Non-motoring > Gloster Meteor Flies again Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 6

 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Zero
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - sooty123
Pity it couldn't be used on another RAF station as a gate guard.
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Meldrew
More badly researched guff from the Beeb. "The Gloster Meteor T7 - Britain's first operational jet plane" The Meteor was the first operational jet but the T7 wasn't it!
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Bromptonaut
I've seen Vampire/Venom aircraft over here in last couple of years (probably out of Coventry) but are there still an airworthy Meteor?

Happy memories of seeing the RAF vintage pair at SSAFA Church Fenton between 1975-9.

EDIT - Answered my own question, there seem to be around four still flyable in UK.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 22 Apr 13 at 20:57
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Alastairw
ISTR Martin Baker still use a Meteor for ejector seat testing.
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Bromptonaut
>> ISTR Martin Baker still use a Meteor for ejector seat testing.

According to Wiki there are two at Chalgrove for Martin Baker and two more at Cov at least one of them owned by Air Atlantique or its successors.
 Gloster Meteor Flies again - Armel Coussine
I remember those things, spinning up at the edge of Colerne aerodrome outside Bath, at the end of the war or a bit after it. I was six or seven and they were the latest thing. No doubt the adults wanted a look and that was why I was there.

The noise they made was colossal and not like anything heard before.
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