Non-motoring > when did you have your first "donner' Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 28

 when did you have your first "donner' - Zero
According to this, they were invented in Berlin in 1972.

Clearly a load of old cobblers, I has one in london at least as early as 1972.

The proper, slice it off the rotating tree of fat thing, as well.

With salad and chile sauce
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 26 Oct 13 at 18:54
 when did you have your first "donner' - R.P.
Chester around 1981/2 - Friend's stag night....
 when did you have your first "donner' - Runfer D'Hills
Never tried one to be honest. Not really in any great rush to remedy that either ! However, if you ever find yourself on Rose St in Edinburgh in the wee small hours I can recommend a deep fried spring roll supper ( "supper" aka "with chips" ) to help keep the hunger pangs at bay.
 when did you have your first "doner' - Manatee
>> I can recommend a deep fried spring roll supper ( "supper" aka "with chips" )

The chippie in Aberfoyle last week had a chalked sign referring to "supers". Puzzled me for a second or two.
 when did you have your first "donner' - Old Navy
>> ( "supper" aka "with chips" ).

Trying to educate the "English speakers"?
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 26 Oct 13 at 20:23
 when did you have your first "doner' - Manatee
I've come close but have always tinned out of it. Those elephant legs look well dodgy. Fish, chips and mushy peas for me.

I can't remember when I first saw them, but I do remember 1971 as my first exposure to a pizza parlour. We had a sheltered life in the north.
 when did you have your first "doner' - Robin O'Reliant
Had a couple of bites of one sometime in the seventies. The rest went in the bin.
 when did you have your first "doner' - No FM2R
Cemetery Junction, Reading; around 79/80. Loved it then, loved them ever since.
 when did you have your first "doner' - Skip
I was a late starter, had my first in the late 80's but must have eaten hundreds since. I am more sophisticated these days though, lamb or chicken shish for me now !
 when did you have your first "doner' - mikeyb
Don't recall my first doner, but consumed a fair few during my late teens / early twenties. Remember on place where we always used to get extra hot chili sauce with them.

Cant remember the last time I had one - think that's a good thing!
 when did you have your first "donner' - henry k
>> According to this, they were invented in Berlin in 1972.
>> Clearly a load of old cobblers, I has one in london at least as early as 1972.
>> The proper, slice it off the rotating tree of fat thing, as well.
I used to enjoy them in Jeddah and other places in SA in the 1970s especially from outlets that had wood fires not those gas jobs.
 when did you have your first "donner' - Armel Coussine
I'm pretty sure, but not absolutely certain, that they were around before 1960. Certainly had some in the sixties. They aren't quite as good as a seekh kebab in a roti though.

They can be very satisfying especially after a pint or two. But shish kebabs with proper bits of lamb are better really.

One can't help thinking there's something unhygienic about that huge lump of mince being toasted and then allowed to cool overnight. But if you think about it all the salmonella and so on gets cooked to death when they turn the machine on again. It may be festering away in the middle, but they carve slices off the outside.

Not even Turks want to poison the punters, innit?
 when did you have your first "donner' - NortonES2
In 1974, in Birmingham, pitta bread with probably even more dangerous salad. Our office was very central at the time. Easy access to an alternative menu. Made a change from Kunzle cake.
Last edited by: NIL on Sat 26 Oct 13 at 21:16
 when did you have your first "donner' - Duncan
>> chile sauce

Too far to go!
 when did you have your first "donner' - No FM2R
Indeed. And if there is a decent kebab within 2,000 miles of here then I haven't found it.
 when did you have your first "donner' - Runfer D'Hills
>> if there is a decent kebab within 2,000 miles of here then I haven't found it.

Business opportunity?

 when did you have your first "donner' - Ted

Never had one...probably never will. I've always seen them in the same league as those hot dogs sold from little trolleys in the city centre at pub closing time.......disgusting. You'd need 12 pints of Chester's fighting mild in you to eat one !

