Non-motoring > TVs Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Manatee Replies: 62

 TVs - Manatee
A larger screen has been mooted. The existing 26" was the biggest the boss would contemplate 6 years ago. It's fine for most things but increasingly TV seems to be made for bigger screens and some of the captions are too small!

Instinct says Sony or Pana. I think Sony went off a bit but I gather the newer stuff is back to where it should be.

We have a Sony HDD/DVD recorder so Sony TV would allow some remote control synergy. Is this likely to be OK? 42" Sony

or this? 39" Panasonic

Just looking to avoid elephant traps or missed opportunities.

Don't play games. No Sky, only watch Freeview Might consider Freesat if Freeview signal is bad again the winter in poor weather.
 TVs - RattleandSmoke
You will need a freeview HD box, normal freeview would look crap on that TV. Not read all the specs but I suspect it might have an HD tuner built into it.
 TVs - Manatee
I'm inferring from the product details that they both have HD Freeview tuners. But I remember the "HD Ready" marketing...
 TVs - RattleandSmoke
HD ready was just a big con really, they meant 720p TV screens which had a resolution barely better than a standard TV but they had the digital HDMI/DVI inputs so would work with HD sources such as Blueray.

The TV you are thinking of is 1080p, has a very good refresh rate at 200Mhz I am no expert but it looks like a good TV. Just read all the reviews and make sure it has enough inputs for all your sources.
 TVs - Runfer D'Hills
A big telly would be wasted on me. There is almost nothing which can prevent me from falling asleep within 20/30 minutes of sitting on the sofa. Maybe I need to buy an uncomfortable sofa of course.
 TVs - Roger.
We find 40" big enough for our modest room. Our Samsung has 3D - don't bother unless your chosen TV has other options which sway you. Ours did, inc. built in Freeview.
Refresh rate on cheaper TVs tends to be 100/200Hz.
I think it is worth paying a bit more for a higher rate - ours is 400Hz and we get no motion blurring I can see.
If you are looking at a smart TV, research the on-board functions. Some have much more in the way of catch-up TV than others. (Ours has BBC iPlayer, ITVPlayer, 4OD and 5ODand supports subtitling and we can look at other folks houses on the Rightmove function!)
We find catch up better on the Samsung TV than on the Humax Freeesat box which only supports BBC iPlayer and ITV player and does not support subtitles yet.
 TVs - Zero

>> Refresh rate on cheaper TVs tends to be 100/200Hz.
>> I think it is worth paying a bit more for a higher rate - ours
>> is 400Hz and we get no motion blurring I can see.

You wouldn't see any motion blurring on 100/200hz either. Both are well out of the human eye to brain interface refresh rate.
 TVs - sherlock47
I have just ordered the KDL42W805 from JL - it was on special offer on Friday at £499 - a price that was difficult to better. Even Richer Sounds reduced their price by £150 just for Friday to price match JL!

Delivery wednesday so I will tell you then what I think. I actually ordered with some outstanding questions not resolved - but JL will take in back in 14 days if need be.:)

2 things to be wary off - some of the cheaper Sony sets do not have VESA mounting (for wall brackets) and there appears some confusion what the suffix letter 'a' or 'A' actually means. SOny on line say there is no differenece. but I will wait and see. Reviews look pretty encouraging.

I am not sure what is the benefit of 400Hz over 200/100 but it is possibly just marketing BS.

Also I can find the KDL42W654 on Amazon for £370 so look carefully!
Last edited by: sherlock1947 on Sun 1 Dec 13 at 19:42
 TVs - sherlock47
My mistake disregard the last line KDL32 not KDL 42!

But what is the difference 653 654?
Last edited by: sherlock1947 on Sun 1 Dec 13 at 19:54
 TVs - Robin O'Reliant
This any good for you?
 TVs - Manatee
The price must reflect the fact that it is unSmart. The DVD is unnecessary for me.

For that I would go for a 40" Sony LED lit at £349.
 TVs - Alastairw
I have that 40inch Toshiba, but without the built in DVD. Picture very good, at least to my eyes, but the sound was a little thin, which I gather is common complaint. Resolved on an interim basis by feeding sound to my elderly Denon amp and (newish) Tannoy speakers. Its not quite home cinema, but it sounds pretty good to me.
 TVs - Manatee
>> My mistake disregard the last line KDL32 not KDL 42!
>> But what is the difference 653 654?

One is silver, the other black.

