Non-motoring > Something a bit more serious Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 4

 Something a bit more serious - Armel Coussine
I haven't always warmed to him, but the hack Peter Oborne gets better and better. His piece on the Iranian nuclear deal in today's comic is admirably polemical, and gives the egregious Netanyahu a richly deserved kicking.

I wish the Israelis would give the mischievous irresponsible miseryguts the boot. A majority of them would probably like to. Not straightforward in a country normally governed by coalitions though.
 Something a bit more serious - madf
Ah yes Peter Oborne

The only man I know who writes an article one week saying David Cameron is a plonker and then three weeks later says the opposite.

He'a a weather cock.
 Something a bit more serious - Armel Coussine

>> He'a a weather cock.

Like all columnists worth their salt. You can do that without contradicting yourself, or you can say you got it a bit wrong last time and you know better now... times change, views change and no one knows it all.

Private Eye makes fun of this with its Glenda Slag pieces. But Oborne's no Glenda. He's in my good books today.
 Something a bit more serious - Roger.
>> >> He'a a weather cock.
 Something a bit more serious - Dog
>>and gives the egregious Netanyahu a richly deserved kicking.

Well deserving, in my not-so humble opinion.
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