Non-motoring > Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dulwich Estate Replies: 8

 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Dulwich Estate
I keep an eye of sorts on an elderly parent's paperwork: things like tax, insurance and so on and offer help when I can.

But, I had clearly taken my eye off the ball for the buildings insurance – this time I was told it had gone up by about £35 to close on £400, a similar margin to last year and the year before that. The £400 surprised me and a quick internet search showed the cheapest with a decent company (are there any ?) at £110. The person doesn't like change and really wanted to stay with the long term insurer who's web price for identical cover was £164.

This is simply outrageous. I don't suppose I can name names of these over 50s specialists but I can say that getting the quote wasn't a saga at all. It certainly Rankles, Irritates And Stinks.
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Slidingpillar
I keep records of what I'm charged. It seems first year you get an introductory discount and the policy is nice and cheap. Second year, no discount but a figure that's not too bad. Third year, silly price, time to start a new policy and cancel the old one. I think if you stay that long, they think they've got you.

I could cancel every year, but as deaf householders are not really catered for, I have to get my brother to do it (and be me).

 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Zero

>> I could cancel every year, but as deaf householders are not really catered for, I
>> have to get my brother to do it (and be me).

I havent spoken to an insurance company, or utility company in 4 years. Its all done on the web. N
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - BobbyG
Well my house fire was in April 2008 and as my renewal is due next week, I can now tick no to the online box of "have you had a claim in the last 5 years"!!

When I used to click yes and then put £120k in the claim value box for some reason I used to get a message telling me they couldn't quote online.......

[As a footnote, the ins company (Axa) advised me that the claim was finally settled against my neighbours ins company on 7 October 2013 ! Five and a half years later!
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Mapmaker

>> [As a footnote, the ins company (Axa) advised me that the claim was finally settled
>> against my neighbours ins company on 7 October 2013 ! Five and a half years
>> later!

I hope they claimed for your increased premiums over the five year period. If not, get onto them. That is your neighbour's problem.
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Zero

>> I hope they claimed for your increased premiums over the five year period. If not,
>> get onto them. That is your neighbour's problem.

It is and it isn't. By living next to a stupid neighbour Bobby is a higher risk, and the insurance company have a right to increase the premium, and not drop them.

Now if you can go to court and try and claim the increased premiums back from the plonker next door is another matter.
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Slidingpillar
I havent spoken to an insurance company, or utility company in 4 years. Its all done on the web. N

Keep getting snared by the dreaded "auto-renew" and a credit card continuous payment. Somewhere there is a "no" box, but they hide it very well!
Last edited by: Slidingpillar on Thu 7 Nov 13 at 21:38
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Zero
But they don't just "auto renew" you always get an email with the new price, and an invitation to check your details a month before renewal. At that point you can change.
 Another Insurance Loyalty Price Story - Slidingpillar
Yup, but you have to call if you don't want them to. Year 2 fair enough, but the urine extraction of the price in year 3 ought to get anyone to quit. From memory about 80% or more above the same companies on-line new policy quote.
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