Non-motoring > What is the world coming to? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 9

 What is the world coming to? - Armel Coussine
I didn't see it, but herself and her sister watched University Challenge this evening. One of the teams, they said, was from Somerville College Oxford, the first women's college I think.

They said in tones of horror that all the Somerville team were men, and that they had a big fluffy stuffed toy as a mascot. They probably call Oxford 'uni' as well.

They said their mother, who was at Somerville in the twenties, would be turning in her grave. I would be too if I were dead.

Bloood-cloth! (or rather, not). Tchah!
 What is the world coming to? - Badwolf
The whole thing went pear-shaped once they gave the women the vote, dontcha know?
 What is the world coming to? - No FM2R
They've given women the vote !?!?!? When did *that* happen?
 What is the world coming to? - Armel Coussine
Women aged 30 got the vote in the early 1920s. In about 1928 women of 21 got the vote. Frankly I think that's quite young enough for anyone to get the vote.

But what has that got to do with women's colleges full of young men, with fluffy-toy mascots? Come on you non-snobbish unisex modernists. Bring it on! Call me names, if your tertiary education was up to it.
 What is the world coming to? - No FM2R
Tertiary? I think I'm up to my duodenary.
 What is the world coming to? - Armel Coussine
>> Women aged 30 got the vote in the early 1920s.

Sorry, that was wrong: it was 1918, the same year that universal male suffrage (i.e. without some sort of property qualification) came in.
 What is the world coming to? - Cliff Pope
>> >> Women aged 30 got the vote in the early 1920s.
>> Sorry, that was wrong: it was 1918, the same year that universal male suffrage (i.e.
>> without some sort of property qualification) came in.

Property-owning women had the vote in local elections in 1843:
 What is the world coming to? - Zero
We have had universal adult sufferage in the UK since 1928.

And quite frankly we have suffered at the hands of politicians long enough. Never was something so aptly named.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 5 Nov 13 at 08:20
 What is the world coming to? - Cliff Pope
It might have seemed universal at that the time, but that was with a narrower definition of "adult". When you look back from an enlightened age where adults start at 18, at looks a bit restrictive rather than universal.
In due course when the voting age is lowered to 16 we shall record "universal adult suffrage wasn't introduced until 2020".
But of course prisoners didn't get the vote until 2020 either, nor did badgers.
 What is the world coming to? - ....
Are you sure it was not a bunch of wags from the other Oxford formerly polytechnic and (Jimmy) Somerville college?
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