is $1000 pp per day, non refundable unless bad weather causes cancellation. I shall just be Capt. Boring & stick to the mtn will be expensive enough what with the cost of my flights, lift passes & margeritas!
I'm trying to get them to collect me at Seattle, ex AMS, in Zeke, my pals 4.7l Toyota Tundra. Gas has now dropped to $3.55 gallon, but shared 3 ways @ 14mpg still an expensive trip, especially as we plan to return to Placerville via Montana, Wyoming, Colorado & Utah, just to take in a few more resorts!
 Christmas food & drink - No FM2R
Heli skiing at Portillo is US$195 assuming 4 skiers per helicopter.

The longest run is Chillan - 8 miles / 5300ft. (about the same vertical as Revelstoke?)

I used to have a cabin in Tahoe and love the place; a far better place to live than the Andes. But for out and out skiing, its better down here.

But it is grown up skiing; Grandma Elfen Saftee doesn't live here. Neither does it have the apres ski that a European ski centre would have.

The flight time/cost do make it a challenge though.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 21:06
 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
Will you stop it you two ! I can feel my credit card twitching as I read. Heli skiing...Hmmmm

I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage
I must keep paying off my mortgage

X 100

I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible
I must be sensible

X 100

I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday
I don't need a heli skiing holiday

X 100

 Christmas food & drink - No FM2R
>>I must keep paying off my mortgage
>>X 100

Yes, you must.

>>I must be sensible
>>X 100

Yes, you must.

>>I don't need a heli skiing holiday
>>X 100

Don't be a plank, of course you do.

Your credit card is begging you not to follow the next links..............

3,700ft vertical, Av. 7m snow.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Tue 10 Dec 13 at 02:01
 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
That's quite some road trip from Placerville, CA. 14mpg, split 3 ways, & a few nights B & B (unless we fit the fifth wheel onto the truck bed).
 Christmas food & drink - Haywain
It must be approaching 30 years since we got fed up with turkey on Christmas Day …………… we always have roast Suffolk Smoked Black Gammon supplied by our local butcher.
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
Most turkey is grossly over-rated.
I would, however, like to try a free range Norfolk Bronze to see if it really is worth £50 to £60 for even a modestly sized one!
Last edited by: Roger on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 11:36
 Christmas food & drink - CGNorwich
Had one last year Roger. Far nicer than the mass produced stuff and have a lot more flavour . Having said that I don't particularly rate turkey as a meat. My favourite bird is goose but a lot of people don't like the dark meat so I tend to go with the flow and buy a turkey form the local butcher.
 Christmas food & drink - sooty123
I don't think I've eaten goose before. Wild duck was our choice last. Lovely it was too, might well have it again.
 Christmas food & drink - Bromptonaut
Goose is nice but needs careful cooking to avoid overdoing the leg meat. There's also not a lot of meat on one. Whether fact that it's all eaten by Boxing Day is a a plus or minus depends!!

We've got a free range turkey on order from the local farmers market. Should be plenty left after Boxing Day to go in the freezer either as sliced meat or as chunks for pies, curry etc.
 Christmas food & drink - Fursty Ferret
I shall be working. Christmas is hereby cancelled for everybody else.
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 12:10
 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
TDs in Santa outfits?

Bites hand...

 Christmas food & drink - No FM2R
This is South America. Its hot and sunny, like it always is at Christmas, and like it always has been.

Santa still wears a red fur coat and boots, and there's still snow on Christmas cards and Christmas paper.

Makes no sense to me.
 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
Much like here except substitute sunshine for horizontal rain. Although we did often get deer and snow in our garden when we lived up a hill in Scotland.
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
FF is busy flying Santa around the world!
Last edited by: Roger on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 12:36
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
ALDI are selling Jamon Serrano leg hams on Thursday this week. Quite tempted, but at £50 it won't be a Pata Negra!
Last edited by: Roger on Mon 9 Dec 13 at 12:39
 Christmas food & drink - CGNorwich
"Whether fact that it's all eaten by Boxing Day is a a plus or minus depends!! "

Oh a great big plus. Nothing more depressing than the remains of a turkey in the fridge.
 Christmas food & drink - BiggerBadderDave
Another suicidal Christmas at wifeys's sister's house. No music. No telly. No conversation. No alcohol.

