Non-motoring > A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 32

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - VxFan

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Dog
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Armel Coussine
Good story. Very crap of MacD's to refuse service to people on ponies - for what earthly reason? - and unbelievably wimpish of 'customers and staff' to be alarmed and distressed by the sight 'and smell' of the horse showing its feelings by taking a dump between the tables. If the report is true of course. It would have had me rolling in the aisles (but not that aisle obviously).

It isn't people's stupidity that's so heartbreaking. They can't help that. It's their awful stiffness and rigidity.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Fenlander
Yes it's a laugh to a point AC but the core being of a horse is a flight animal and that can be provoked by unexpected and unusual circumstances. In a confined space damage or serious injury was a serious possibility. A kick in the chest can kill.

One wrong noise from kitchen equipment and that pony would have exploded. Any experienced rider knows that and was a fool to risk all concerned.

I've known so many folks get badly injured around horses it's a wonder we go anywhere near them.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Mon 22 Jul 13 at 16:00
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - madf
Horses are dangerous and some riders have as much sense as politicians.

I support MCD 100%...I would NOT like a horse near me when eating. The insanitary end of a horse attracts flies and remember that lockjaw originated from horseshit.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Dog
My sister eats like a horse.

Just saying :)
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Ted
>> My sister eats like a horse.
>> Just saying :)

Nosebag ?

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Dog
>>Nosebag ?

She's okay I suppose really, lost a lot of weight over the last few years due to cancer/chemo (Myeloma)

But she's always out and about and doesn't let that stop her from leading a 'normal' life :)
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Ted
>> >>Nosebag ?
>> She's okay I suppose really, lost a lot of weight over the last few years
>> due to cancer/chemo (Myeloma)
>> But she's always out and about and doesn't let that stop her from leading a
>> 'normal' life :)

Good for her, Bonz. Hope all goes well for the lass.

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Harleyman
The main source of horseshit here is McDonalds' stupid policies with regards to its drive-throughs.

It being a given that an HGV won't fit in the lane, I've tried in the past to get a cup of tea during the wee small hours by parking across the road and walking up to the window, only to have the spotty git behind the till refuse me service and quoting their poxy company policy at me.

The woman was a bit silly to take the nag into the "restaurant" but McDonalds thoroughly deserved the resulting delivery.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Armel Coussine
Point taken I suppose Fenlander. I'm not that keen on horses myself.

But I wd imagine this lady knew her pony well. After all it had stood in a queue of cars politely waiting its turn. Perhaps it was risky to take it inside. But she must have been quite annoyed as anyone would be.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Manatee
Possibly a bit daft for Macdonald's to refuse service in the drive through, though I could see why they might, for the risk of unwanted interaction with cars.

Very daft of the horse rider to take the beast in there. Hardly worth paperwork but she should have been made to remove the dump in whatever she had available - her hat?

Was the Macdonald's for the 'orse? Cannibalism's a bit off.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - BobbyG
Back in January after a wedding a crowd of us includingt he bride and groom were staying at the local Travel Lodge.

Walking to there from the reception, at 1am in the morning, a crowd of us went through the drive thru. We were refused on the basis that none of us were actually in a vehicle......

however, they did open the doors and let us come inside and served us there!
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Zero
I like the fact that McDonalds have a pre defined policy about refusing horse riders in drive throughs!
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - CGNorwich
Don't turn up on your bike either.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Bromptonaut
>> Don't turn up on your bike either.

I can ride my bike all over Central London, been both ways along the Embankment and all the way round Parly Square twice over today - supervising move to new office. But it's too risky o sit on the bike in a near stationary queue?

If people are going to asses risk they first need to understand risk.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - sooty123
I wonder if it's a UK only rule, I've seen someone ride a horse through a McDonalds drive through in the US.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Mon 22 Jul 13 at 16:55
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Manatee
>> I wonder if it's a UK only rule, I've seen someone ride a horse through
>> a McDonalds drive through in the US.

Perhaps the rider was sporting his six shooter.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Cliff Pope
>> I like the fact that McDonalds have a pre defined policy about refusing horse riders
>> in drive throughs!

I wonder what their policy is on driving through with a horse and carriage? That is real driving, the origin of the word we now apply to cars.

Riders often stop at our local pub, appropriately called the Nag's Head, and tether their horses to the railings round the beer garden. No one seems to complain about distress caused to customers.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - No FM2R

"Our drive-thru lanes are custom built for motor cars, vans and trucks and in line with this policy we do not serve pedestrians, bicycle riders or vehicles that exceed the passable dimensions, for everyone’s safety".
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - corax
>> I've known so many folks get badly injured around horses it's a wonder we go
>> anywhere near them.

It's like any animal Fenlander. They all have the potential to injure. We try to get near bears even though they can decapitate you with one swipe. People, who'd have 'em.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Armel Coussine
>> People, who'd have 'em.

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - CGNorwich
Looking after my grandchildren in a suburb of Vancouver there was a desperate knocking on the door and a lot of shouting. I opened the door and let my somewhat agitated daughter in.

Ambling across their suburban lawn was a large Black Bear.

Official guidance it to shout "Hey Bear - Away Bear" and make as much noise as possible.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - -
>> Official guidance it to shout "Hey Bear - Away Bear" and make as much noise
>> as possible.

Wouldn't have worked, it would never have understood your Norfolk drawl..;)
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - CGNorwich
Beer and Bear are pronounced the same in a Norfolk accent so "having a bear" can be confusing ;-)
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Zero
they taste similar too.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Harleyman
>> a confined space damage or serious injury was a serious possibility. A kick in the
>> chest can kill.

You can walk into any city centre McDonalds in the footie season and take that risk.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - L'escargot
During WWII when times were hard and poorer families couldn't afford to be too choosy about what they ate, our family ate horsemeat. It didn't do me any harm.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - corax
>> During WWII when times were hard and poorer families couldn't afford to be too choosy
>> about what they ate, our family ate horsemeat. It didn't do me any harm.

Twitches nervously.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Dog
Avez vous ever eaten L'escargot, L'es?

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - L'escargot
>> Avez vous ever eaten L'escargot, L'es?
>> :o)

No, but during the war I don't suppose my parents would have been averse to giving us Dog meat.
 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Dog
I can remember digging winkles out of their shells with a pin and eating them when I was just a pup.

I wouldn't touch the fracking things today for luv nor money, well ... I'm always open to offers I spose.

 A new horsemeat scandal at McDonalds - Zero
>> During WWII when times were hard and poorer families couldn't afford to be too choosy
>> about what they ate, our family ate horsemeat. It didn't do me any harm.

Neigh lad.
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