Does anyone know why Peter Cushing who was in the film in (1963?) is not counted as one of the doctors?
Last edited by: R.P. on Sun 4 Aug 13 at 20:19
>> Does anyone care?
The Daleks do.
New Doctor announced - Peter Capaldi.
Nicole, a Dr Who aficionado, muttered her displeasure claiming "boring" and "too safe"
Surely in this day and age a black disabled lesbian should get a chance?
Could park the Tardis in the disabled bay at Asda then.
>> Could park the Tardis in the disabled bay at Asda then.
Very bad idea,
I wonder why that thought popped into my mind - must have been listening to the subliminal news earlier.
>> Could park the Tardis in the disabled bay at Asda then.
As long as it's not the parent/brat bay. It's been reserved for royalty. - Telegraph
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 5 Aug 13 at 01:19
From that article....
Asda Llangefni store manager Peter Ellis said: "As Kate's often busy with official duties, customers that fancy their own bit of royal treatment are welcome to park their own carriages there."
Good marketing, I'd say.
And why say "Brat"?
Slang name for child.
Not necessarily HRH's
Ah but Dr Who is a time lord, so is not of this day and age. Or any day or age.
I think that Peter Capaldi is a superb choice and will be neither 'boring' nor 'too safe'. As a lifelong Whovian, I am extremely excited to see the new series. I reckon he will prove to be the best yet since the programme was revived in 2005.
I agree with Badwolf.
Also No. 1 who apparently has seen him in other stuff, including Torchwood she says, reckons he'll be great.
I was imagining a conversation between a child and parent if Sheridan Smith got the job:
Child. Mummy, the new Dr Who's a lady.
Mummy. Yes.
Child. Dr Who was married to Riversong and they had a baby.
Mummy. Ask your father!
Really ! A full, glitzy showbiz programme wasting viewing time on the BBC. Just to announce the name of an actor taking over the part from another !
I wonder if they'll do the same for a new love interest for Dierdre on Corrie !
Dr Who ?.....Dr Schmoo !!
I enjoyed it.
Why watch it if you didn't?
I didn't watch was on and I was trying to read !
Well if you have a subversive fan in the house you have no chance.
i havnt watched it since i discovered that daleks can get up a flight of stairs with ease
I watched the original film at Saturday Morning pictures at the Odeon and I think I've seen every one since.
I love it, and I get as much joy from watching it with my daughter now as I did watching it with my father 50 years ago.
My children are all big fans, and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching it with them, especially since it was brought back in 2005.
I wrote to Chris Eccleston's agency a few months ago and asked for signed photos for my 3 weans and duly received 3 photos within 3 weeks.
My 2 year old is fully acquainted with Daleks, Cybermen, et al, including "Exterminate" and "Delete", and has a full range of toy Sonics. My 4 year old knows the names of pretty much all the DW actors.
Trainspotters in the making no doubt.
Trainspotters? damn cheek.
Dr Who, was, is and always has been complete carp, a level zero on the "scare me-o-meter"
Quatermass? now there is a whole new ball game. The three early BBC QM series were 11 on the "keep-me-awake-at-nightometer"
It's not all complete crap, some have been absolute belters.
The Empty Child with Ecclestone in WW2 was a cracker.
The Girl in the Fireplace with Tennant was a cracker.
School Reunion - because Sarah-Jane was a cracker, RIP.
And Blink was superb. You have to start thinking about time-parodies. Excellent.
Certainly some utter junk. Gridlock - What a load of shank that was. Voyage of the Damned - Pee-poor.
what was that churchill, ww2, spitfires, rubbish, complete ballcocks.
You're right Dave - Cracking plots, beautifully produced, superb scripting - very high production values - as well as an excellent science fiction values. You're not right on this one Zero !
The one with Van Gough was a masterpiece !
Last edited by: R.P. on Mon 5 Aug 13 at 10:21
Yes the Van Gough was a good one. The Dr allows Vincent to see his future and what an amazing painter he would be - but still turns to suicide.
Nice to see Bill Nighy in there.
Absolute rubbish. A regular Spitfire converted for space missions in a few minutes - airtight, had no solid-fuel boosters, and no thrusters to manouvre through space... and props! Just silly.
Worse than ever in that episode was the new, big colourful tellytubby daleks/addition to the franchise money-spinners
Hmmm... not sure how the Capaldi thing is going to work.
My teen girls are avid fans and there is no doubt the relative youth of Tennant/Smith allowed storylines that played with their attraction to/by their young female companions. That isn't going to be appropriate to this new guy who is old enough to be their Dad so that whole aspect of the plots will have to go.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Mon 5 Aug 13 at 19:29
>> That isn't going to be appropriate to this new guy who is old enough to be their Dad
Oh, I don't know. Saville, Hall, and others managed to pull it off (no pun intended). Some things at the Beeb never change.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 5 Aug 13 at 19:50
Never really got into Dr Who.......
I did meet Tom Baker once in the BBC Club at TV Centre though