Non-motoring > Captain Phillips..... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Haywain Replies: 28

 Captain Phillips..... - Haywain
Yesterday afternoon, we went down to the local Picture House to see 'Captain Phillips'; if you were gripped by Argo, then this will put you through the wringer in a similar way. Mrs H and I both said that we felt (quite unexpectedly) emotional at the end. But don't read too much about it beforehand because you will, as always, find reports from people who say that "it didn't really happen like that!".

Having passed close to these massive container ships in Felixstowe docks in my mate's fishing boat, followed them round the world on Marinetraffic, and developed an interest in and a respect for them - it didn't take much for the film to draw me in.

I won't say any more than - 'it's worth going to see!'.

N.B. I didn't say "It's worth going to sea!".
 Captain Phillips..... - helicopter
Not quite as heroic as the film makes out apparently ...... ( news report below)

“We said, ‘You want us to knock it off and go to our pirate stations?’ ” explained the crew member. “And he goes, ‘Oh, no, no, no — you’ve got to do the lifeboats drill.’ This is how screwed up he is. These are drills we need to do once a year. Two boats with pirates and he doesn’t give a s- -t. That’s the kind of guy he is.”

When the pirates stormed the boat, the film is apparently quite misguided in its depiction of Phillips as a hero willing to sacrifice himself. According to the crew, he was just taken.

11 crew members on the Maersk Alabama are now suing Maersk Line and the Waterman Steamship Corp. for almost $50 million, claiming a “willful, wanton and conscious disregard for their safety.” The real Captain Phillips recently appeared with Hanks on the cover of Parade Magazine, under the headline “The Making of an American Hero.”

 Captain Phillips..... - Crankcase
As ever I find myself at a loss until I get to Google.

I thought Captain Phillips was married to Princess Anne.
 Captain Phillips..... - Dutchie
He was and left Ann and the horses and became a Captain on a Container Ship.
 Captain Phillips..... - Haywain
"Not quite as heroic as the film makes out apparently ...... "

Yes, helicopter, that is what I was alluding to .......... but I didn't want to risk spoiling it for anyone who wanted to see the film for themselves.

I think we all know by now that Americans, and particularly the film industry, don't like to let the truth get in the way of a good story. Someone will be along shortly to point out that Superman didn't really exist ;-)
 Captain Phillips..... - legacylad
A friend of mine who lives in the Indian Ocean has life long friends who have jobs in a harbour not a million miles from Somalia. Its surprising what doesn't get into the papers, even if only a few of the stories I hear are true.
A similar scenario to the Brazilian guy trying to steal the bike in another post.
Needless to say, the Russians are involved in most of the stories.
 Captain Phillips..... - Alanovich
>> A friend of mine who lives in the Indian Ocean

You know Spongebob Squarepants? Or is it Patrick?
 Captain Phillips..... - Old Navy
The Greenpeace activists (or anyone else) must have led a sheltered life if they expect any sympathy from the Russians.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 17 Oct 13 at 16:43
 Captain Phillips - BobbyG
Any of you been to see this film yet? What did you think about it especially the actual filming?

I had to leave the cinema about half way through it feeling very queasy and sweat pouring off me. Nothing to do with the plot but more to do with the motion in all the filming, the flash filming, the rapid movement of the camera during scenes.

After I stood outside and got some fresh air about me and came back in I was fine. Cinema was warm but not too that degree.

The last time I felt like this was at the cinema, one of the Harry Potter films where they were playing Quidditch. Its probably why I also don't play video games either!

Anyone else suffer like this with films and video games?

merged with other thread on same subject
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 31 Oct 13 at 09:57
 Captain Phillips - Focusless
>> Nothing to do with the plot but more to do with
>> the motion in all the filming, the flash filming, the rapid movement of the camera
>> during scenes.

Haven't seen the film but did notice that in the clips they've been showing, and it did put me off a bit, although I don't think it would make me queasy.

It's a bit like Downton Abbey - the 'downstairs' scenes are shot with a wobbly camera. Do you think anybody's actually done any research that shows audiences like this sort of artificial effect?
Last edited by: Focusless on Thu 31 Oct 13 at 09:30
 Captain Phillips - Alanovich
Well, I've experienced similar with an arcade video game. I was on a ferry (Holyhead-Dun Laoghaire since you ask), and I usually get all kinds of seasick on ferries, but this day the sea was like the cliched mill pond. Nary a ripple. I was bored, and went on one of those arcade car racing games things, you know, recaro style seat, mini steering wheel, all that jazz. I finished my game (quickly, I'm hopeless), stood up, turned about and instantly threw up on the floor. I was about 24/25 at the time I think. I expect everyone thought I was ratted, but I'd had only one pint at the ferry's bar shortly before.
 Captain Phillips - Zero

>> at the time I think. I expect everyone thought I was ratted, but I'd had
>> only one pint at the ferry's bar shortly before.

bad pint.
 Captain Phillips - Duncan
>> >> at the time I think. I expect everyone thought I was ratted, but I'd
>> had
>> >> only one pint at the ferry's bar shortly before.
>> bad pint.