Yours is a serious bargain - the W8 is step up from the W6.
 TVs - sherlock47
>> I have just ordered the KDL42W805 from JL - it was on special offer on
>> Friday at £499 - a price that was difficult to better. Even Richer Sounds reduced
>> their price by £150 just for Friday to price match JL!
>> Delivery wednesday so I will tell you then what I think. I actually ordered with
>> some outstanding questions not resolved - but JL will take in back in 14 days
>> if need be.:)

Outstanding TV for £499! It even includes a Satellite tuner - although so far I have not made the Diseqc selection work properly, I have it working with a single dish.

The JL site did not list its DVBS capabilty although the Sony site did!

Richer Sounds have now put their pric back up to£649 so Black Friday did provide a bargain for me :)

If you are in the market for a TV watch for JL prices after Xmas?
 TVs - henry k
>> If you are in the market for a TV watch for JL prices after Xmas?
JL prices can often change daily or even hourly.
Not sure if it still applies :-
If you visited their store they used to do a "Price frozen guaranteed for 28 days" chitty.
In the meanwhile if the price has been lowered , then of course that is what you would pay.
 TVs 42KDLW805A update - sherlock47
I now have the Satellite Tuner working properly, supporting a Diseqc switch with 2 dishes, despite there being no documentation describing the feature.

I have also discovered that the TV set supports Bluetooth - but apparently it is documented for a 'mouse only'. It would be nice to have it supporting a BT keyboard as it would then give good (and easy to use) internet browser capability. Currently you can use a BT keyboard only via a Android Tablet and the Sony sideview APP and the ethernet /home network.

Just had a very interesting discussion with the local Sony Store. They say that they are told to sell that the 42KDLW805A as not having DBVS ( ie Freesat capability), despite the online site site saying it does. They have seen some sets with an F connector, and some sets (different color) without it. They say some sets may have a an F connector, but no tuner. This may account for the English handbook having no reference to it.

So all I can say is if you can find it at £499 (JL) it is a cracking good buy - but be wary of the sets from Richer Sounds at £649 as they may not have the Freesat option! Theycertainly do not advertise it as a feature.

So WTF are Sony doing? they are sending out sets with identical model numbers but with significantly differing features.
 TVs - rtj70
And the broadcast itself will only be 50Hz. The other frames are 'guessed'.
 TVs - Dog
Our 2 year old 42" Panasonic Plasma is still giving good service - excellent picture too.

Neighb recently bought the 37" version of the Pana in the OP, I set it up for her using her very old bush Freesat box and I have to keep resetting it b'cos she keeps pressing the wrong buttons (she's 74)

We use a Humax Freesat HDR jobbie with the Pana which is full HD, but Freeview only.

Either of the two tellies in the OP will bring a smile to your faces :)
 TVs - Robin O'Reliant
Remember the pre internet days when your choice of TV was based on how fast the Teletext was?
 TVs - Dog
Load of carp on TV these days (probably my age!) I'd rather listen to:
 TVs - CGNorwich
Good Lord!

Rather noisy rock combo. Do they do anything quieter?
 TVs - Dog
Sir, you have no taste!
 TVs - henry k
>> Load of carp on TV these days (probably my age!)
TV stuck on channel 3 ?? :-)
 TVs - Manatee
Fairport is a good substitute.

If I didn't include Who Knows Where the Time Goes in the last favourite music thread, I should have. Has to be Sandy though.
 TVs - Dog
>>Has to be Sandy though.

Three for thee Manatee:
 TVs - Dutchie
Got a nice television for our eldest son a week ago.Sony brava 42 inch £500, five year warranty John Lewis.

HD Plus Freeview.Was easy to set up clear picture,and ordered a DVD player Blue Ray £50 Two year warranty.Same make Sony.He is happy with it.I wouldn't mind a 50 inch Plasma Television don't know which is best value for money.
 TVs - Old Navy
My advice would be decide what you want and then buy one size bigger. I am sure you will not regret it.

Assuming it will physically fit.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 2 Dec 13 at 14:53
 TVs - Crankcase
Plasma is on the way out. Even Panasonic have exited the market, for example.

 TVs - Dutchie
We like to watch movies and Plasma seem to be the best.All the revieuws I have read Parasonic are top .Prices have come down.

We have a Toshiba 42 inch not plasma about five years picture is still very nice.
 TVs - Dog
>>Plasma is on the way out.

Tis a shame, I prefer the smoother picture of my Plasma, compared to crisp and bright LED/LCD's.

