Non-motoring > Adjusting UPVC hinged door Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 12

 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - bathtub tom
I've a hinged, UPVC patio door that's not very secure. It seems to have dropped on its hinges, allowing the locking mechanism to move outside the bits they slide into.

I've loosened the hinge fixings into the frame in the hope I could slide them a bit, to no avail:

I've removed this screw in the hope they may have eccentric hinge pins that could be turned to adjust, but it seems it's there to lock the hinge pin in place (seems pointless as any burglar could unscrew the hinges from the frame):

It looks like the only option is to pack the bolt locations or the hinges to adjust the thing, unless anyone can advise otherwise? :
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Dog
Inges are worn b/t and need 2b replaced.
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Ted

You may find that the door is kept ' squared off ' by your double glazing unit. Our front door is.
To adjust the height of the ' locking edge ' of the door, the glass has to be taken out and wedges inserted into the frame at certain points to support the panel.

Not very technical, I'm builder son in law did mine a few months ago when it was only half locking. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will be along to explain better.

Your hinges look the same as mine, our door is about 15 yrs old. The 3 yr old back door has a much more sophisticated system.

 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - No FM2R
Can you see what has moved and where? Is it the entire frame?
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Dave
Aren't those packing pieces above and below the door part of the hinge?

PS, could do with a clean as well!
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - bathtub tom
There's no packing pieces in there. I'll tell the butler to have a word with the housekeeper.
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Old Navy
A google came up with these, There seem to be a few online suppliers of upvc spare bits and pieces. As said above if the door has dropped out of square the glass will have to be re-shimmed. I think you will find there are shims between the edge of the glass and the frame, you will not be able to see them.

They are red in this picture.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 17:56
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - bathtub tom
Thanks for that ON.

Your reply led me on to this:

Looks like it could need 'toe and heeling'.
Last edited by: bathtub tom on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 19:40
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Fullchat
These are what you need:

You will wonder how you managed DIY without them. Loads of other uses.
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Ted

That's what I meant in my ramble above. I have a bag of them, different thicknesses have different colours. The vertical edge needs to be packed as well at some point.

 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Ambo
I sounds as if you need an expert. From my own experience of a similar problem, avoid Checkatrade leads and ask around for personal recommendations.
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - henry k
An interesting difference in design to my doors.
Each of my standard sized doors has three conventional looking fixed hinges ( that appear to be stainless steel ) but with no adjustments.
My third 36 inch wide door also has three similar hinges.
All the adjustments are on the lock side.
 Adjusting UPVC hinged door - Dutchie
I would go for some new hinges shouldn't be to hard to do.
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