Home brew.
 Captain Phillips - Zero
>> Home brew.

should have gone to.....?
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 31 Oct 13 at 09:57
 Captain Phillips - Zero
Hot cinema? probably the smell from your shoes.
 Captain Phillips - CGNorwich
Brilliant film with Tom Hanks giving his best ever performance in my opinion. Directed by Paul Greengrass of "Bourne Ultimatum" fame s you would expect it to be be fast paced and tense which it is. Probably the film of the year so far.

As far as motion sickness is concerned I remember some one sending a text to this effect on the Mark Kermode/Simon Mayo film review on Radio 5 Live but I have to say that as someone who suffers from motion sickness and wont ever go in a bus or the back seat of a car if I can help it, it didn't have any affect on me. I was sitting in the front row of the cinema too!
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Thu 31 Oct 13 at 09:37
 Captain Phillips - Crankcase
Not seen the film but that's enough to put me off. Can empathise. I have the enjoyable Skyrim game on the playstation, and much as I enjoy it I can manage perhaps ten minutes before it makes me feel sick. Same with Half life 2.

Which is a blow. But even thinking about it now is making me a bit wibbly.
 Captain Phillips - mikeyb
Went after work last night with a couple of guys from the office (as the respective other half's didn't want to see it). Really enjoyed it, one of the best films I've see in a while. Kept my attention and left you not being sure what was going to happen to Phillips until the very end. Reminded me what a good actor Hanks can be given the right role.

Last film I went to see in the cinema was Rush - unlike me to manage 2 decent films back to back!
 Captain Phillips - legacylad
How true to the real story is it?
I know its simplistic, but given the value of the cargo on these ships, why don't the owners employ half a dozen ex military types, with hardware, on each vessel, so they can blow these 'pirates' out of the water if attacked ?

 Captain Phillips - Zero
There is an international anti piracy force out there now. Convoy system with military escort would stop it stone dead.
 Captain Phillips - legacylad
Presumably Z this anti piracy force came into being after the larger vessels were hijacked? I have not heard of any large vessels being abducted recently.
As an aside...I went to a school with a CCF and several of my friends went into the forces. Two of them, after leaving the Army, instead of joining the police as others did, now work in personal protection in more hazardous parts of the world. The kind of guys who would have been in their element behind a Bofors gun on an Arctic convoy. Assuming it wasn't frozen.
 Captain Phillips - Zero
>> Presumably Z this anti piracy force came into being after the larger vessels were hijacked?

Yes it did.

>> I have not heard of any large vessels being abducted recently.

Its seasonal surprisingly, the piracy season is just about to start, but I suspect it will be tough pickings.

 Captain Phillips - legacylad
I shall await news from my friends in the Victoria Harbour Authority.
 Captain Phillips - CGNorwich
Up to 2011 most merchant vessels in the area were unarmed. The maritime law of most countries prohibited vessels carrying firearms. In 2011 the UK changed the law allowing the licensing of security guards carrying firearms for vessels in areas where piracy was an issue. Most other countries passed similar laws. The US actually took it further and US vessels are in fact now required by law to carry armed security agents
 Captain Phillips - Alanovich
>> I went to a school with a CCF

I used to work for CCF.

Commercial Ceiling Factors of Reading.
 Captain Phillips - Roger.
I was IN the CCF at my school!
 Captain Phillips - mikeyb
>> How true to the real story is it?
>> I know its simplistic, but given the value of the cargo on these ships, why
>> don't the owners employ half a dozen ex military types, with hardware, on each vessel,
>> so they can blow these 'pirates' out of the water if attacked ?

Some do now. My cousin left the marines to pursue this as a carear. Good money I believe
 Captain Phillips - Runfer D'Hills
>>left the marines to pursue this as a carear

I suppose as a job it would also have the advantage of most days being fairly easy but a downside of being quite busy on occasions !

Your typo made made think of this BTW...

-How many ears do Klingons have?



-Yep, a left ear, a right ear and a final front...
 Captain Phillips - Dutchie
I was hoping to see the film about Captain Philips today,we ended up watching Thor.Anything for a easy live.>:)
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