Non-motoring > YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fenlander Replies: 29

 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Anyone using Youview and if so with which box?

We're 6mths over our min contract with BT and they are just too expensive so going to swap ISP which will lose us our BT Vision service which does the same as YouView.

Wondering about alternatives.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Robin O'Reliant
I've got Youview from Talk Talk through a Huawei box. Apart from taking well over a minute to boot up from cold it works ok and does what I want.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Robbie34
You don't need anything else if you have a smart TV. I have a Sony and it's brilliant.

I have 60mb broadband with Virgin so no problem with content.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Does the smart TV record onto a hard drive or do you need an extra box to do that?
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Bigtee
Sky there is no alternative................
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - No FM2R
What service to you want Fenlander?

What kind of content, any premium films or sports? And what do you want to do with it? [record, play to many rooms, etc. etc].

There's a billion different solutions out there these days, it comes down to what you want to do and how possible that is for what you want to pay.

Insofar as YouView is concerned, I think its very good. *IF* it fits what you want.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Thu 17 Oct 13 at 17:32
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
No interest in Sky I'm afraid... don't want sport, films or monkey dramas.... unless they do a tightwads service of phone/broadband/Youview type thing around £24/mth.

Been totally happy with BT Vision features except their creeping upwards costs for anytime phone/unlimited broadband/TV package.

So just want to swap to ISP where the Youview isn't tied to them and buy our own box... I think.

So I would like freeview with HD, hard drive recording for at least two programs at once, catch-up TV i.e. IPlayer and the other 4, 7-day TV scroll back via epg and of course pause/rewind live TV.

I can save £27/mth on our phone/broadband by leaving BT and it seems something like a Humax box around £200 (or used £120 on Ebay) will do all the above.

So 8mths in the box is paid for and then it's all saving.

Annoyingly I'm sure BT could have allowed their Vision boxes to work as Youview boxes even when you left BT... but they don't.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
>>>unless they do a tightwads service of phone/broadband/Youview type thing around £24/mth.

Just had a look at Sky and it seems the cheapest TV/phone/broadband package is £49.40.... too much as we'd be paying for extra TV we didn't want.

BTW don't need multiroom and I'd prefer to keep existing TV as I've just laid out £20 to upgrade from a 5yr old 26" Panny to a 8mth old 37" LG which is a great improvement.

 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - No FM2R
Then I think YouView is for you, with the Humax box. Just be wary of any download quota limitations on any new ISP deal you do.

You will want to be sure you have both the speed and the permitted capacity you want. (especially if you're doing the watch one, record another approach where higher capacity and allowance will be needed.

Mostly not an issue these days, but worth paying attention to on the cheaper ISP deals.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Zero

>> So I would like freeview with HD, hard drive recording for at least two programs
>> at once, catch-up TV i.e. IPlayer and the other 4, 7-day TV scroll back via
>> epg and of course pause/rewind live TV.

So why dont you just buy a freeview PVR, and get anyones internet for your iplayer type stuff?

 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Is a freeview PVR the same as a youview box I wonder? That's been confusing as the ones that do everything I need say youview on them and some of the freeview PVRs seem to have most of the facilities but nor sure if all have Iplayer, ITV player etc.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Zero
some freeview PVRS have some of the i-player type features. The humax for instance has BBC Iplayer, but none of the others stream features. Your TV may make up the shortfall if its internet connected.

You can buy a youview box

but you can use it on any ISP.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Robbie34
The Humax DTR-T1010 YouView is what you need.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Zero I'm a bit wary of buying any box that has a logo of an ISP on it and direct access buttons to that ISP's content. I really don't want to risk finding there are any downsides if you are not using that ISP.

I've been stung already to find the promise made (verbally) by BT that the Vision box would be ours after the min contract and keep working was completely wrong. Also BT enforced a box software upgrade on us (everyone) earlier this year which lost all existing recorded programmes.

The Humax range Robbie mentions seems ideal. Our new to us TV isn't a smart type so we do need the box to provide all smart functions. I think I'll give an Ebay Humax a go, looks like quite a few folks are disapointed with the Youview content and soon upgrade to Sky so selling off as new boxes just a few months old saving £100+ compared with new.#

BTW thanks for the advice No FM re broadband usage for TV. After finding we used a month's allowance in about 10 days initially with BT on our capped contract we upgraded to unlimited and would always have that package with any ISP.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 18 Oct 13 at 11:24
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Update... just ordered a Humax box, will report on it next week.

