Non-motoring > Long coach journey - any experiences? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: RattleandSmoke Replies: 42

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
My only experience really is Finglands circa 2002 with college, Manchester to Paris was ok I don't remember being uncomfortable but I was only 19 at the time.

I generally hate coach trips to London, because the train is twice as quick as generally end up thinking by the time it goes past Stoke, if I was on the train I would be in Buckinghamshire by now.

However my train from Paris to Barcelona is not cheap at £75.00 for a single, the coach is around £35.00 for a single. The coach only takes two hours longer than the train, as the new high speed line into Spain won't be ready in time.

I arrive into Paris at around 9:30 in the morning. A coach leaves at around 2:30 in the afternoon and gets me into Barcelona at 5:30am. The train leaves around 10:00pm and gets me there around 11:00. I had planned for a day walking around Paris, but I am not thinking I may be too tired for it anyway as I am basically kipping in McDonalds/Starbucks and St Pancras station the night before.

So my question is, has anybody been on a Euroline coach long distance? I can't seem to find that much reliable information of google. As my entire budget for this trip is £400, the saving will go along way but not if its going to be too uncomfortable.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - CGNorwich
All I can say is God, you must really hate flying! That all sounds like the absolute journey from hell. Absolutely bonkers. Good luck!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I love travelling (by rail/road) and dislike flying. So it just makes sense to do it this way.

It is not actually that far, and when the new link opens (hopefully by the end of this year) it will be easier. It would be a lot easier if I had more of a budget but then its some times more fun doing things on the cheap.

Travelling as far as Berlin by train before, and that is the same distance really although we did break that journey up by spending two nights in Amsterdam.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123
Do you dislike flying because it's boring or because you might pile in?
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I dislike the entire experience, it seems to really really give me ear ache as if somebody is banging a hammer inside them. I also hate the thought of flying as in there is nothing underneath but air, and also just dislike the sensation.

It is not a fear of crashing so much, as I know how safe flying is. The amazing this it is only costing me a little more this way, the main problem of course is the time it takes to get there.

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123
Well I guess that's enough to avoid it for you. I can't say the alternatives would be worth as flying is so fast, but each to their own. It's not that long to put up with it, you never know the more you do it the more you might find you can cope with it.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I do really dislike the coach to London, but I think that is simply because the train is so damn good and quick but if the coach is a lot cheaper I can cope with it. In this case (Paris to Barc) the coach is only two hours slower and might be very scenic.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123
I meant learning to put up with flying!
Last edited by: sooty123 on Tue 2 Apr 13 at 23:08
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I know :).
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Gromit
Don't bank on the coach trip being scenic, between barriers along the edge of sections of motorway to cut traffic noise, the routing of the roads, and the fact that any break you have will be at identikit motorway service areas.

Personally, I'd pay the money for a TGV run down to the Spanish border and onward on the Talgo. That said, I'd also consider the journey part of the holiday (sorry, but if I just wanted to get to Spain easily, I'd tolerate the airport and fly)

Check (the French version, not the international one, for lower prices) for off-peak and ID-TGV deals, or else consider the Corail fast intercity trains. These are also very comfortable, there's catering on board, you can pick genuinely scenic routes across France, and are cheaper than the TGV but still run at 100mph so not too slow.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - CGNorwich
Well I guess it makes sense to you or you wouldn't be doing it but if I am understanding it right you are

1 Taking a train from Manchester to London - 4 hours

2 Hanging around for 4 hours in the middle of the night in one of the grottier parts of London.

3 Getting a train to Paris

4 Hanging around for 6 hours or so waiting for a coach

5 sitting on a coach for 15 hours

And all for fun!!!

I look forward to hearing the full saga on your return

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
Yes it is not as bad as that :).

1 Taking a train from Manchester to London - 4 hours - Only takes a couple of hours.

2 Hanging around for 4 hours in the middle of the night in one of the grottier parts of London. - Yes, but I will get the tube straight to St Pancras, and hang around there it is a 24 hour station you just need to show tickets to security.

3 Getting a train to Paris - Yep again very quick

4 Hanging around for 6 hours or so waiting for a coach - Either that or train, haven't decided yet, but need to quick as prices will only go up. But I will drop the luggage of in a locker and take in some of the sights while I am there.

5 sitting on a coach for 15 hours - yes or a train, the worst part of the journey. My phone will be dead by then too. Thinking of paying extra for the train, simply because I can then spend an entire day in Paris, and I will have space to walk round, and there is a bar on it etc.

And all for fun!!! - Yep done it all before, but on a smaller scale. It feels like a bit of an adventure this way, its a bit more exciting, where as if I flew it would just be another brits abroad type thing, especially as I am staying in Salou.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - CGNorwich
Don't forget to factor in the delay checking into your hotel. If you arrive in the small hours you most likely won't be able to check in until midday at the earliest.

Are you repeating all this on the way back?

How long do you have to recover before you return?

