Non-motoring > Outnumbered Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Runfer D'Hills Replies: 15

 Outnumbered - Runfer D'Hills
Well I laughed anyway and so did my wife.

A good friend of ours often phones from his car on his way home for a catch up which he did this evening. He was sounding unusually put upon today so I asked him if he was alright. He just mumbled something about how his colleagues had been bickering all day and had all individually at some point chosen to confide their ire with one of the others in him. He really hadn't been interested in their differences and just wanted to get on with completing a major task on which he was subject to a tight deadline, but being a polite and personable sort, had felt obliged to at least pretend to listen sympathetically to each version of the dispute.

Knowing that he is the lone male in an open plan office I asked him if he'd felt a bit sexually outnumbered? To which he replied that no, that wasn't really the problem and indeed he was more than used to that scenario, but that perhaps on reflection maybe it did have a bearing, in so far as 9 hours was an awfully long time to go every day without feeling able or having an opportunity to "break wind" !

Got my funny bone that. Just thought I'd share. As you were...
 Outnumbered - sooty123

>> Got my funny bone that. Just thought I'd share. As you were...

Which bit? Him not being able to fart? Why didn't he just drop one, better out than in.
 Outnumbered - corax
>> Well I laughed anyway and so did my wife.
in so far as 9 hours
>> was an awfully long time to go every day without feeling able or having an
>> opportunity to "break wind" !

That's what the toilet is for isn't it?

Of course I wouldn't like to be near the bloke when he did finally have the opportunity :)
 Outnumbered - Runfer D'Hills
Brilliant Corax ! Are you Australian by any chance? There's something about your final sentence which just begs to be read in an Aussie accent !

So sorry about all this. Feel free to ignore the whole thread. It's just that if you knew this chap the comment was so unexpected.
 Outnumbered - Zero
One of the reasons for having a dog, the blame game....
 Outnumbered - corax
>> Brilliant Corax ! Are you Australian by any chance?

I've got a mate who is an Australian expat and he's back there at the moment visiting family. It must be rubbing off :)
 Outnumbered - Avant
" Australian expat...."

Expat = someone who used to harness cows' output.
 Outnumbered - crocks
If he has held it in for so long it seems a shame to waste it.
Maybe he could arrange some way to power the car with it?
 Outnumbered - Haywain
"A good friend of ours often phones from his car on his way home for a catch up ........."

I hope the vehicle wasn't moving at the time........
 Outnumbered - VxFan
>> I hope the vehicle wasn't moving at the time........

Depends if a hands free kit was used.
 Outnumbered - DP
Poor chap. :-)

As soon as I read the part about colleagues bickering all day, how did I know it would be an office full of women? I have often wondered, and asked SWMBO directly what is it that makes large groups of women, whether colleagues or friends, unable to avoid falling out with each other and talking behind each other's backs?

I don't ever recall a time when every member of SWMBO's social group have all been getting along harmoniously. Someone has always done or not done something which has incurred the displeasure of one or more of the others. Allegiances constantly change as well. It's actually fascinating for a bit.
Last edited by: DP on Tue 9 Apr 13 at 13:23
 Outnumbered - Bromptonaut

>> I don't ever recall a time when every member of SWMBO's social group have all
>> been getting along harmoniously. Someone has always done or not done something which has incurred
>> the displeasure of one or more of the others. Allegiances constantly change as well. It's
>> actually fascinating for a bit.

Remember exactly the same revelation when, at age 18, I worked in an office where I was the only bloke. There were two more in a total of 15 but they both worked on the upper floor.

 Outnumbered - Mike H
Oh how I sympathise! I used to work for a small charity, and I was the only man in a small and crowded open-plan office of eight people. I used to have to sit and pretend not to listen when they talked across the office about women's bodily functions :-)

I'm not sure if it was a compliment, but after a while they told me I was one of the girls :-s
 Outnumbered - Pat
I sympathise and agree with DP's the reason I would never work, or socialise, with a crowd of women.

 Outnumbered - Bromptonaut
Funny how the addition of a second bloke in the room changes the dynamic.

For several years I was the only male in amongst 6 or 7 women. As the senior/manager I seemed to influence them to silence rather than discussion of female functions. I've had the full gamut of that in folks reporting sick or return to work interviews though. But the place was

Recently we've had a young chap in the office and I've been moved to sit opposite him. A very bright guy, 24, with a Masters Degree in Law and working for us for a few months before starting his Bar pupillage.

Much more chat now. Partly 'cos they 'Mother' him slightly but becase unlike the rest of us he's in something new - not just our obscure corner of government but full time work as well - and is full of questions and off beat comments.

Today's lesson was on finding stuff informally and then feigning surprise when the formal message arrives.
 Outnumbered - legacylad
My ex is based at an office staffed solely by females.
The back biting, politics, one upman/womanship (if accurately described) sounds horrendous.
As for breaking wind, i blame it on other people on the chairlift. the base altitude, 1800metres, change of diet & alcohol regime, seems to be playing havoc with my innards at the moment.
Good job its the SBD variety.
Not the LBH.
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