Played many a game of cat and mouse with their grubby operators, moving them on then finding them again round the corner. Owned by a firm called ' Ungers ' up here. The name would put me off.

 when did you have your first "donner' - Armel Coussine
>> Never had one...probably never will. I've always seen them in the same league as those hot dogs sold from little trolleys in the city centre at pub closing time

A couple of my minicabbing colleagues back in seventies South London wouldn't eat kebabs because their mums thought them suspect and foreign. 'You don't know what they put in them.' Even a shish kebab whose ingredients are plain for all to see was dodgy to them.

I have to say Ted that while a hot dog can indeed be disgusting, a döner kebab seldom is if you don't think about it too much, and they are far, far tastier than hot dogs.
 when did you have your first "donner' - swiss tony
>> Never had one...probably never will. I've always seen them in the same league as those
>> hot dogs sold from little trolleys in the city centre at pub closing time.......disgusting.

 when did you have your first "donner' - No FM2R
I worked a burger and hot dog van down the Oxford Road in Reading. That was hard work; such hard work its not something I'm ever likely to tackle again.

Now, if there was a business opportunity for sitting on your butt and drinking vodka....
 when did you have your first "donner' - Runfer D'Hills
Wasn't particularly suggesting you do it yourself, there is a small hotel in Novo Hamburgo in south eastern Brazil where they now know how to do proper fish and chips and indeed mince 'n tatties.

I'm proud to say...

( Well they did 20 years ago anyway, standards may have slipped of course. )
 when did you have your first "donner' - -
There was a Turkish feller used to park his car and trailer in several spots round the county, would always be in Finedon Northants on a Friday evening, jolly good donners he made and really tasty Shish's, huge portion and a large dish of good salad to go with it.

This would be around the early 80's.

Haven't had one for probably 20 years.

Talking of mobile catering vans, if you are passing Banbury come off the M40 and take the road into Banbury from the motorway roundabout, first roundabout turn left (behind hotel), convenient filling station comes up on the left and a small roundaboout beside it, turn left its a small ind est and the van is there in front of you.

Couple of very busy fellows run it, maybe Turkish don't know not bothered nice lads, the food is simply outstanding and infinitely varied, good value and plenty of it, and they're open 7 days a week till about 8pm most nights.

Do yourself a favour and have a egg n bacon (scrumptious bacon some of the best i've tasted not dripping in grease) stick for about £3.10, a meal on its own, might see you in there, regular delivery point nearby.
 when did you have your first "donner' - R.P.
Damn, wished I'd known that last month when I was passing on the bike - I nearly popped into Banbury to visit a particular store which we don't have up here. - I'd have had my lunch there...
 when did you have your first "donner' - Roger.
Doner Kebabs always struck me as death-on-a-stick!
I must confess to trying one, in Slough, in about 1974.
I much preferred the then, equally unusual, Big Mac (X2) + an apple pie thingy for luncheon.
 when did you have your first "donner' - MJW1994
I've never had it.
 when did you have your first "donner' - DP
They were an integral part of our Saturday night pub crawl for years. Fall out of whichever pub we were in at last orders, stagger to the kebab van for a large doner with salad and chilli sauce, and munch them en route to the taxi.

One day I did the usual Saturday night out with the lads, but was on antibiotics so not drinking. I discovered two important things that night:

1) Drunk people, even those you consider really good mates are incredibly annoying when you're sober

2) Doner kebabs taste absolutely disgusting when sober.

Never touched a kebab since.

 when did you have your first "donner' - Alanovich
>> 2) Doner kebabs taste absolutely disgusting when sober.

Disagree. Had one for dinner last week whilst stone cold. Yummo. Depends on the establishment, I suppose. My local provider is excellent.

I had my first from a van outside Staines cinema in 1986. Top Gun, if I remember correctly. My sister was driving and she managed to reverse her 2CV in to a bollard. Wing off and dent beaten out the next morning, Mum was non the wiser.
 when did you have your first "donner' - DP
One of our group, a big lad from Durham we only knew as 'Chiz', used to buy two kebabs. One for the walk to the taxi. The other to be placed straight in the fridge when he arrived home, and eaten cold for breakfast the next morning.

So many levels of wrong..... ;-)
 when did you have your first "donner' - zookeeper
it must be ten years since my last one..... i recall the day, Dyno-rod were rodding the kebab shops drains
as i strolled past
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