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
6 days in a hotel in total, 5 in Salou and one in Barcelona. Yeah already thought about, and that is the big downside about the coach as it gets me in just before 6:00am, the train gets me there at 11:30am and more likely to get a good night sleep on the train as there is more space.

Not quite thought about the effects of tiredness one the way there, on the way back its not so much of an issue. For that reason I will probably pay more and go by train. Can't really change my plans now as the main hotel is not refundable.

Since I am staying in Salou for 5 nights, it is a good base for Barcelona, and I am now thinking rest wise a night in Paris might be better, otherwise its a night sleeping in St Pancras followed by the next night on a train or coach.

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Armel Coussine
>> otherwise its a night sleeping in St Pancras followed by the next night on a train or coach.

Oh good God Sheikha. You are a grown-up man with a proper skill, your own business and a new, economical car. Why the penniless 18-year-old student act?

Expand a bit, mofo. Haven't you got a single bearable male or female friend to keep you company?
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
Most my mates have girlfriends, I see them every weekend and go on a punk festival every year with them (that is my real holiday) and that costs a fortune. Four nights in Blackpool so I am having to set a budget for my holiday, I don't want to skrimp when I am there.

As longs as I have my sleeping pills I can sleep any where as longs as its safe. Also intend to go camping etc. I am hoping to go part time with my business and find full time employment in which I am doing qualifications for, again which costs money. This trip is really just a trip to clear my head for a week and work out what to do.

I am hoping I will be far too busy next year to do all these trips!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - No FM2R
>>As longs as I have my sleeping pills I can sleep any where

I truly can sleep anywhere, and I have lived and worked, and slept rough, in some of the dodgiest places on the planet.

But I'd be damned if I would sleep *anywhere* vulnerable *and* take sleeping pills.

Most of the time you're a complete wuss and worry about everything, and then you come up with a dumbass statement like that.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Gromit
"My phone will be dead by then too"

Corail and TGV have charging points on board - bring an adapter. On standard class Corail coaches, the power point (and a shelf to work on your laptop at) is in the vestibule at the end of the coach, not at your seat. No power points on TER services. Not sure about the TGVs or first class, as I haven't been on either.

I like the idea of a double-deck TGV with a bar upstairs - having a Pelforth ambré and watching the French countryside whizz past at 180 mph is strangely appealing to me :-)
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123
I've done a 20 odd hour trip on bus back from germany. If you want to save the money you'll put up with it. It's boring but you'll live. Really though you should stop all this faffing and just ruddy fly there !
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
Eurostar tickets are already booked. It would be easier still if there was such as thing as late night trains, but the last one gets me into London for midnight.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Armel Coussine
You know what I think Sheikha. So I won't repeat it.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Armel Coussine
I hope you will have a good time though, and a few alarming adventures. I don't want to be a wet blanket.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Roger.
....and my loony daughter and family are in Albania in a 40 year old VW T2 camper!
Last edited by: Webmaster on Thu 4 Apr 13 at 08:54
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - R.P.
Eurolines have a very select clientele Rats, particularly via Holyhead, my wife shudders at the thought of being on one of their buses.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I actually prefer Megabus over National Express as there are a lot quieter, its usually full of back backers that can't speak a word of English, where as National Express is often full of rowdy pensioners!.

But although it is twice the cost, and not not much quicker, I will take the train as the timings work out much better, and I have a much better chance of getting some sleep on it.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
PS I don't actually have a passport yet, so it is a bit of a risk but sent off for it a week ago, and not going to the last week in May, so shouldn't be a major problem. You just have to book things early as train tickets just go up and up nearer the time.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Mapmaker
Oh Rattle! Fly. Please!! Make us all happy! And make you even happier!

There is no way that you should be contemplating the choice between a coach and train from Paris to Barcelona, having previously done whatever else you claim. I found you some flights the other day; £40 each way was it?!

Please fly!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - R.P.
The train thing from Paris to Barcelona would be my preference - 5.30am is not a civilised time to be wandering around any city - at least on train you can get up and go and stretch your legs and go for a pooh if you want with stinking the bus out.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - legacylad
FWIW I hate long coach journeys.
A few years ago I backpacked the SW Coast Path in its entirety, split into 2 sections. The train journey from Settle via Leeds to Penzance was effortless. And before that I backpacked in the Dolomites, finishing Alta Via 2 at Feltre where I made a spur of the moment decision to visit nearby Venice for a couple of days. The midnight sleeper from Venice to Nice was way better than any bus connection.
And i must be one of the few people remaining who enjoy flying and everything it entails. My normal route to visit US friends is the KLM 6am ex LBA to AMS, then either LAX/Seattle/Portland then SMF (Sacramento). The day flies past, no pun intended, even security i find interesting watching other folks. Maybe its just me, but i find it all a nice part of the holiday experience!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123

>> And i must be one of the few people remaining who enjoy flying and everything
>> it entails. My normal route to visit US friends is the KLM 6am ex LBA
>> to AMS, then either LAX/Seattle/Portland then SMF (Sacramento). The day flies past, no pun intended,
>> even security i find interesting watching other folks. Maybe its just me, but i find
>> it all a nice part of the holiday experience!

