Non-motoring > One for RP maybe? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 26

 One for RP maybe? - devonite
A question, probably in RP's dept!:

A friend, (single Male who owns his home outright) has taken in (on a temporary basis) a single young woman who due to physical violence by her (now ex) partner was thrown-out into the street (with her pets, 2 x Dogs + 2 x Cats!).He has told her she can stay there till she finds somewhere to live. As the spare bedroom is an entertainment room (T.V, Hi-fi, games room) she is presently camping on the living room floor with Duvets etc.

He at present is letting her stay there, feeding her, letting her generally use his home as her own. He is not accepting any money off her (she hasn't any ). In return she sometimes makes him a meal or two and does a bit of cleaning and tidying for him.

He is in the support group for benefits and is worried about what penalties may be levied Against him by the DWP.

What are t5he next steps? Advice please! - thanks
 One for RP maybe? - Mapmaker
Council tax single person discount fraud?
 One for RP maybe? - Westpig
I take it he's also getting a 'leg over'?
 One for RP maybe? - Zero
he's got two new pussies to play with.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 14 Nov 13 at 16:45
 One for RP maybe? - Duncan
>> he's got two new pussies to play with.

I counted three!
 One for RP maybe? - R.P.
You may commit a benefit fraud if you give incorrect or misleading information, or fail to report a change of circumstances, that could affect your Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Even if you are not committing fraud, you can cause an overpayment that will have to be repaid. Your circumstances can be checked at any time while you are claiming. Benefit fraud is a criminal offence and you can be prosecuted or asked to pay a penalty. If you are being investigated for benefit fraud, your benefit will be suspended. If you are convicted of benefit fraud more than once, your benefit can be reduced or stopped in the future.

That's what the public CAB portal has to say. In practice there could be an investigation at any stage. The reality is that the DWP will assume she's a lodger or "partner" in the Biblical sense - someone may grass them up (it happens all the time) and the recipient called in to explain.

The above says it all really.
 One for RP maybe? - MJW1994
>> >> he's got two new pussies to play with.
>> >>
>> I counted three!

And my uncle told me this site was good for intellectual debate.....

 One for RP maybe? - Armel Coussine
devonite is being slow to deny that his friend is playing with a lot of pussies and failing to inform the authorities. The friend sounds a bit dodgy to me... but no, there has to be an innocent explanation. There just has to be.

Actually there's nothing impossible in the kind of arrangement described. 'Legover' doesn't have to be a factor, although few men can resist having a try.
 One for RP maybe? - Westpig
>> 'Legover' doesn't have to be
>> a factor,
I was just working on a 'balance of probabilities'
 One for RP maybe? - Robin O'Reliant
>> >> 'Legover' doesn't have to be
>> >> a factor,
>> >>
>> I was just working on a 'balance of probabilities'

Then again, we don't know their respective ages -
 One for RP maybe? - Cliff Pope
He might be gay.
 One for RP maybe? - devonite
He he!

Thanks for the "helpful" replies! ;-)

No "legover" shes 20 yrs younger and she has Morals!!!!! ;-(

shown him RP's reply, and he's off up to see CAB this after, she's also arranged an appointment with the Emergency housing officer for Monday.

He isn't too bothered to rush getting her out, he enjoys her company and a tidy house! - but he doesn't want it to cost him financially in the benefit dept. He was thinking along the lines of - As he's emergency housing her, maybe the DWP should pay him expenses so that he's not out of pocket doing their job??
 One for RP maybe? - Robin O'Reliant
>> No "legover" shes 20 yrs younger and she has Morals!!!!! ;-(
Twenty years younger would be a plus in my book, and a bottle of wine would take care of the morals.
 One for RP maybe? - Ted

20 minutes younger would be for me...with a bottle of Sanatogen.!

 One for RP maybe? - madf
Forget the sanatogen - viagera is more effective...(so I am told)
 One for RP maybe? - Ted
>> Forget the sanatogen - viagera is more effective...(so I am told)

>> Metformin is reported recently to be the new Viagra !

Since I take 2 grams every lunchtime, have been for years, come on down girls !

 One for RP maybe? - Mapmaker
>> He was thinking along the lines of - As he's emergency housing her, maybe the DWP
>>should pay him expenses so that he's not out of pocket doing their job??

Not. A. Hope.
 One for RP maybe? - FocalPoint
"he's got two new pussies to play with.
I counted three!"

" uncle told me this site was good for intellectual debate....."

Oh, it is. We are musing on the existential ramifications of two-ness versus three-ness.

And on a recurrent male fantasy...
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Fri 15 Nov 13 at 15:49
 One for RP maybe? - madf
>> "he's got two new pussies to play with.
>> I counted three!"
>> " uncle told me this site was good for intellectual debate....."
>> Oh, it is. We are musing on the existential ramifications of two-ness versus three-ness.
>> And on a recurrent male fantasy...

Is the world binary or tertiary? We ought to know..
 One for RP maybe? - FocalPoint
BTW, shouldn't the thread be entitled "One for BBD maybe?"
 One for RP maybe? - VxFan
>> "One for BBD maybe?"

He wouldn't be satisfied with just one.
 One for RP maybe? - MJW1994
I have the misfortune of having to temporarily sit next to a middle-aged man in his late 40s at work and listening to his experiences of using Viagra. I asked him whether it actually worked, to which he replied it certainly did, almost too well in his case. He’s one of the senior managers but doesn’t seem to have a lot to do apart from eyeing up nice pairs of legs and frequently pointing them out to me. It’s quite entertaining for about five minutes but I like to get on with my work which requires intense concentration if a fault has been reported in one of the software modules I maintain. I am often interrupted and encouraged to cast my eye to the other side of the office where some innocent lady might have appeared on his radar. Maybe I’m just wired up differently.

I would have assumed that blokes of his age might have lost interest by now. Fortunately I shall be moved in the New Year as I am working on a new project that will mean sitting elsewhere.
 One for RP maybe? - No FM2R
>> a middle-aged man in his late 40s

>>assumed that blokes of his age might have lost interest by now

You're heading for a slap.

 One for RP maybe? - Robin O'Reliant
You NEVER lose interest.

Unfortunately, beyond a certain age the women lose interest in you :-(
 One for RP maybe? - Pat
Neither do women...whatever their age!

The innocence of youth....

 One for RP maybe? - R.P.
Flying witches the lot at my age...!
 One for RP maybe? - Armel Coussine
>> I would have assumed that blokes of his age might have lost interest by now. Fortunately I >> shall be moved in the New Year as I am working on a new project that will mean sitting >>elsewhere.

A boss of mine in the sixties forced a lot of confidences about the enormous seeing-to he had given his other half the previous night, as we hurtled through the West End in a taxi to some pointless meeting.

He was Australian. I was embarrassed. Must I sound encoouraging, or play it cool? After a while he asked, quite cleverly really: 'D'you think I'm mad, AC?'

He was as mad as a hatter but I said, of course not, or words to that effect. One is so feeble sometimes.
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