Non-motoring > Summer Migrants Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bromptonaut Replies: 16

 Summer Migrants - Bromptonaut
Swallows etc round you're way yet?

First House Martins of the year flying round the close and exploring under the eaves right now. In spite of cold spring they're a good couple of weeks earlier than usual.
 Summer Migrants - bathtub tom
I heard the first Midwife Toad this week.
 Summer Migrants - Zero
If the weather holds, spring is going to bang like a cracker. Its all compressed due to the late start.
 Summer Migrants - Roger.
Out leafleting today in glorious sunshine - is the long winter over? [Knackered old bones :-( ] Grass cutting calls, regrettably.
Last edited by: Roger on Sat 20 Apr 13 at 12:23
 Summer Migrants - Roger.
Grass done and have been sitting outside enjoying a civilised Bacardi & Coke.
 Summer Migrants - Crankcase
First cut of the year also done today. Hateful job.
 Summer Migrants - Bromptonaut
>> First cut of the year also done today. Hateful job.

Got mine in about a fortnight ago. Feed'n'weed last weekend and mowed again today. Weekly at least from now on but The Lad can share the job.

Need to rake out the moss killed of by the feed/weed too.

Will keep the cut height up for another month or so until the growth really takes off. Unlike the neighbour who's scalping his already.
 Summer Migrants - Dave
Yes, the summer migrants (travellers) have already arrived in Sweden. Various reports in the papers about being ripped off and threatened by "asphalters" as they call them. They've been kicked out of 2 hotels near Gothenburg for theft and threats of violence, and kicked off various pieces of land, leaving the owners with a clean-up bill. Sound familiar?

Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 20 Apr 13 at 17:52
 Summer Migrants - Dog
Bin out in the sun most of the day, I tan up quickly (on the boat) but my pins (as swmbo call em) are still milk white.

Bout half an hour ago I was thinking of coming indoors and I could hear the unmistakable sound of swallows zooming about, I looked up and sure enough, they're back.

Still not cut the grass though, it looks okay, so I'll put it orf for as long as possible.
 Summer Migrants - Runfer D'Hills
Cut my grass for the first time this year today. It was really strange growth, some areas had hardly grown at all but there were equally large patches where it was up to 6" long. Might be dog related of course.

Top tip to follow, any dog owner knows to double and triple check that the grass is clear before mowing right?

Well, I did just that. Then I decided not to overstrain my mower by knocking back the long stuff with my petrol strimmer first. I love my petrol strimmer, it's loud and you feel like the Terminator. On full chat it feels like it would fell an oak.

So, into the undergrowth I strode, strimmer on full power scything my way through, unstoppable, invinsible, so much so that I was moved to bellow a victorious battle cry as the vegetation fell before me like like a peasant army in the path of the hordes of Genghis Khan.

Resultantly my mouth was wide open when the strimmer hit a large concealed pile of dog crap...

I've had better days...
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Sat 20 Apr 13 at 21:31
 Summer Migrants - Zero

Revenge of the mutt......

I had similar friday. Poor ole Fifi is game, but her back legs are going a bit. Anyway we were off out exploring good train spots, found a nice place by walking along a fairly dry bridal path. Fifi of course is off left and right, hunting around, till she fell into a deep bog in a cow field. Cant get out on her own, I have to wade in (no boots i was wearing trainers) and carry a squirming dog sodden with mud and cow sheet onto the path.

Of course she had a good shake in the boot.........

Spent today washing out the interior of the lancer that had a slightly more pungent smell than normal...
 Summer Migrants - Ted

Cracker of a day here. Me and 'er drove down to Cheddleton in North Staffs to lunch with friends who were caravanning there.

Cheshire was really waking up after the long cold spell. Had lunch at the Boat Inn, next to Cheddleton station where a wartime USA Transportation Corps locomotive was in steam for a wedding party. Classic cars parked in Leek town centre around the market area...some lovely stuff. Returning, we got behind a small black car pottering along at 50mph. I was happy to stay behind him in the Suzuki and a Land-Rover behind me wasn't for passing. A nice gentle run past Rudyard Lake until Butley Town where the black car turned off and left me to it..

Me winter pansies have really come on this week, they've been a bit dismal up to now.

Aint life good !

 Summer Migrants - Pat
Don't have that trouble with cats.....

I'm going to spend this lovely day in a training room:(

 Summer Migrants - Crankcase
You're joking Pat. The first thing I have to do whenever cutting the grass is check for neighbours cat gifts. Revolting.

If it isn't there it's in the flower beds. Or there's dead birds under the feeders.

Don't particularly mind cats at a distance, but I wish there was a way they could be controlled.
 Summer Migrants - bathtub tom
>>Cut my grass for the first time this year today. It was really strange growth, some areas had hardly grown at all but there were equally large patches where it was up to 6" long.

C'mon Humph. It grows like that every year before the first cut.

I've got that disease that makes me forget things, I can't remember what it's called.

 Summer Migrants - corax
>> Resultantly my mouth was wide open when the strimmer hit a large concealed pile of
>> dog crap...
>> I've had better days...

At least you know it's your own dog (I don't know if that makes it any better though). Try strimming in a public area and finding last nights pub deposits hiding in the grass. That's when I decided that a mesh protective grill wasn't as good as a plastic shield...
 Summer Migrants - BiggerBadderDave
"Swallows etc round you're way yet?"

I've been working on the wife's sister for eleven years but no results yet. But she does play footsie with me after a couple of shots.
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