Non-motoring > iPhone Apps update Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Rudedog Replies: 13

 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog
On my 4s I keep getting the red number showing on the App Store icon, I go to do an update but no apps appear requiring an update, it seems to be stuck on 2 so when it shows 3 then only 1 app will be displayed for updating (which I can do OK).

I've quit the App Store, and done a power-down but still no luck.

Any ideas?
 iPhone Apps update - Zero
2 of your apps have not completed an update. You need to find out which ones they are (blue bar under them?) and unistall and reinstall them.
 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog
OK I'll have look through the apps on the phone, it's a shame that hey don't appear on the update screen if they haven't completed so I can notice them straight away.
 iPhone Apps update - VxFan
I take it you haven't updated to IOS 7 yet?

It now displays what Apps have been updated, and when, as well as any Apps that require updating. I'm guessing it would also indicate what Apps haven't properly updated as it won't have "Update" or "Open" next to them.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 29 Oct 13 at 12:51
 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog
No I'm still on OS6, my thought was that these little niggles are due to running the older OS.
 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog
OK I went through all of my apps and checked that none had the black bar below them and they were all complete but this morning the red number 2 has returned again, where else can the phone be looking to think there are still 2 app updates needed?
 iPhone Apps update - No FM2R
I don't use an iPhone, but its not indicating the iOS upgrade is it?
 iPhone Apps update - Zero
that should be on the "settings" tile
 iPhone Apps update - VxFan
>> No I'm still on OS6,

Why haven't you updated to IOS7?

I've got an older iPhone4 and the new IOS runs ok on it.

Also, do you occasionally sinc the phone to iTunes? If so, what updates are being shown in iTunes?
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 30 Oct 13 at 12:59
 iPhone Apps update - Zero
>> >> No I'm still on OS6,
>> Why haven't you updated to IOS7?

If you don't have to, you like the old style, and you don't want to, why bother.
 iPhone Apps update - movilogo
My iPad 1 still runs iOS 4.3 :-)

On my budget Android phone, I have now stopped updating any app. Most of the cases updated apps don't offer anything really useful but do take more internal memory :-(

 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog
Yes the OS7 upgrade is showing on the settings icon but I prefer OS6 for the moment, I'll try a sync using iTunes & cable.
 iPhone Apps update - PeterS
I've also got an iPad 1 on iOS 4.3, and while it's OK I have noticed it getting slower (and less stable...) than my 'new iPad' (which isn't the new iPad anymore...). I do prefer the look and feel of it though to that of the latest iOS running on the new one...
 iPhone Apps update - Rudedog

It looks like it could be an OS7 issue, after I synced with iTunes it flagged up that 2 apps weren't compatible with my iPhone, both are Apple apps (Podcasts & Find iPhone), they still work but it seems I'll keep getting the update symbol until I go onto 7!
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