I expect I'm going to feel very silly at the end of this question.....
Loads of TV channels now have a +1 service, but when I thought about this surely if I watched these I should be seeing shows an hour in advance of the regular schedule? but what I'm actually viewing is an hour behind so theses channels should really be labelled as -1.
Or, as I'm expecting, have I completely misunderstood the concept of this.
The +1 runs an hour behind normal scheduling. So Coronation Street (other crap soaps are available) gets transmitted by ITV at 7.30 you can watch it again at 8.30pm on +1
When you view (for example) ch33, you're watching ITV1 plus one hour of delay.
Eh, I'm with Rudie .. I like to watch Cops on CBS reality which is scheduled for 7.00pm.
I watch it at 8.00pm on CBS reality +1 which is actually -1 (or + 1 hour later)
>> Loads of TV channels now have a +1 service, but when I thought about this
>> surely if I watched these I should be seeing shows an hour in advance of
>> the regular schedule? but what I'm actually viewing is an hour behind so theses channels
>> should really be labelled as -1.
>> Or, as I'm expecting, have I completely misunderstood the concept of this.
Be fantastic if what you thought was true, Rudedog. Imagine the money you could make betting on live football.
>> I expect I'm going to feel very silly at the end of this question.....
>> Loads of TV channels now have a +1 service, but when I thought about this
>> surely if I watched these I should be seeing shows an hour in advance of
>> the regular schedule? but what I'm actually viewing is an hour behind so theses channels
>> should really be labelled as -1.
-1 would be one hour ahead of schedule.
Trains are - if they are early, and + if they are late.
OK, but if I watch ITV1 at 5pm and then turn over to ITV1 +1 at 5pm then logically I should be able to view the programme scheduled for 6pm, whereas in fact I will be viewing the programme shown at 4pm. I still think they have the title wrong it should be -1.
the clocks go forward tonight.....dohhhhh
>> the clocks go forward tonight.....dohhhhh
So is that ITV +2?
>> OK, but if I watch ITV1 at 5pm and then turn over to ITV1 +1
>> at 5pm then logically I should be able to view the programme scheduled for 6pm,
>> whereas in fact I will be viewing the programme shown at 4pm. I still think
>> they have the title wrong it should be -1.
everyone else in the country gets it. You will have to be unique.
need to adjust telly tonight... dont wanna miss cash cab during tea and toast tomorrow
>> Loads of TV channels now have a +1 service, but when I thought about this
>> surely if I watched these I should be seeing shows an hour in advance of
>> the regular schedule?
Yes, that's how it works.
If you watch ITV+1 you'll get to see the news an hour before it happens, so you'll have an hour's warning of any natural disaster, and can make a killing on the stock market too.
This is also why they stop selling lottery tickets an hour before the draw. Otherwise everyone would know the winning numbers.
You would have been a military disaster Rudedog if you had been allowed any responsibility for the D-day landings.
D+1 = day after the landings
D-1 = one day to go.
Excellent - a historical precedent.
Rudedog is presumably living in 2013 BC
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Sun 31 Mar 13 at 10:53
I know that I'm not viewing the future! Just change the name, +1 doesn't mean what it implies, several are called 'catch up' that would be more descriptive, in fact 'Dave ja vu' has it nailed.
Deja Vu TV - better register it quick - it could catch on !
>> Deja Vu TV - better register it quick - it could catch on !
(Well, someone had to)