Non-motoring > A house for rattle. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 4

 A house for rattle. - Zero
Here you rats. 25 grand, Sea views, Torquay.
 A house for rattle. - AnotherJohnH
I'm hoping Rats would need more of a push than the house to move..
 A house for rattle. - RattleandSmoke
I would actually quite like to live in Torquay, doubt I will get chance to go this to Devon this year but I am not old enough yet. I also would not get a mortgage nobody would on that property.

I think I will stick to a 1 bed ex council flat on the 40th floor in a rough part of Salford.
 A house for rattle. - Dog
It reminds me of the owses I used to see on my twice weekly walk from Pett to Hastings, along the beach at low tide.

O'er the years I saw a few properties - at the bottom of the cliffs, one property, on the far RH side of the sat image, was actually jacked up and moved further inland.
 A house for rattle. - Old Navy
All cliffs are eroding hills, everything depends on the timescale.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 10 Jul 13 at 20:15
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