I think you must be! I just find it so dull sat there for hours on long flights cooped up. Can't really go anywhere, or do a great deal. I can't sleep sat up, usually no booze so end up sat there watching the clock till we land. Sadly I end up going too often on them. I suppose it might be better if we had business class, but it's economy all the way regardless of destination.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - legacylad
Sooty, don't you have in flight entertainment on your flights? On the 11 hour AMS/LAX i watched 4 good films, read, ate 2 'average' meals, had a few beers, looked out at interesting scenery. Not a minutes boredom for me. I think the secret is a good set of headphones, and i have now upgraded from half decent Sennheisers to Bose QC15s.
Even on a 2 hour short haul with no entertainment or food I can interest myself in a daily paper or good book.
It would be even better if i could ever get an upgrade from cattle class, but not holding my breath.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - sooty123
>> Sooty, don't you have in flight entertainment on your flights?
Sometimes there is, like last time, but sometimes not. On a long flight it makes it even longer! Although I have a good net book and a hd I can get 6 hours at a push out of the battery.

On the 11 hour AMS/LAX i watched 4 good films,

The ones they show on board, when available, I find don't interest me. Maybe I'm just picky!

>> looked out at interesting scenery

Never seen much at 30 odd thousand feet ;-)

>> Not a minutes boredom for me.

I think for me it would be much better if I could sleep. Not found a way to do it yet. Mind you when there was just me in a 3 seater aisle I did just plonk myself on the floor between the rows of seats and got some shut-eye, a rare thing to find though!

>> I think the secret is a good set of headphones,

Industrail ear defenders work better I find.

 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
Thanks for all the comments. I will be going by train simply because the timings work out better, as RP I think it was said, I don't want to be hanging round Barcelona at 5:30am and also I have a better chance of at least getting a couple of hours kip on the train. I don't sleep anyway. I got three hours last night but that is more due to family chaos, but I find I can function perfectly with little sleep its when it happens a few nights in a row is a problem.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Cliff Pope
Only once - London to Glasgow in 1964, with a group of school friends who baulked at paying rail fares.
Ghastly experience, sick, never again.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
I think coaches have improved a bit since 1964 though! But I wouldn't fancy that either.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Fursty Ferret
I took a Megabus from London to Leeds back in my student days. On reflection, I'd rather chew my own legs off and then walk home on the stumps than use a Megabus again.

It was late, slow, cold, uncomfortable, and had a penchant for breaking down. It was, however, cheap.

Why aren't you driving down and avoiding all the hassle of public transport?
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Bromptonaut
Not been on a really long distance coach since 1978 when I got an overnight service c22:00 from Leeds to Luton Airport.

Went all round the Wrekin picking up in Cleckhuddersfax and God knows where else before joining the M1 around Sheffield.

Everybody else was smoking irrespective of being in the NS section and how I kept from chundering I cannot now remember.

Never again!!!!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
That has been discussed (driving else where) not going to happen.

Megabus has improved a lot since the old days. I am guessing yours was just a normal bus? They are mostly modern coaches now, BUT the last time I went on it was a Volvo B10 on a P plate, it had a coach body but no toilets. Put me off Megabus for life.

I had an argument with the driver when he said he won't be stopping for a toilet break when they change drivers. I had to show the driver the website that said "in the rare case there is no toilet onboard, there will be a toilet stop on long journeys". Maybe 208 miles was not a 'long journey' but eitherway we stopped for a toilet break.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - henry k
I have only tried four long (return) coach trips and that was decades ago.
A "non stop" from London to Venice (no hotels en route but meal/comfort stops)
We were fairly new to travel so it was intersting views.
The other was by Grayhound in February from New York to Niagara via Buffalo.
We assumed it was an express service but it wasn't. Regular diversions off the highway over rutted roads to various towns.
Chucked off at Buffalo to get a "local" bus. ( code sharing all those years ago ?)
We were pleased at the stops as the caoach was kept at about 100 degrees.
No idea about modern coaches.
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
All booked, going with Corail on a reclining seat. I do have to change, but its only for the last hour of the journey, so I should be able to get some sleep.

Will just eat plenty of bananas the next day!
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - Pat
Then carp through the eye of a needle for the rest of your holiday.........:)

Sorry Mods:( -

Last edited by: Webmaster on Thu 4 Apr 13 at 08:53
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - R.P.
You mind you don't slip on one of their skins Rats...! You've done the right thing. Trust us we've ben there !
 Long coach journey - any experiences? - RattleandSmoke
It is very easy sat here on my comfy office chair, trying to save some money by using the coach, but then I pictured myself on that coach. With no where to stretch my legs, no shop or bar onboard etc. No nothing.

Looks a lot more comfortable than the coach.
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