Non-motoring > Lola Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robin O'Reliant Replies: 26

 Lola - Robin O'Reliant
One year old Beagle bitch, FoC as she came from a friend of a friend whose son's relationship had broken up and they couldn't keep her. I've always wanted one of these but they cost a fortune to buy, a customer paid £1600 for theirs.

House trained, nicely mannered and gets on well with the family Welsh Springer. Good to have two dogs on the lead again. So we're back to being a family of four again ;-)
 Lola - Westpig
I thought you were going to post that you'd bought a racing car
 Lola - Zero
Dont tell me

You met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola


It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola

Dear boy she'll gonna make you a man
 Lola - Robin O'Reliant
>> Dont tell me
>> You met her in a club down in old Soho
>> Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
>> Still
>> It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola
>> Dear boy she'll gonna make you a man
That's the first thing I thought of when I heard the name, I wanted to change it but Mrs RR used her veto.

I'll get used to it.
 Lola - VxFan
>> I thought you were going to post that you'd bought a racing car

I thought it was going to be a question about The Kinks.
 Lola - L'escargot
>> I thought you were going to post that you'd bought a racing car

I thought you were going to post that her name was Lola, she was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there ...........
 Lola - MD
Pictures please. I've been out Hunting with these. Lovely lovely dogs.
 Lola - Armel Coussine
Lived in a flat in Powis Sq in 1958 or so. A posh bohemian slut who passed through the place owned a beagle, although it was a dog. It shat in someone's bed, not mine fortunately.

Its owner's boy friend had another friend who stayed a few days. He used to be well known in vintage car circles and turned up there in an OM which attracted my attention (I thought it was a Lancia until I looked closer). They weren't very nice though, perhaps because they were already grown up while I was still young and silly.

I didn't really take to the dog. A curmudgeonly beast with poor habits.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sat 6 Apr 13 at 20:25
 Lola - Armel Coussine
Actually come to think of it I think that dog was a basset hound. Almost identical to beagles aren't they?
 Lola - MD
Lower suspension I believe.
 Lola - Armel Coussine
>> Lower suspension

Not all that much lower. And same sort of ears really. But it was a long time ago.
 Lola - MD
Longer wheelbase too??
 Lola - Bromptonaut
Riding round Sherwood Pines last weekend my 11yo niece and I passed a lady with two low slung, long eared dogs. Look, says niece, sausage dogs.

Owner, in VERY offended tones, tells her they're Bassets.

Basset has similar colours to a Beagle but latter is more evenly proportioned.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sat 6 Apr 13 at 20:59
 Lola - Zero
Cost a fortune in Marlboro every week tho.
 Lola - Roger.
We used to live next door to two bassets when we lived in Pembrokeshire.
They didn't bark - they honked mournfully.
Horrid things.
Last edited by: Roger on Sat 6 Apr 13 at 23:05
 Lola - Pat
Yes, pictures please RR!

>>So we're back to being a family of four again ;-) <<

It's strange how a family feels incomplete when an animal is missing.

We've had a walk around Block Fen for another cat since Ginger died but we we're both a bit half hearted about it (too early, I think). Nothing jumped out at us and said 'take me home'.

We're hoping something will arrive in the garden looking old, ill and hungry....

What we'd really like is two more who need to find homes together.

The house feels empty and it's so strange working in the greenhouse without a cat on the staging.

 Lola - Dog
>>We're hoping something will arrive in the garden looking old, ill and hungry....

I'm on me way.

 Lola - Zero
>> >>We're hoping something will arrive in the garden looking old, ill and hungry....
>> I'm on me way.
>> :-D

with pats cooking, hunger is the better option.......
 Lola - Pat
When I pulled the curtains this morning after I wrote that post there was a female pheasant and a Muntjack Deer both wandering around aimlessly.

That wasn't exactly what I had in mind...

 Lola - Zero
Both taste good when cooked tho.....
 Lola - Dog
>>Both taste good when cooked tho.....

Have one of mine:

 Lola - Robin O'Reliant
I'll see if I can get some pictures up, I think I have an account on Flicker or something. A customer of mine has a Beagle, they paid £1600 for theirs. I may not mention it to them.

Still trying to work on Mrs RR re a name change, Holly appeals to me.
 Lola - Ted

We had a Beagle many years ago after our Golden Cocker snuffed it with old age.

It cost quite a bit and was an awful dog. It just didn't like people and wouldn't gel with the family. We only really saw it at food time. It preferred to hide behind the settee rather than lie in front of the fire or on someone's knee.

I think it was bred from a ' working ' strain and as we had a new baby arriving within a few months, I offered it to a local Beagle hunt in the Cheshire Peak District. Must have been just over 35 yrs ago now. Hope it was happy there.......amongst it's own !

Went back to Spaniels after that, A lovely liver/white Springer bitch. She thought she was one of the kids and played with them all the time. If they weren't available she used to flick a ball off the patio steps and chase it down the garden over and over again. We had her from 1978 to 1992 when she had a stroke and had to be pts. Bad day, SWM had to take her as I was at work 30 miles away.

Got two Border Terriers after her, male and female. Great, feisty little dogs. Both gone now.

No more pets now....we like going away too much. Maybe when we're old !

 Lola - CGNorwich

Yes pets can be a bit of tie. Although I rather like our cat when she goes certainly won't be getting another one. Too much hassle getting someone to look after her or putting her in the cattery when you want to go away. Expensive too what with vets bills etc.
 Lola - sooty123
Hi RR did you manage to get a Flicker account sorted? Lovely dogs I'm thinking of getting one myself. How's it going so far, is she getting used to her new surroundings?
 Lola - Robin O'Reliant
>> Hi RR did you manage to get a Flicker account sorted? Lovely dogs I'm thinking
>> of getting one myself. How's it going so far, is she getting used to her
>> new surroundings?

I've got a Flicker account and the log-in details are written down somewhere or other. I'll have to have a go at it today.

She's been renamed Holly, I got my way on that in the end! Settling in very well, they make a lovely low maintenance companion, non-aggressive so you don't have to worry when visitors arrive but with a healthy bark to let anyone at the door know there's a dog at home. It's my first experience of Beagles and it's only been a week but from that and what I've read and learnt from other owners they make an ideal house dog and if you like a healthy walk they'll match any distance you can do and still come back for more.
 Lola - Dog
Got a Beagle down ere: looks a bit wonky tho IMO.
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