Non-motoring > Happy Christmas! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 17

 Happy Christmas! - VxFan
It gets earlier every year, or is it me?

Local Tesco were putting out the Christmas items Monday evening. Well, I suppose it's only 112 days, 22 hours, & 17 minutes to go.

Seems they've forgotten that Halloween and bonfire night hasn't happened yet.

Anyone for an Easter Egg?

 Happy Christmas! - BiggerBadderDave
And it's my birthday in two weeks.
 Happy Christmas! - L'escargot
Christmas cards are on sale at one of our indoor markets.
 Happy Christmas! - Mike Hannon
Thanks for that. We have to be in the UK later this month and I'm already lining up excuses not to go.
 Happy Christmas! - Robin O'Reliant
I started selling Christmas gear last week, it's put sales up by around 25%. People may moan but they're still buying it.
 Happy Christmas! - Focusless
Sorry RR - what is it you sell?
 Happy Christmas! - Robin O'Reliant
>> Sorry RR - what is it you sell?

Household goods of various description.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Tue 3 Sep 13 at 11:28
 Happy Christmas! - Focusless
Ah ok, thanks. Is it just that more people are coming in to shop, or are they actually buying the Christmas stuff?

EDIT: I see from your previous comment they are, but perhaps other stuff too which makes up the 25%?
Last edited by: Focusless on Tue 3 Sep 13 at 12:05
 Happy Christmas! - Robin O'Reliant
No shop Focusless, door to door. Xmas sales have added 25%.
 Happy Christmas! - devonite
>>Household goods of various description.

Is that where your "moniker" derives from? Robin Regal = Trotters Independent Trader!
 Happy Christmas! - TheManWithNoName
Shops start to stock it because people buy it!
If we all made a stand and didnt start shopping until 1st December there'd be no issue and retailers wouldnt risk stockpiling xmas stuff so early.

It is depressing though when the retail year is at at end months before it actually is.

 Happy Christmas! - Robin O'Reliant
>> Shops start to stock it because people buy it!
>> If we all made a stand and didnt start shopping until 1st December there'd be
>> no issue and retailers wouldnt risk stockpiling xmas stuff so early.

Our economy works on consumption, love it or loathe it. If people didn't buy stuff they don't really need we'd all feel the pinch, so long live greed!
 Happy Christmas! - madf
Dear Santa

I wait to buy my gin at Christmas as there are usually lots of offers.

Unfortunately I can't afford to buy my year's consumption in one go and stock up for the rest of the year...

Does this make me greedy?

a worried alcoholic.
 Happy Christmas! - Manatee
>> Shops start to stock it because people buy it!
>> If we all made a stand and didnt start shopping until 1st December there'd be
>> no issue and retailers wouldnt risk stockpiling xmas stuff so early.

That is undeniably true.

From a retailer's perspective, there are seasonal sales to be made. People will spend money. What you don't want is for them to buy their stuff from your competitors, so you don't want to be late merchandising your Christmas tut. As long as the lost sales on the stuff you have to take out aren't hurting you more than the gain on the Christmas carp, you get it out there when the stock is in.

We were in Kent on holiday last week, the boss wanted some more walking sandals. We went to Mountain Warehouse to find they had been replaced by "new season" footwear i.e. stout walking boots. It was the weather that was wrong, apparently.
 Happy Christmas! - Zero
>> >> Shops start to stock it because people buy it!

People buy it because shops stock it. Its called marketing.
 Happy Christmas! - madf
>> >> >> Shops start to stock it because people buy it!
>> People buy it because shops stock it. Its called marketing.

Speak for yourself. Some people buy it. :-)
 Happy Christmas! - Zero
>> >> >> >> Shops start to stock it because people buy it!
>> >>
>> >> People buy it because shops stock it. Its called marketing.
>> >>
>> Speak for yourself. Some people buy it. :-)

Enough to make it worth while. Me, being a bloke, my xmas shopping starts on the afternoon of christmas eve afternoon after a session down the pub.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 3 Sep 13 at 17:42
 Happy Christmas! - Armel Coussine
>> my xmas shopping starts on the afternoon of christmas eve afternoon after a session down the pub.

'Dad, why have you given me a onesie of a panda with a huge codpiece wearing a sequin-embroidered miniskirt?'

'Er... dunno son to tell the truth... beer goggles perhaps...'
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