 TVs - Crankcase
Well on the plus side Samsung and LG are saying they have no plans to kill off their plasma sets, and are seeing steady demand. Who knows what they'll be saying in a year.

But if you look at the trade shows, nobody is showing off plasma sets. It's all 4k being touted as the "next big thing" in a year or three.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Mon 2 Dec 13 at 16:00
 TVs - Dog
>>It's all 4k being touted as the "next big thing" in a year or three.

Justin Time for when my Panasonic 5 year guarantee ex spires :)
 TVs - CGNorwich
>> >>It's all 4k being touted as the "next big thing" in a year or three.
>> Justin Time for when my Panasonic 5 year guarantee ex spires :)

They might come down in price a tad by then.!3391!3!31106084615!!!g!50385157535!&ef_id=gSBPCd0nPQ0AAIfa:20131202172510:s
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Mon 2 Dec 13 at 17:26
 TVs - rtj70
Richer Sounds have an LG Ultra HD 84" TV for less than £15k. So that seems pricey to me.

If you can live with only a 65" TV then John Lewis have some for less than £5k.
 TVs - CGNorwich
I want the full 85 inch experience. :-)
 TVs - Duncan
>> They might come down in price a tad by then.

Do you get the prize for the longest URL and the highest price?
 TVs - sherlock47
Do you get the prize for the longest URL and the highest price?

No - but you can get a £100 discount if you order quickly:)
 TVs - Dog
>>They might come down in price a tad by then.

Christ Almighty! - I'd never even heard of 4k b4 this thread, I thought OLED was 'the next step'.
 TVs - henry k
and they will install it for £40
and do not forget to buy your HDMI cables ( they are a bargain! )
 TVs - Zero

>> But if you look at the trade shows, nobody is showing off plasma sets. It's
>> all 4k being touted as the "next big thing" in a year or three.

Maybe it is, But i would hope the broadcasters could transmit normal HD at a higher but rate first.

4k is great except there is no media to show.
 TVs - rtj70
Yes but at the same time as interpolating frames that never existed (e.g. 200Hz or even 600Hz TVs) it can invent the detail that's not there when upscaling :-)
 TVs - Old Navy
I believe that TVs leave the factory set up for display in a brightly lit shop. Optimising the settings for your preference can make a big difference.
 TVs - DP
>> I believe that TVs leave the factory set up for display in a brightly lit
>> shop. Optimising the settings for your preference can make a big difference.


I spent a couple of hours experimenting with settings on my old Samsung 40"LCD when I got it home. Several AV forums had a list of optimal settings for the display controls, and the end result of the tweaking was a much smoother, easier to watch picture with a marked improvement in quality on "crap" sources such as standard-definition Sky with its horrible compression artefacts.

It is well worth spending the time doing this. I will be doing the same with the next TV when I upgrade next year.
 TVs - Stuartli
>>I spent a couple of hours experimenting with settings on my old Samsung 40"LCD when I got it home>>

I tried that with my 42in Panasonic plasma three years ago (first with both Freeview and Freesat HD tuners) and found it difficult to get it right.

Then I tried the THX mode and - bingo! Perfect display with no effort on my part and still as good today.

Incidentally I don't think you can get Freesat equipped TVs these days - you have to use an STB. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong...!
 TVs - Dog
>>tried the THX mode and - bingo! Perfect display with no effort on my part and still as good today.

Eh, just tried that on mine and found the piccie crisp 'n bright like an LED/LCD, so I've gorn back to 'normal'.
 TVs - Stuartli
>>Eh, just tried that on mine and found the piccie crisp 'n bright like an LED/LCD, so I've gorn back to 'normal'.>>

You surprise me....:-( My display is superbly natural and the equivalent of an accurately exposed and printed photograph. People have always commented on just how natural it is.

Are you sure you haven't selected a mode on the lines, perhaps, of Dynamic in error?
 TVs - Dog
I'll try it again later on Stuart, it seemed over bright to me, but I've been used to the normal mode for 2 years.

Menu - picture - mode - THX, simple enough :)
 TVs - Dog
I'll try it again later on Stuart, it seemed over bright to me, but I've been used to the normal mode for 2 years.

Menu - picture - mode - THX, simple enough :)
 TVs - Stuartli
>>Menu - picture - mode - THX, simple enough :)>>

Just had a look through my Panny's Picture menu (first time for a long time!) and notice that there is also a separate Vivid Colour setting (not the THX etc modes choice) which, in my case, is set to Off.
 TVs - Dog
>>had a look through my Panny's Picture menu (first time for a long time!) and notice that there is also a separate Vivid Colour setting

Yus, it's just beginning to get dark here in the Western reaches of the realm, I put BBC1 HD on (Snooker)

I find THX is a tad too bright for my liking so it's back to, um, normal.

