Non-motoring > Green Deal - why didn't you? Green Issues
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 10

 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Crankcase

If you didn't take advantage of it, was it because, like me, you'd never heard of the darned thing?

Or, now that you know about it, would you perhaps think a transferable loan that the next owner might have to pay might not exactly be an inducement to buy your house?

 Green Deal - why didn't you? - zippy
Exactly and there are other offers out there.

A friend who is incapacitated and therefore unable to work has been given a new boiler, loft insulation and cavity wall insulation all fitted totally free of charge by an energy company.

What is astonishing is that his energy supplier did not want to know and a rival (EON) is doing it and do not even expect him to change to them.

Friend is happy as no loan is required. No tie in should he need to sell and move to sheltered accommodation or a bungalow and his anticipated fuel bills should be much reduced.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - sooty123
Never heard of it, but i'm not a home owner so makes no odds to me.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Alanovich
I had my house assessed by an "assessor" and a report was sent to me with recommendations, I was then supposed to present this to third parties for quotations for the work.

I was originally interested in the scheme in order to get a new boiler, but the hoops I had to jump through to get even the first stage assessment done put me off pursuing it further, add to that the fact that my current boiler, old and probably inefficient as it is, is still going and shows no signs of giving up the ghost.

In summary, I didn't carry on with it due to red tape, lingering fears of the consequences if I ever needed to sell up the house, and "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" - as any energy bill savings would have been negated by the repayments for the new boiler over a long, long time.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - madf
>> In summary, I didn't carry on with it due to red tape, lingering fears of
>> the consequences if I ever needed to sell up the house, and "If it ain't
>> broke, don't fix it" - as any energy bill savings would have been negated by
>> the repayments for the new boiler over a long, long time.


Mr Madf, you can save £250 per year (in theory and not guaranteed) if you change your boiler. But it will cost you £5k with all the changes needed . So if you just do the sums over the expected boiler life - 10 years even an illiterate innumerate can see:

Annual savings +£250
Annual repayments -£500
Annual interest c -£200

Net extra cost -£450

Makes no economic sense. Our boiler celebrates it's 30 th birthday this year...
Last edited by: madf on Tue 20 Aug 13 at 16:11
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - smokie
Similar here, I was successful in applying for a ?£500 grant a bit back but did the sums and the old one remains.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Dog
>>Our boiler celebrates it's 30 th birthday this year.

30!! - you blimmin bloomin polluter, 'people like you' should be denounced.

 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Dave
Folk here are going mad for the ground heating system. Bore a deep hole, and use it to warm the evaporator of a heat exchanger. Total cost to install the whole lot (including hole) about £12000. It probably saves about half the leccy cost over standard direct leccy heating (no gas here).

So the payback time is about 10 or 12 years. The problem is, the heat exchanger system (basically an A/C system in reverse) is just about shot at ten years old. So there'll be much tooth sucking by the 'engineer' about spare parts availability versus a whole new system when the time comes.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Cliff Pope

>> So the payback time is about 10 or 12 years. The problem is, the heat
>> exchanger system (basically an A/C system in reverse) is just about shot at ten years
>> old.

That's the fly in the ointment with all such schemes.
We looked into having solar panels. Superficially the returns look good - the electricty savings beat any ISA investment.
Except that it isn't an "investment". You don't get your £10,000 capital back at the end, as with a real investment. You just get told that the kit is worn out and you need another one.

 Green Deal - why didn't you? - Slidingpillar
Our boiler celebrates it's 30th birthday this year.

And mine could be older. But since new ones last about 10 years, and major works would be required to fit due to the water drain needed, the fitment of a new one makes no economic sense.

And since you should take into account the energy/carbon produced by manufacture, quite possible a new boiler would use more, not less, resources.

Rather like the story doing the rounds about 4 years ago saying a Morgan 4/4 was more 'green' than a Toyota Prius as it won't last as long and uses up an awful lot of resources being made. That may not be true, but it might be.
 Green Deal - why didn't you? - No FM2R
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