Non-motoring > Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Focusless Replies: 6

 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Focusless
Here it is:

Arrived in the post today; it's a 1GB USB drive as well as being a, er, handsome ornament (the drive bit rotates back into the 'head'). Unsolicited AFAIK, with no paperwork. Drive was empty, apart from any hidden viruses of course.

It looks vaguely familiar - I'm sure I've seen it before somewhere. but can't remember where.

Anyone else recognise it? Or got one?

EDIT: BTW other family members deny all knowledge
Last edited by: Focusless on Wed 4 Sep 13 at 21:16
 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Old Navy
Its the robot used in the Auto Trader TV advert.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 4 Sep 13 at 22:22
 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Focusless
Well done ON -

Thanks. I fill in online surveys for them occasionally; I guess that's why they sent it.
 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Fullchat
The lawnmower is a bit smokey :(
 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Focusless
>> The lawnmower is a bit smokey :(

More here:
(starts earlier up the thread)

The replacement is still going ok - I'd happily recommend one if you're on a budget and feeling lucky :)
 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - Manatee
It's believed that the Stuxnet virus was propagated to Iran's uranium enrichment facility, a closed network, by allowing people to "find" USB sticks.

 Anyone recognise this figurine/mascot/thingy - AnotherJohnH
CD's with interesting labels left on the floor also get into places they shouldn't.
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