The vivid colour might be a goer though, it certainly brought the green baize to life so I'll see how it goes layder on, like.
 TVs - Zero

>> Incidentally I don't think you can get Freesat equipped TVs these days - you have
>> to use an STB. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong...!

Currys currently have a choice of over 30 in all screen sizes up to 60 inch screen sizes.
 TVs - Stuartli
>Currys currently have a choice of over 30 in all screen sizes up to 60 inch screen sizes. >>

Thanks for that. Going by something said by a couple of friends who used to be in the trade until a few years ago...:-)

Not that I'd touch Currys in a million years - or its high street equivalents other than, say, John Lewis...:-) :-)
 TVs - Meldrew
But if Currys sell a branded TV at a price that suits you why would you not use them? JL's 5 year warranty is a big plus; I always check out Richer Sounds. 5 year repair or replace warranty for 10% of the purchase price and refunded if you don't make a claim. They seem to sell end of range stuff. I was VERY impressed by the picture quality on most of the TVs they had on display and asked what the feed was -direct from DVD they said so that explained that!
 TVs - Stuartli
>> But if Currys sell a branded TV at a price that suits you why would you not use them? JL's 5 year warranty is a big plus..>>

Ask those who've bought products at outlets such as Currys what happens if some occasions they go wrong and try to get them repaired...:-( :-( John Lewis, in contrast, has always proved first class with regards to others I know who use it.

I bought my Panasonic at a local independent retail audio/visual outlet about half-a-mile from where I live at the same price as I could get online or at John Lewis.

It also came with a full parts and labour five year Panasonic warranty although, in reality the outlet does offer its own similar warranty and is also the main Panasonic repair centre for a large area of the North West....:-)
Last edited by: Stuartli on Tue 3 Dec 13 at 20:07
 TVs - R.P.
Same here Stuart....JL swapped my old telly for a new one when it's software collapsed.
 TVs - CGNorwich
I guess not many TVs are chucked away because there is anything wrong with them. In fact I was thinking how many TVs I have owned in the last 45 years. Three black and white and four colour sets was the answer. As far as I can recall they were all working when I upgraded. The 17 inch Hitachi colour set lasted around 15 years.
 TVs - Bromptonaut
>> I guess not many TVs are chucked away because there is anything wrong with them.
>> In fact I was thinking how many TVs I have owned in the last 45
>> years. Three black and white and four colour sets was the answer. As far as
>> I can recall they were all working when I upgraded. The 17 inch Hitachi colour
>> set lasted around 15 years.

Ditto. I bought a 14" Contec from Dixons Holborn in Jan 84 for my bedsit. It lasted until around 99 when it's on/off switch failed. The replacement 14" Sony did 10 yrs at which point 16:9 aspect ratio, integrated digital and HD ready were an issue.
 TVs - CGNorwich
Black and white TV no 3 was a bit trendy for its day.

one of these:
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Tue 3 Dec 13 at 22:36
 TVs - Stuartli
We had one of these 17in black and white Decca TVs housed in a beautiful wooden cabinet with sliding troubadour doors; it also featured an FM radio:

My late father paid 7s.7d a week rental for it..:-)
 TVs - Ted

>> My late father paid 7s.7d a week rental for it..:-)

Can you still rent tellys ? Me ole mam got our first one in 1957 on rental. Big flexible aerial pinned on the wall in the front parlour !

 TVs - Stuartli
>>Can you still rent tellys ? Me ole mam got our first one in 1957 on rental. Big flexible aerial pinned on the wall in the front parlour !>>

Some of the independent outlets still rent TVs, appliances etc.
 TVs - Focusless
>> Ask those who've bought products at outlets such as Currys what happens if some occasions
>> they go wrong and try to get them repaired...:-(

Ok - I rang them up, they came and took it away, and brought it back working.

(Panasonic, TV reception just stopped, <1 year old.)
 TVs - No FM2R
>> TVs leave the factory set up for display in a brightly lit shop

Part of the reason that if you are trying to choose between two TVs by how much you like the display, you should take your own DVD or other source with you having first considered how good that source appears on your existing TV.

It amazes me how often the store has different feeds to different TVs - analogue or digital, varying leads and frequently different content.

Ideal if you can take some kind of player and your own lead.
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