Non-motoring > New job next week. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 31

 New job next week. - R.P.
Same employers, more hours, more responsibility, longer contract (which'll do me fine - probably won't finish it) - My own boss again - be driving around the county in a mobile CAB - details of vehicle will follow - CAB going back to its roots in a very 21st Century way. Suits my free-spiritness.
 New job next week. - Roger.
Every morning I wake up and say to myself "Thank goodness I don't have to work"
Last edited by: Roger on Fri 29 Mar 13 at 23:40
 New job next week. - R.P.
I don't have to - I choose to.
 New job next week. - Armel Coussine
Roger, that isn't necessarily good. You don't want to atrophy.

I wake up and think, It's still morning at least, just about, and now after the pony and wash there should be at least an hour or so of coffee and comic, thanks be to God, before work scheisse sets in if I'm lucky... and if I'm not lucky it'll be a bit worse tomorrow (etc., etc.).
 New job next week. - Pat
I wake up every morning and think I wish I could go back to work ( as I knew it) leaving for a week at a time, not knowing where it would take me.

That was never work, it was a pleasure.

 New job next week. - madf
I wake up every morning , walk into my study and am at work.
30 mins later, that's it for the day - if I choose.
 New job next week. - Meldrew
I couldn't "Not Work". I have 5 voluntary jobs which involve me between 30 minutes a month to 2 days a week. I have skills of a sort, which are useful to people and I think it important to help the society that has seen me through to age 70+. Don't mean to come over all pompous and holier than thou. I have had an up and down life but I am still here and I like to do some good where I can
 New job next week. - R.P.
Same here Meldrew I have two voluntary roles as well - One is coming to an end at the end of this year, the other is a pleasure at the local theatre/cinema - get to see some good movies/shows for the cost of the petrol - I tried the doing nothing thing - not for me. I'm not financially dependant on the job and could kick it into touch - keeps me in luxuries....I like my luxuries...! There is also the rewarding side of it - lets not forget that !
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 08:54
 New job next week. - Roger.
>> Roger, that isn't necessarily good. You don't want to atrophy.

Aaaah - siesta time. ;-)
 New job next week. - Ted

>> Aaaah - siesta time. ;-)

Sometimes I just sit and think.................mostly I just sit !

 New job next week. - Zero
>> Same employers, more hours, more responsibility, longer contract (which'll do me fine - probably won't
>> finish it) - My own boss again - be driving around the county in a
>> mobile CAB - details of vehicle will follow - CAB going back to its roots
>> in a very 21st Century way. Suits my free-spiritness.

Going to be selling pegs? laying some tarmac?
 New job next week. - R.P.
No a state of the art van - The area I work in is very large - with remote communities. I helped out with a bid to the National Lottery late last year - the van has Sat video link - the works....and of course a deck chair.
 New job next week. - Zero
Oh I though you were going to be an undercover Itinerate Tarmac layer.

Actually, it sounds like a fab job.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 08:58
 New job next week. - R.P.
It is - I've let myself down a little - the more the talk about it went on, the more I was stimulated by the thought of setting it up and running it - I became rather competitive in the end - actually wanting it - not felt like that in a good number of years....does a soul good..
 New job next week. - Duncan
>> >> Same employers, more hours, more responsibility, longer contract (which'll do me fine - probably
>> won't
>> >> finish it) - My own boss again - be driving around the county in
>> a
>> >> mobile CAB - details of vehicle will follow - CAB going back to its
>> roots
>> >> in a very 21st Century way. Suits my free-spiritness.
>> Going to be selling pegs? laying some tarmac?

Lucky heather sir?
 New job next week. - Runfer D'Hills
Well done Rob !

Company van eh? You'll need to brush up on your tailgating and unannounced lane changing skills and don't forget to buy the copies of the Sun and Mirror to decorate the dash top along with the McDonalds wrappers and so on.

You'll also need to recruit a youth in a hoodie to be kept asleep in the passenger seat, wonder how they keep them sleeping, especially when they have to have one foot up on the dash too along with the newspapers?

 New job next week. - R.P.
Only one or two lanes around here ! Part of the job is to recruit volunteers in the areas I go to...they'll have to bring their own newspapers...
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 09:53
 New job next week. - sherlock47
..they'll have to bring their own newspapers...

is that so you can disqualify them if they bring a Daily Mail:)
 New job next week. - Fenlander
>>>I don't have to (work) - I choose to.

Sounds a good project RP.

After almost two years of early retirement, and having completed a major house move/update, I thought it time to do something productive... so I've just "chosen to" as well.

Self employed... 12-16hrs at home over 3 days and another 2hrs in the car each week.

Considering offering a few hours a week to a local community charity as well.

 New job next week. - R.P.
Well worth while - met some great people.
 New job next week. - bathtub tom
My ambition on retiring was to drive the mobile library.

All those books to read and a lock on the inside of the door.
 New job next week. - Zero
>> My ambition on retiring was to drive the mobile library.
>> All those books to read and a lock on the inside of the door.

Bit like my toilet really.
 New job next week. - R.P.
I'm sort of halfway there - has a telly, broadband and WiFi.
 New job next week. - R.P.
and a toilet.
 New job next week. - Runfer D'Hills
Just don't put it on cruise control while you go for a slash...

 New job next week. - Armel Coussine
I gather the van is terrific. Winnebago is it? But I have somehow failed to make out what the job is. All those acronyms are like Greek to me.
 New job next week. - R.P.
Citizens Advice Bureau AC. A mobile office - not living in the Metropolis people around here can go a whole day without seeing a bus or we go to the people. I am in charge of it. A small empires but a mobile and very sophisticated one. King of the road !
 New job next week. - Armel Coussine
Thanks Rob. Do you have a regular round, stopping at different places once a month or so, for the local citizens to come and ask for advice?

Some of it must be interesting.

 New job next week. - R.P.
Yet to be decided - no doubt there will be some routine - I have a few ideas, responding to emergencies such as flooding and the such like will be an option. We also need to be ready to help people apply for the new Universal Credit (online only as and when it starts) - so all in all hopefully a busy resource. Really looking for it despite it being "work" - unfashionable I know !
 New job next week. - Pat
Blue lights and air horns next?:)

 New job next week. - Armel Coussine
I should park next to a pub if I were you. Otherwise you may find yourself wanting to put a big Staff Only sign on yr toilet door.
 New job next week. - R.P.
Cunningly disguised as a store-room
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