Non-motoring > Orange roaming Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 29

 Orange roaming - Mapmaker
So if you go abroad, you can have 20MB for £1, after they sell you ten at that price, then it's 50p per MB.

So how do you know how much you've used. I'm sure I once read of an app that they had that would tell you. (iPhone).

 Orange roaming - rtj70
Have you not thought of searching the App store for such an app or Googling? There'll be plenty of apps to choose from for this, some for free.

I don't use an iPhone so cannot recommend one, but how about:
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 29 Nov 13 at 11:44
 Orange roaming - Mapmaker
I had googled it to death, so thank you yes I had thought of it. However I had not thought of the app store. Thanks.

Orange Roaming Angel.
 Orange roaming - rtj70
I used Google to find those links. Someone needs to teach you to use Google it seems :-)

I just searched using the terms: iphone data usage app
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 29 Nov 13 at 12:20
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
My new android phone has a built in app for data usage in Settings. So I downloaded another one to see if they told the same story. The one I downloaded reports twice as much data usage as the built in app. Which do I believe? I suppose a call to the ever helpful Orange helpdesk is in order........
 Orange roaming - No FM2R
Is the downloaded one also including WiFi?
 Orange roaming - rtj70
The one I downloaded/bought before Android had it's own (3G Watchdog) usually reports similar data usage to the inbuilt one. And certainly similar to that reported by Vodafone. However, when I dabbled with Google Play Music (when you got it free for a month) I found the 3G Watchdog app reported very high data usage for media.

I don't know how Google Play handles the cached data but it was being counted by the 3G Watchdog app as if it was downloaded. I proved the files were cached because I tried with all data disabled. You can imagine having cached a lot of music from Google Play Music the figures were alarmingly high! But I never went over my allowance for data.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
>> Is the downloaded one also including WiFi?

Nope, it separates them out.
 Orange roaming - No FM2R
Dunno then, because mine seems fairly accurate/consistent.

Which App are you using? I'll have a play.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
"My Data Manager".
 Orange roaming - No FM2R
I need to play with it over a few days. From first messing it seems that my phone app records MORE usage than the downloaded App, although not by a huge magnitude.

I'll let them run for a few days and check again next week.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
OK. Interesting exercise.

I was keen to track it as I wanted to use internet radio, to replace the fantastic DAB app I had on my Nokia N8. I used nearly 100MB of my 750MB allowance in the first 5 days, listening to less than an hour a day. Since then I've accepted the fact that I'll have to go back to 5 live on MW , as I don't want to pay any more for my phone contract to get unlimited data.

I miss my N8. Half tempted to go back to it to be frank.
 Orange roaming - No FM2R
Certainly if you use Internet Radio you have *no* chance with 750Mb.

I listen to Radio 2, Jack FM and 5 live in the car on the school runs and occasionally when I'm on a run somewhere.

And that seems to be always over 1Gb without trying.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
Winds me up to have to pay monthly to access a free to air service like radio, especially BBC radio which I already pay for through the licence. Think I need to get a DAB radio/adapter installed in the car.
 Orange roaming - rtj70
>> Winds me up to have to pay monthly to access a free to air service like radio

But you're not - you'r paying to access it using mobile Internet which is not a broadcast medium. A DAB receiver would me my preference in your situation. Or listen to podcast versions of the radio programme.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
A DAB receiver was always my preference, and I only want to carry one device around with me, which is why the N8 was such a winner. There's nothing else which combines phone, camera and DAB radio. Sadly it got old and needed replacing and I had to go Android or iGroan.

The N8 could be hooked up to my car via aux in to give in-car DAB. I'll now have to change the head unit or get an adapter/receive for the car. Harumph.

>>you'r paying to access it using mobile Internet which is not a broadcast medium

That's exactly what I'm saying - I don't want to consume internet datas and pay for something I can freely receive by another method. My mobile phone change is a step backwards, sadly there was nothing available to match the spec of my old one.

Podcast versions of yesterday's 5 Live Breakfast Show are pretty pointless.

 Orange roaming - rtj70
>> Sadly it got old and needed replacing and I had to go Android or iGroan.

Which bit of the N8 stopped working? Everything or does DAB still work?
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
I know where you're going with this, but I simply don't want to carry two devices about with me, or have the hassle of an extra thing to hook up in the car, make sure it isn't left on display etc.