Thanks for advice.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - No FM2R
>>BTW thanks for the advice No FM re broadband usage for TV. After finding we used a month's allowance in about 10 days initially with BT on our capped contract we upgraded to unlimited and would always have that package with any ISP.

Very wise. Also bear in mind that ISPs seem to believe that the word "unlimited" can be interpreted so check their "Fair Use" policy.

Because while they may not be able to limit your usage in the case of an unlimited deal, what they can and will do is turn the speed right down for the rest of the month if you exceed their policy.

You can get caught out.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Crankcase
If you look at the Advertising Standards Authority website for complaints, you'll see that ISPs have a lot of entries. There are quite a few over the years about "unlimited" if you want to search.

Much more excitingly, you'll also find adjudications about complaints by people who clearly escapees from this forum, and have nothing better to do. One person complained about a Calvin Klein ad this month because (s)he thought the model looked a bit underweight, for example, which meant hoops had to be gone through to get the ad agency to produce a BMI reading for her.

Makes jobs I suppose.

Last edited by: Crankcase on Fri 18 Oct 13 at 12:53
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
Just an update for anyone interested...

Bought a mint boxed Humax DTR1000 on Ebay... a steal at £70 compared with £200+ new.

Everything is perfect and no longer tied to BT. All the catch up players, roll back TV for 7 days, 500GB recording (compared with 160GB of the old BT Vision box)... and we've got HD for the first time.

Now that's sorted time to dump BT as our ISP.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 25 Oct 13 at 19:16
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Zero

>> Now that's sorted time to dump BT as our ISP.

Funny that, I dumped other ISPs to move to BT...

You'll soon figure out why.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Stuartli
>>Funny that, I dumped other ISPs to move to BT...

You'll soon figure out why. >>

Funny that. Three of my friends have switched to BT in the last five or six weeks.

Very, very much regretted....:-(
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - R.P.
Fine bit of kit.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
>>>Funny that, I dumped other ISPs to move to BT.. You'll soon figure out why.

Funny thing is we've had about 5 ISPs since we got the internet and none have been problematical as far as it goes. We only left the last one for BT as it was a smaller ISP absorbed by Talk Talk... once they been taken over the billing went to pot and they kept phoning in the evening to try and sell a phone bundle.

I'm thinking of giving Plusnet a go... seems it is BT for folks with tighter wallets so they might be OK. I'l start looking around now the box is sorted.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Zero

>> Funny thing is we've had about 5 ISPs since we got the internet and none
>> have been problematical as far as it goes. We only left the last one for
>> BT as it was a smaller ISP absorbed by Talk Talk... once they been taken
>> over the billing went to pot and they kept phoning in the evening to try
>> and sell a phone bundle.

Yeah, I was with a "taken over by talk talk" ISP. Never had a problem with billing, but the network became rubbish, and as you say, the nagging phone calls.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - R.P.
We have Plusnet in the Office for my project. Fitted by a BT man...seems to be no nonsense....and 72 meg ain't bad.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Roger.

TalkTalk result, using wireless connection, two laptops on net and two tabs open in Firefox..
Latest bill from TT is £41.19 - shock horror we made a £2.40 mobile call (should have used Giff Gaff mobile at 10p per minute)+ a further brief mobile call
This includes line rental, inclusive UK phone calls, inclusive EU phone calls and fibre optic broadband up to, IIRC, 40MB.
The network is fine, although we have not had occasion to have a fault call. Billing is no problem, but I imagine we'd have the usual flim-flam if there was a query.
Last edited by: Roger on Fri 25 Oct 13 at 20:18
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Pat
We're still trying to find a way of getting MotoGP next year without going to BT.

So far we've managed to get the Wii to connect to the internet and subscribed to the MotoGP website but it won't scroll that web page and all you can see is half a bike!


 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Robin O'Reliant
>> We're still trying to find a way of getting MotoGP next year without going to
>> BT.
I'm looking forward to the week old highlights of British Superbikes as my staple bike racing diet next year.

 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
>>>and we've got HD for the first time.

Well the box has HD but it turns out our Argos loft aerial isn't up to it. When we moved in here there was a dreadful Sky multiroom setup with cables surface run internally everywhere so I ripped them all out.

That only left the previous owners cheap loft aerial for a child's bedroom so I temp plumbed that to the living room and completely forgot to get a new chimney aerial.

I'll get the aerial guys in next week... perhaps not Monday though.
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Zero
Book them now tho, they will be busy on tuesday.......
 YouView - Catch up TV without subscription. - Fenlander
The guys put up a new log aerial a few weeks ago. All channels plus perfect HD now.

HD very impressive.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Sun 15 Dec 13 at 21:35
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