I should fly over to Manchester and have a beer with the old man on Christmas day. Wear a silly Christmas jumper. Laugh and chat with anyone at the bar. There's always a couple of girls dressed like santa, red miniskirt and stockings. Christmas is all about stockings isn't it?
 Christmas food & drink - Manatee
>> Another suicidal Christmas at wifeys's sister's house. No music. No telly. No conversation. No alcohol.

That's grim. What is there?

We shall be with daughter and husband at their place, for the first time. Now she is married she has turned the tables on us. There's a grand pub about 50 yards away, and they do like their grub, good wine, and the son in law has a fine collection of malts.
 Christmas food & drink - BiggerBadderDave
"That's grim. What is there?"

The brother-in-law. He's an accountant. Nuff said.
 Christmas food & drink - Dog
The most boring conversation I've ever had in my life was with an accountant, and that was at a xmas do.

 Christmas food & drink - Cliff Pope
>> Another suicidal Christmas at wifeys's sister's house. No music. No telly. No conversation. No alcohol.

Pork pie and ham for a long all-morning breakfast as people slowly assemble. Walk in cold crisp air to the pub for a few. Walk back, to work up an appetite for a long snacky kind of lunch turning into tea with cake and mince pies while we open our pressies by the fire.

Then it's time for a few pre-dinner drinks, waiting for dinner, which is usually quite late because the bird and all the trimmings always take longer than expected.
Slump in the chair again with a whisky and watch a late film, or more likely a DVD because there's never actually anything on over Christmas.

Many decades ago I think the queen came into this ritual somewhere, but I can't remember when or what she said - something about the commonwealth or one's wonderful family.
 Christmas food & drink - Manatee
>> Most turkey is grossly over-rated.
>> I would, however, like to try a free range Norfolk Bronze to see if it
>> really is worth £50 to £60 for even a modestly sized one!

If you like living dangerously you could try what I did for several years.

Go to Waitrose on Christmas Eve afternoon and look at the reductions. It sort of makes the decision for you. We have had at least a couple of those ocean going bronze turkeys at a knock down price, though I usually tried for a big lump of beef.

Only one scare when I got home with a turkey that turned out to have no legs. I'd never heard of "turkey crown". But who wants the legs anyway?
 Christmas food & drink - Cliff Pope
>> >> a turkey that turned out to have
>> no legs.

It's to stop them deciding not to vote for Christmas.
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
Really, I think the Grinch was modelled on my attitude to Christmas.
I like the food & drink, but all the rest is sentimental hogwash.
Why spend quids on buying presents for folk you rarely see, which none of them will want and getting presents from them which you don't want?
OK, it's nice to spend time with immediate and I mean immediate family and it is nice to give something to our daughter, son-in-law & grandchildren, but this year we are to be spared the visit to sister-in-law and her brood - sitting over a dozen down to a meal with all the trimmings is pure hell and the food is always cold by the time everyone is served.
Personally I would not put up a single Xmas decoration or send a single card.
Today (groan) we bought a cheap artificial tree for a fiver and my wife is busy doing the decorations on it which SHE loves!
I shall grit my teeth and say how nice it looks!
 Christmas food & drink - Duncan
>> Why spend quids on buying presents for folk you rarely see, which none of them
>> will want and getting presents from them which you don't want?

I have the solution to your Christmas present problems.

Here you are, one size fits all.

Go on then! Thank me!
 Christmas food & drink - Zero

>> Go to Waitrose on Christmas Eve afternoon and look at the reductions. It sort of
>> makes the decision for you. We have had at least a couple of those ocean
>> going bronze turkeys at a knock down price, though I usually tried for a big
>> lump of beef.

Bin there, done that, and it normally turns out a cheap winner - doing it again this year. Bound to get caught out one day and end up having egg 'n chips, but hey ho.
 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
Billy Bob Thornton aka 'Bad Santa' is my role model at this time of year.
I so do aspire....
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
Things you can only say at Christmas...............................................

