Non-motoring > A new Government Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 3

 A new Government - Crankcase
Imagine if we had a Government that was openly hostile to "climate change", and that removed green taxes. Imagine if they closed down green policy units and think tanks.

Imagine if we had a government that got so tough on immigrants, that they diverted incomers to an off shore "processing plant" before they even got to the coast.

Imagine a Government whose leader said that women are physiologically unsuited to leadership, that the rights of a woman to withold sex should be moderated, who garnered votes on the basis of "my daughters aren't bad looking" and who said he wished he was younger because there was nothing wrong with a bit of full body contact when playing a promotional game with a female teenage netball team.

Tony Abbott. Australia. Elected and in charge as of today.

I suppose at least their politicians are a lot more colourful than most of ours.
 A new Government - madf
The new Government would have to abolish the Health and Safety and Human Rights Acts first...
 A new Government - Zero
I have an aussie cuz over this week. Apparently they didn't vote for him, they voted to get rid of Rudd.

Funny you should say that I said, did you hear of a fella named Gordon Brown?

Abott is raging right wing, on a level that makes MT look like Tony Benn. Ex Jesuit Priest, nuff said.

Oh and re the processing plant? Thats already in place, put in place by the labour party.
 A new Government - Crankcase
I have heard it said that Australians don't vote governments in, they vote them out. I guess you reap what you sow.

As an English speaking ally with such close connections to the UK, it'll be interesting to see how some of his more radical ideas pan out in a similar environment, if he can get them past the Upper House.
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