Non-motoring > Time to ditch that flats screen TV Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 18

 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - CGNorwich
You need to order a curved OLED TV now if you don't want to fall behind in the technology stakes. Flat screens are so last year.

Last edited by: CGNorwich on Mon 29 Apr 13 at 14:04
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - TheManWithNoName
Well that ain't gonna fit on the wall easily is it!

Maybe they'll take off just like 3D Tv's haven't.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - Old Navy
Don't worry plenty more rip off TVs in the pipeline.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 29 Apr 13 at 15:02
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - DP
I have had a proper play with one of the two models in that DM article. It is truly game changing. Like looking through an impeccably clean window. It's that good.

And this is from someone who really wasn't fussed about HD or 3D for home use.

Not sure I'd agree with the term 'rip off', and I'm intrigued by the credentials of this consumer electronics "guru" they cite in the article. He might well "condemn manufacturers for failing to spell out the limitations of the first generation sets", but equally he might ponder how precisely they were supposed to warn people about limitations that weren't apparent at time of launch, or indeed the failure of their devices to meet standards, such as HDMI 2.0 that weren't even defined at the time.

Technology evolves quickly and obsolescence is rapid. That's just gadgets for you. When all is said and done, you can still use a non-HD CRT telly in the UK, and it works fine. I'm not sure what the panic is here.
Last edited by: DP on Mon 29 Apr 13 at 15:22
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - RattleandSmoke
Personally for a while at least I think the 1080p standard is here to stay. My LG 22" 1080p is four years old now, and its perfectly fine, I have no reason at all to even think about upgrading it.

 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - -
Yep our telly's are plenty good enough for the current drivel, turning the clock back to the days when the BBC and Thames and the like made quality mini series like Jewel in the Crown, Blott on the Landscape, etc, would be the next improvement i'd like to see.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - Old Navy
The next time I buy a TV I will have to get my eyes upgraded to Ultra HD spec. :-)
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - Fursty Ferret
>> Personally for a while at least I think the 1080p standard is here to stay.
>> My LG 22" 1080p is four years old now, and its perfectly fine, I have
>> no reason at all to even think about upgrading it.

Though since to appreciate the 1080p footage you'd need to sit about two feet away from that screen I'm not sure you really need to upgrade to 4K anyway!
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - DP
>> Though since to appreciate the 1080p footage you'd need to sit about two feet away
>> from that screen I'm not sure you really need to upgrade to 4K anyway!

The remarkable thing about the 85" 4K screen is that you can stand two feet from it, and the picture quality is still very impressive. I've not seen a standard HD screen of half the size that could boast the same.

Of course if Sky start broadcasting 4K, they will compress the bejeezus out of it as they do with their HD feeds, it won't look quite so good.;-)
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - diddy1234
ah cool. I cant wait for standard definition freeview to look like minecraft !
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - WillDeBeest
First time I've seen the M-word mentioned here. It's infected my house too and I can't understand the Beestlings' fascination with it. Maybe they're so used to everything-HD that graphics from the Spectrum era have novelty value.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - spamcan61

>> Technology evolves quickly and obsolescence is rapid. That's just gadgets for you. When all is
>> said and done, you can still use a non-HD CRT telly in the UK, and
>> it works fine. I'm not sure what the panic is here.
It's the Wail, 'nuff said. Maybe all manufacturers should be forced to add "this product will become obsolete at some point in the future" warnings on their product packaging.

I;m still using an analogue only 28" CRT telly, which copes fine with iPlayer, Lovefilm and local media files via a cheapo Sony Blu-Ray player.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - rtj70
You'd be surprised how hard it is to give away a 28" CRT TV these days. The widescreen model I refer to had a flat screen, Dolby Digital Surround Sound (with sub-woofer) etc. etc. I scrapped it in the end. Working fine but we had no space for it.

Shame really. Really was. But I tried for months to get someone who wanted it. Everyone wanted Plasma/LCD.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - CGNorwich
Been trying to give away a perfectly good larder fridge for a week. Had six phone calls. Three had no transport (ad says says buyer collects). One said she wanted a fridge-freezer really and the other two said they wanted the fridge and would come round but didn't turn up.

Ringing the council tomorrow
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - Clk Sec
How much were you trying to give it away for?
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - CGNorwich
Since the council want £12 to take it away perhaps I should offer a cashback deal to whoever wants to take it.
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - VxFan
>> Been trying to give away a perfectly good larder fridge for a week. Had six phone calls.

Were they all cold callers?
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - sherlock47
>> >> Been trying to give away a perfectly good larder fridge for a week. Had
>> six phone calls.
>> Were they all cold callers?

if they were actually in need of the fridge I would suggest that none were cold callers:)
 Time to ditch that flats screen TV - Ambo
Scots have the genial and practical habit of putting unwanted items in their front gardens for anyone who cares to take them. I got a nice garden chair cushion like this on a holiday in Peebles not long ago. But a widowed eco-nut friend moved into a place in Edinburgh to find the previous owner had left behind practically new examples of a microwave , freezer and washing machine. Discarded and left outside for various idealogical reasons, ("a microwave is obscene for one person", for example) there were no takers.

My use for an otherwise unwanted fridge would be to adjust the temperature to the correct level for white wine, install it in my shed (which has power) and stock it up.

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