1: I prefer breasts to legs.

2: Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.

3: Smother the butter all over the breast.

4: If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!

5: I've never seen a better spread!

6: I fancy a little dark meat for a change.

7: Are you ready for seconds yet?

8: It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?

9: Just wait your turn, you'll get some!

10: Don't play with your meat!

11: Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.

12: Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?

13: I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!

14: You still have a little bit on your chin.

15: How long will it take after you put it in?

16: You'll know it's ready when it pops up.

17: Just pull the end and wait for the bang.

18: That's the biggest bird I've ever had!

19: I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning.

20: Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more.
 Christmas food & drink - MJW1994
This December my Mum has been feeling a bit stressed and has become quite stroppy and snappy, it’s when work pressures build up and then it hits a critical point. I usually try and take her away for a weekend somewhere to unwind but time has been very short for both of us. To give her a proper rest I have decided to do the Christmas meal for her so she doesn’t have to lift a finger. It’s easy really, no different to a Sunday meal if we are all around for that. We are having a turkey but it will be a proper outdoor bred bird from a local source that we know. It will be a standard meal with all the trimmings such as bread sauce, bacon rolls, sausages, sprouts etc.

We will have smoked salmon and brown bread to start with, simple and very pleasant plus it can be prepared a fair way in advance. None of us like Christmas pudding, we prefer something lighter and in the past I have made lemon or lime mousse which is always popular. I shall make it the night before to save time on the day.

Christmas Eve will be quite busy, I have been volunteered to look after the two five year old twin boys from 9am until midday. It will be hard work since they like to be active, they will not accept sitting in front of the TV for long. Also in the morning my lady friend will turn up since she’s got the Christmas cake to ice and the boys can decorate it. Last year she only gave me one slice, this year I have the whole cake although I am hoping the rest of the family will help me out since it’s a bit sickly. Then she is going to make a chocolate roulade for me as it’s my favourite, I am quite looking forward to watching her making it since it’s quite fiddly, I don’t have the patience.

In the evening I am Mr Taxi, taking brother to a party in central Bristol and then my parents to a party only a few miles away in the next village. My brother will get a lift back with one of his mate’s parents but I offered to pick up my intoxicated parents at about mid-night.

In the afternoon I have nothing planned, my lady friend will be staying until Boxing day morning, so I have to think of some things to keep her occupied. It’s been troubling me a bit since she’s not into chess or scrabble, she’s never forgiven me for beating her at both. I cannot think of anything we can do really, we’ve walked every walk there is around here, many times, in reverse, in sun, rain, hail, light and darkness. However I have been meaning to sort out my book shelves and DVDs for a while, maybe that would keep her busy for a few hours. She’s quite good with a duster and that anti-static spray stuff.

 Christmas food & drink - Runfer D'Hills
>>so I have to think of some things to keep her occupied. It’s been troubling me a bit since she’s not into chess or scrabble...

This is a wind up right?

How about Sardines or naked Twister?
 Christmas food & drink - Zero
>> >>so I have to think of some things to keep her occupied. It’s been troubling
>> me a bit since she’s not into chess or scrabble...
>> This is a wind up right?
>> How about Sardines or naked Twister?

Yup, right track. Doctors and Nurses perhaps?
 Christmas food & drink - Armel Coussine
>> right track. Doctors and Nurses perhaps?

Yuck! Honestly Zero... girls are HOPELESS. They can't throw or even bowl except underarm. They can't run, chucking their legs about like that. Hopeless (except for that Penelope who got caned she was so bad... she's all right).

They smell funny too.
 Christmas food & drink - legacylad
My current gf used to run for county, and she's a pretty useful skier, or so I tell her although I'm a pale shadow of my former self. Very little bottle now, or probably not as stupid. And she can clean. Is good in the kitchen. And a good cook. Don't know how lucky I am.
 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
....................but does she clean behind the fridge? :-)
 Christmas food & drink - bathtub tom
You'll be driving, so not drinking. She's probably the opposite.

how much encouragement do you need?
 Christmas food & drink - MJW1994
I am sure there will be some time spare for that as well....
Hopefully for Xmas she might replace one of my best office shirts that she ripped.
 Christmas food & drink - Ted
This forum's getting very steamy....especially for us old-timers.

