Non-motoring > Spring is Sprung Miscellaneous
Thread Author: CGNorwich Replies: 31

 Spring is Sprung - CGNorwich

A beautiful day here in the East with the possibility the temperature could reach 20C.

The wind is from the South rather than the East and it does look as though Spring is finally here. Time for a bit of gardening!
 Spring is Sprung - Roger.
Such a strong wind here that it blew our clothes line, complete with the morning's damp towels, down.
Into the drier they went!
 Spring is Sprung - Manatee
>> Time for a bit of gardening!

Time for a bit of motoring. I have thrown financial prudence to the winds, and money at the MX5. The running problem seems to be fixed (coil pack) and the ABS light is finally out (without removing the bulb) and it has a hood that keeps water out.

Further wallet lightening will occur in the next week or two to tidy up the body and cure some non-structural rust before it develops further. By then it will have 'cost' me twice what it is worth, but sod it, I'm enjoying myself.

Meanwhile, it will get a test today with the top down when my bread is out of the oven and I have watched the GP.
 Spring is Sprung - Runfer D'Hills
Get that bike out Manatee ! You'll only fall asleep in front of the F1...

 Spring is Sprung - madf
12c and 35mph winds.
Bees flying, bringing in pollen ... raising young.
Yes spring has sprung..

Planted potatoes yesterday.. Trialling RockDust.
 Spring is Sprung - Meldrew
+19 and breezy near Stamford; local ospreys have returned from West Africa, rebuilt their nests and one pair has laid 2 eggs, already.
 Spring is Sprung - Manatee
Gusty here too. Just reported my electricity pole which is swaying alarmingly and appears to be held up by the supply cable...the hole in the ground is enlarged so much you could get your hand down it. It'll be interesting to see what they do. Seemed a good idea to report it before it falls over and destroys the side porch.
 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
Yes, it's the first day of spring here too, 14 April I ask you... no nip in the air, no torrential rain or gales so far, sunny. And the Chinese GP coming on in a minute... Yee-hah!
 Spring is Sprung - Ted

Windy here with a frisson of rain in the air. Not too cold and certainly feels a bit springy.

Chinese GP...pah !
Man City stick Chelsea in an waiting.

 Spring is Sprung - CGNorwich
Amazingly warm now - just lit the barbecue and opened a bottle of Beaujolais.
 Spring is Sprung - zookeeper
>> Amazingly warm now - just lit the barbecue and opened a bottle of Beaujolais.

been holding the beaujolais back from november? must be a bit vinegary by now
 Spring is Sprung - CGNorwich
Not that Beaujolais Nouveau stuff much beloved by yuppies, zookeeper. A nice bottle of Fleurie actually.

Time to brush up on your oenology. :-)

 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
>> that Beaujolais Nouveau stuff much beloved by yuppies,

Not just by yuppies to be fair CGN, the French and Belgians like it and they aren't yuppies about wine. Personally I can take or leave nouveau, it's OK if you're thirsty, but I have had some very nice quite old Beaujolais more than once, there was a place where I used to get it, can't remember where. Like other proper red wine it can really improve in the bottle.

I don't really know the first thing about wine. But I know what's nice and what isn't when I taste it.
 Spring is Sprung - CGNorwich
Beaujolais Nouveau can be very pleasant but it all got a bits silly a few year back with races to bring the first of the stuff to City wine bars.
 Spring is Sprung - zookeeper
>> Beaujolais Nouveau can be very pleasant but it all got a bits silly a few
>> year back with races to bring the first of the stuff to City wine bars.

done the run in a clapped out cessna circa 79... drank half a case on the trip...happy days
 Spring is Sprung - zookeeper
must have been a 152...very noisey
 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
Herself has been carefully nurturing a sort of spiral shrublet, some sort of datura but not the toxic jimson weed, in a big pot for a good couple of months, bringing it in from the cold and putting it out for rain and light.

The damn spiv sheep got into the back lawn and ate the thing yesteday or this morning. Perhaps they are goats really. Are they going to eat the roses too?
 Spring is Sprung - CGNorwich
 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
Oh damn. Barriers... hard work to do proper ones, sheep and deer proof but easily openable by humans. Bummer.
 Spring is Sprung - legacylad
Really warm this am here in rural N Yorks.

Then I walked home in torrential rain and blustery wind.

Mind you, i enjoy a good workout at my local gym on a Sunday morning, followed by 20 mins in the sauna.

Did I mention it was really warm this morning?

Sauna must have been left on all night.
 Spring is Sprung - Dave_
17.2°C peak in NW Leics today, very blustery wind this morning and a cloudburst 5 minutes after I pegged out the first load of washing.

Drier and less blowy this afternoon, but a pulled leg muscle means I'm not up to much outdoors (not up to much anywhere, to be honest) except for a slow stroll to the park with the nippers.
 Spring is Sprung - MD
About this new car...
 Spring is Sprung - Dave_
>> About this new car...

 Spring is Sprung - bathtub tom
Washed the car - got the last of the salt off, I hope.

Cut the grass - first chance to use the Bosch I bought before Christmas. Annoyingly, the handle isn't hinged, but fixed rigidly. I'll have to sort something out so I don't have to press two buttons to start it.

Tried the free sample of MER polish - suppose I'll have to do the whole car now. I may even try the free sample of MER wax, although I've never waxed a car before in my life.
 Spring is Sprung - WillDeBeest
Saw the first bats of the summer in the garden this evening. Brimstone butterflies today too - very late but still welcome.
 Spring is Sprung - Bromptonaut
Sometime on Saturday night the wind wind picked up & swung back to usual prevailing direction. It started to resonate the vent in my bedroom's double glazing - a noise not heard since before Xmas.

Yesterday the breeze felt like the output form a heater - huge difference from most of previous month.

This morning I could almost see the railside vegetation bursting out. A stand of weeping willow near Harrow, which I'd noted as well backward on Wednesday, is now bursting into leaf.

Normally start to see Swallows about now and our nesting Martins by 07 May. Will be interesting to see how soon they actually appear.
 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
>> Oh damn. Barriers...

Got up for a slash early this morning and saw four of the spivs on the back lawn. They obviously know they shouldn't be there - it's quite untrue that sheep are stupid and incapable of relating to humans - because they saw me staring at them balefully through the glass door, shifted from foot to foot a bit and eventually stubbed out their dog-ends and sloped off round the corner. Damn carphounds.

We'll have to install the odd barrier soon or the roses, still just tiny saplings, will be for it later on.
 Spring is Sprung - Manatee
Try an electric fence. Cheaper than a proper one and less obstructive to your views.

Or a ha ha.
 Spring is Sprung - Armel Coussine
Electric fence is definitely a thought Manatee, thanks. I just hope we won't have to get two or three.

It is being alleged that the miscreant sheep will stay in their own field as soon as the grass has grown a bit. I don't entirely believe it though. They're a bunch of chancers, the most monkey-like sheep I've seen outside the Sahara (where they sometimes climb trees).
 Spring is Sprung - Alanovich
Plant a load of mint. Should put the frighteners on them.

 Spring is Sprung - Roger.
Garlic? Or is that only for vampires?
 Spring is Sprung - Dutchie
Spivs carphounds al these new words I'm learning after all these years..:)Godverdomme never to old.
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