Non-motoring > How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 15

 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - smokie

Clever idea.

I almost got one of these numbers a few years back, when I worked for a large company and was home based. Many hours were spent on the phone, usually inbound calls from customers. I just thought it a bit unethical.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Fullchat
Now that I like!

See the companies who provide the premium rate numbers don't like the idea. Tough.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - No FM2R
Blooming brilliant.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - sherlock47
Obviously a very sucessful self employed businessman if he can spend his working time making £7/hr talking on the phone. :)

Good idea for the unemployed/retired - spend your day on line filling in as many online forms as possible?
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Haywain
Not sure that this would work for me as most of the nuisance calls are 'international' or 'number withheld'.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - L'escargot
>> Not sure that this would work for me as most of the nuisance calls are
>> 'international' or 'number withheld'.

If I'm at a bit of a loose end when I get one of those, I answer the phone and then I proceed to mess the caller about. My favourite is to say (in English!) that I don't understand English so could they please speak to me in Lithuanian.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - sherlock47
The most public spirited thing to do is just to keep them talking. If they are talking to you, they cannot annoy others.

My favorite was when somebody called and asked me where my electricity came from?
My Answer, " from a hole in the wall" they then tried to get me to explain.........

 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - VxFan
>> I answer the phone and then I proceed to mess the caller about.

Sorry, I can't talk right now, the neighbour has just popped around for a quicky before her husband gets home.


Can I have your number so I call you back at when it's not convenient?


Spend 20 mins on the phone with them discussing new double glazing (or whatever) and then tell them that you're not actually a house owner.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Dog
>>Spend 20 mins on the phone with them discussing new double glazing (or whatever) and then tell them that you're not actually a house owner

 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Clk Sec
>> Not sure that this would work for me as most of the nuisance calls are
>> 'international' or 'number withheld'.

Or 'out of area'.

I have one or two of these each day and they go straight to the answerphone. The callers never leave a message.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Robin O'Reliant
I got one of those "This is Microsoft Security and we have identified a problem with your pc" calls the other week. An extremely charming young Asian lady who hung up when I asked her a highly personal question about her bedroom habits.
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Fursty Ferret
Why go for 0871 which only makes 7p/minute when you could have an 0908 number that pulls in £2+?
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Roger.
Now yer talking!
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - diddy1234
shame you cant transfer them to another call centre about a different product.

Then listen in as they argue with each other !

Radio 1 used to do this and listeners used to nominate which call centre to wind up. loved it
 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Ted

We sometimes did this when I worked in the force information room. In those days we used fairly old fashioned lamp and key units, two of us used to ring internal extensions and then connect them through the l&k switches.

Often, the two numbers would be answered at roughly the same time and the ensuing conversation would get quite interesting.

Funny thing, boredom at work. One of the information room inspectors was a keen mountaineer. At 3 o'clock in the morning, he would produce a rope which was tied off to the oldfashioned heating pipes and thrown out of the window 5 floors up. Out he would go for a bit of light abseiling !...Happy days !

 How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash - Haywain
"most of the nuisance calls are 'international' or 'number withheld'."

I should have added that the phone is usually with me by the computer, so I play the caller whatever I'm listening to at the time; it's frequently Richard Thompson. I was caught out a couple of months ago when my son's friend tried to ring from the U.S. - he later asked my son what on earth was wrong with our phone ....... it just seemed to play Richard Thompson songs.
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