I look forward to the next thrilling episode !

 Christmas food & drink - Skip
>> This forum's getting very steamy....especially for us old-timers.
>> I look forward to the next thrilling episode !
>> Ted

Perhaps the next installment where we find out how she ripped his shirt should be preceded with a health warning then !
 Christmas food & drink - MJW1994
Well it was a particularly hot and steamy affair but unfortunately the heat and steam came from a steam iron rather than me…

I try not to do much ironing, most of my shirts don’t need it. A maid girl/woman used to do all our domestic chores but my Mum sacked her a while back as she was caught stealing and a replacement has not been found yet. Being quite new to all this laundry stuff, I have learned recently that if I spin my clothes on the slowest spin then although they are not as dry, they don’t come out as creased. If they are hung up straight away in the room where the boiler is to dry then that will suffice.

However the other day I was a bit later back from work than usual as I had to pick brother up from after-school circuit training and found my lady friend had been gathering up my office clothes and muddy football kit that I tend to leave wherever they conveniently fall in my bedroom. She was busy doing the washing but was spinning the clothes out on the fastest spin and they all came out hopelessly creased. I decided it was best to remain silent. Then of course she needed to iron everything, and then proceeded to hang the clothes up in the boiler room. She then moaned about how long it all took. I decided it was best to remain silent. Unfortunately she caught one of my shirts on the door handle and it ripped. I decided it was best to remain silent. She has offered to pay but it was an accident, I said not to bother. Knowing her she will include one in my Christmas parcel, it’s the sort of thing she does. In fact I know she has already, she came back the other day with a M&S bag that she did not want me to see.

She irons everything meticulously, even vests and things you don’t normally get to see….

So for now hot and steamy will have to wait, although if you put two single young adults with no responsibilities in an empty house for an afternoon on Christmas Eve, anything could happen. One of the spare bedrooms needs the wallpaper removed with a steam stripper I’ve borrowed, maybe that will be hot and steamy enough :-o

It’s all a bit odd really, I’ve not had a proper girlfriend before, just friends who happen to be girls, even if one or two have been very good friends :-) Sometimes I lie awake at night worrying that I may be out of my depth given my age; and out of my comfort zone, worrying that I do everything to keep her happy. The other part of me says you silly fool, just relax and stop worrying. Hopefully she will like her Christmas present, an expensive scarf she saw in a shop window and said how lovely it was. Next day I sneaked back and bought it.

Should be a good Christmas, looking forward to 2014 already :-)
 Christmas food & drink - Dog

 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
Well - I was seriously thinking of buying an ALDI Jamon Serrano today at just under £40. Unfortunately our £5 bargain wireless printer packed in this am, so I had to hotfoot it - well, drive - to that hotbed of staff ignorance - Curry's - and buy a replacement, an HP 3520 for a penny under £60.
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 27 Dec 13 at 00:55
 Christmas food & drink - Dog
Anyone tired of the 'traditional' 3 bird roast, could try a 3 nut roast instead.

We had some Tesco nut cutlets last night, served with 'my' home-made chips, and salad.
it was all rather nice.
 Christmas food & drink - WillDeBeest
But who wants the legs anyway?

Me! And Kelly Bronzes (and similar dark, slow-grown breeds) are fantastic. Had one every year since 2004 and the leftovers are the best of all. I'm always sad to see the last of the meat, fat and stock used up but we waste nothing. In fact, £60 is as close to a bargain as you'll find in the luxury food market.
 Christmas food & drink - MJW1994
I like a nice leg or thigh. Breast often a bit dry.
 Christmas food & drink - Ted

I'm not keen on a leg that's too fat, or one that's too thin.

I just like something in between !

 Christmas food & drink - Roger.
>> I like a nice leg or thigh. Breast often a bit dry.

The use of some oil can help there.
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