The N8 could function as an in-car DAB radio in theory, but I'm not too keen to have two things stuck to my dashboard/windscreen/vents/whatever. It could be stowed away, but then I'd not be able to access it to chance channels etc. whilst driving. Couldn't leave it permanently attached to the 12v supply for fear of draining the battery.
 Orange roaming - rtj70
Another option would be to change to a data plan when you can that is truly unlimited. Virgin Mobile for example to a SIM only (no contract) unlimited minutes/texts/data deal for £15pm*.

But if you're tied into a contract you're not going to be able to switch to a more generous tariff.

* I have such a SIM for my step-son. We did have a 'unlimited' VM SIM for £18pm. Then he used more than 1GB and it turned out it wasn't unlimited after all. But then we found out for £3 less they did now have an unlimited tariff. Thank goodness my BT broadband is unlimited - we've used over 200GB this month!
 Orange roaming - Mapmaker
>>Couldn't leave it permanently attached to the 12v supply for fear of draining the battery.

Is your 12V supply live when the ignition is off? If so, then you need to tap it off a different 12V supply that isn't.

Try the mod on the 'Guna and then you'll know what to do for the next one... :o
 Orange roaming - rtj70
I'd have thought controlling it (including turning it on) will be an issue if hidden out of site even if the power drain problem is overcome.

What size head unit are we talking about? Is it a standard DIN or double DIN? A DAB radio if standard DIN would be fairly cheap I'd think (although DAB probably narrow the choice and ups the price a fair bit for head units). And offer Bluetooth connection to phone, handsfree calling etc.
 Orange roaming - WillDeBeest
Perhaps find a car you're going to keep for a while first.

My experience of downloading BBC radio programmes is that 1 minute = approx 1MB, and since streaming is really just downloading while you play, I'd expect that to be much the same. Of course, you may be able to reduce the requirement by reducing the quality, but having heard the 32Mb/s Planet Rock stream, I don't think I'd want to do that for long - not for music anyway.
 Orange roaming - No FM2R

After 3 or 4 days the App almost exactly agrees with my phone on Mobile Data usage, where internet radio is by far and away the highest consumer.

However, the App massively under reports my WiFi usage where uploading/backing up photos I have taken is the highest consumer.

I have no easy way of checking with the MNO what they believe my Mobile Data usage is.

I don't particularly like the App, or have much interest in the figures, so I'll be taking it off. Not sure that I helped much.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
Cheers NF, interesting to get a comparison. I'm not using much data now as I've packed up using internet radio for fear of using too much. I rarely use any data for anything else.

My new car's got an aftermarket Nokia bluetooth receiver thing which seems to work OK with my Sony phoney. So alls I needs now is a DAB adapter, mazda chris pointed me to one in the other thread.
 Orange roaming - rtj70
Looking on my Android phone for data usage:

- 3G Watchdog reports 23.95MB
- Android itself reports 23.7MB

Pretty close. But they weren't when using Google Play Music streaming with cached music.

Comparing to Vodafone, up to yesterday 6pm Vodafone thinks it is 16MB and yet the phone itself reckons 20.4MB.
 Orange roaming - Mapmaker
>> I used Google to find those links. Someone needs to teach you to use Google
>> it seems :-)
>> I just searched using the terms: iphone data usage app

So Mr Google Guru. Tell me exactly which page of google hits, when using your search term that "Orange Roaming Angel" turns up. It's not page 1 - nor anything like - so I suggest I won't be coming to you for these lessons.

As you didn't manage to put "orange" into your search, and that was a specific criterion of my original post, may I suggest remedial google lessons might suit you.

I'll cheerfully wear my dunce's hat for not thinking of looking in the iStore.
 Orange roaming - WillDeBeest
When you've finished with "roaming orange" try googling "travelling lemon" instead.
 Orange roaming - Alanovich
Speaking of which, where's L'Escargot and his bright yellow Focus?
 Orange roaming - Zero
>> Speaking of which, where's L'Escargot and his bright yellow Focus?

he hasn't logged on to the site since he posted this in the safety interlocks thread...

I prevent my Mountfield petrol mower from stopping by having a cable tie around the lever and the handle. When I want the mower to stop I simply slide the cable tie along the handle to release the lever. I have a similar arrangement on my electric hedge trimmer to enable me to use it one-handed.
 Orange roaming - rtj70
>> As you didn't manage to put "orange" into your search, and that was a specific criterion of my original post,

This has nothing to do with Orange - it's data usage. The app would work on any network. The Orange bit is irrelevant.

The one I use on Android breaks down usage across apps for mobile data, WiFi and Roaming is separated out. I'd expect any decent data usage app on iOS to monitor mobile data (not roaming), mobile data (roaming) and Wifi separately.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 29 Nov 13 at 15:57
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