Non-motoring > What areas to stay in Barcelona? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: RattleandSmoke Replies: 31

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
I will be arriving in Barcelona around 9:00am in the morning (when I go in May) and plan to stay my first night in Barcelona. I am aware it is a bit rough these days (I have not been since 2005 and thing crime has rocketed it since then).

I need some where to stay for about £50 a night (single) in Barcelona, located is not too important as longs as its near a metro station etc. I just want to stay some where reasonable safe, some where I don't need to be too worried about walking back to about 11:00 at night etc.

I looked at a Travelodge but the area on Street View made Moss Side look quite posh.

So I wondered if anybody can recommend me some areas to stay within Barcelona itself? I would have thought the most important thing is that its in easy and safe walking distance to a metro station.

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - CGNorwich
£50 a night isn't going to get you much in Barcelona. UP your budget to £70 -£80 and there's plenty of basic accommodation. Late Rooms is a good site
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
Yeah that is the site what I have been looking at. My other option is just to skip staying in Barcelona and going there as a day trip. If hotels really start at £80.00 a night then I simply won't bother.

I normally pay around £50.00 a night in the Victoria area of London, but I know London inside out and where to avoid etc. I have spent a total of about 2 days in Barcelona and that was 8 years ago so I am clueless.

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Armel Coussine
50 quid? My room in the middle of Barcelona cost about a fiver if that, for two... but that was in 1961, the room was tiny and hot and its only window was onto a corridor.

Can't help with yr query Sheikha but I wouldn't worry unduly about safety at your age. Walk rapidly and look as if you know what you're doing. That's the best way to avoid being molested in dodgy areas. But a lot of harmless run-down bohemian areas can probably make Moss Side look posh. Obviously if you look like a lost tourist carrying an expensive video camera and a MacBook in its little black condom you might attract unwelcome attention. But an old hipster like you won't do anything like that will you?

Beware of other British tourists. Even if they don't rob and murder you they are sure to lead you astray.

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
That is just it though, in London I know how it all works, I can walk round confident if as if I own the place etc. I know what you mean though a lot of it is common sense.

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - SteelSpark
>> That is just it though, in London I know how it all works, I can
>> walk round confident if as if I own the place etc. I know what you
>> mean though a lot of it is common sense.

Which Barcelona are you going to Rattle, the city in Spain or that nightclub in a Brazilian favela, where all the top hitmen hang out?

If it's the former, chill out for gawd's sake...if the latter, say hi to Fabio for me...
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - No FM2R
>> I am aware it is a bit rough these days (I have not been since 2005 and thing crime has rocketed it since then

It is not a bit rough and crime has not rocketed. And I am there fairly often.

And if you're walking back at 11pm at night then you've left the night half done.

You also must have looked at the wrong travelodge, which is a neat trick since there are only two.

and you won't need to spend as much as you think....
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - No FM2R
.....and if you're worried about the language, then I can ring them for you with any questions if you wish.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
This is the one I was looking at

Yeah that is what I have been looking at. My other option is just to skip staying in Barcelona and going there as a day trip. If hotels really start at £80.00 a night then I simply won't bother.

The other one looks a bit further out but I have no idea hence me asking questions.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - No FM2R
Oh for God's sake you are such a wimp.

The Hotel Poblenou has this in its description...

Autobús: rutas 26, 36, 71, 141 y N6.
Metro: Llacuna (línea Amarilla) (a 500 m).
Metro: Glorias (línea roja) a 15 min. a pie. Acceso directo al centro.
Parada de taxis a 200 metros.

Frankly I've had enough of your wimpish attitude, go to Barcelona or don't, but man you need to grow a pair.

I mean, a day trip to Barcelona,? You know there's highwaymen right? Masks and big black horses moonlighting from their day job of robbing, raping and pillaging tourists in the town centre, you need to watch yourself, anything could happen in the next half hour.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
I haven't come here for a load of abuse, if you don't like my posts don't reply!.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Dutchie
That will give Rattle a lot of confidence.>:)

Go and enjoy yourself Rattle if you can cope with Manchester,Barcelona is a doddle.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
The reason I posted this is that I have seen a lot of comments about the pick pockets. If I was a wimp do you think I would be travelling by myself on this journey? Which involves hanging round central London in the never hours and hanging round Paris etc?

I need to get something sorted ASAP because the more I try and decide what to do the eurostar tickets will go up. Trying to to the entire thing for £400 including all travel but obviously excluding spending money and travelling money once I am there (day trips etc).

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Dutchie
Pick pockets are everywhere Rattle.My experience in live has been don't worry about things what might happen just be vigilant.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Old Navy
You will be fine Ratts, when my pal and I and our wives spent a weekend there recently we accidentally (honest) discovered that the red light area is only one block off the Ramblas. Our wives were only a bit disgruntled as they decided they were well past earning anything. We wandered all over the city, admittedly not late at night though, and always felt safe. The worst areas for pickpockets are the same as any other city, tourist areas, transport hubs, etc. As long as you are sensible you will have no problems, if you appear a bit drunk you attract attention.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
Thanks it is only for one night and I won't be getting drunk really. Found some where near Sants station which looks good value for the money.

It will just be a nice way to break the journey, even for a youngite like me Manchester to central Spain by train is too much without a stop over!

That said it not much further than Penzanze to John 'O Groats really.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Zero
Dont worry about where you stay or wander in Barcelona, just have your wits about you. Its the same in any country/city.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
Thanks I do feel quite a bit better now. The way I was reading some reports suggested it was like New York circa 1982.

As I said I have been before and it was more than fine then, but that was before all the financial problems.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Roger.
Here you go!
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
Nice find that Roger, I like the fact it shows the address so I can see where they all are without having to too much digging.

Just booked the euro star tickets. On the way back is pretty mamouth as I will be travelling from Barcelona to Manchester without a sleep over (apart from on the train).

Just need to work out what to do in London between midnight and 4:00am now.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Roger.
Formule1 hotels ARE basic, but they are also cheap. We've stayed in them a few times. They have communal bathrooms and bogs; they are not in popular areas (sometimes on industrial estates) but other hotels in the group are more tourist friendly, albeit more costly
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Pat
>>>Just need to work out what to do in London between midnight and 4:00am now.<<

You have to ask, at your age?......there is a problem, I fear:)

 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Ian (Cape Town)
rather stay out of town, and commute in by train for daytime tourism.
Try Castelldefels... lovely place.
Don't try Sitges. Unless you enjoy the company of lots of men in tight shorts and big moustaches.
(Yep, I found that out by mistake!)
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - R.P.

Highly recommended - excellent hill walking superb atmosphere.....
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - R.P.

Live a little Rats.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 11:48
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - bathtub tom

Found an excellent scrap yard near there. Got some bits for an old Fiat 850 I had at the time. Fun getting them through the airport!
Last edited by: bathtub tom on Sat 30 Mar 13 at 12:29
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - RattleandSmoke
Ha normally I have no shortages of places to go at that time in the morning BUT with all my luggage? And I don't want to be drinking.

I only have four hours to kill too, which isn't that long to start going any where.

As for Montserrat I intend to take a trip up there :).
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Zero
Been up there, good drive up, nice views, otherwise full of tourists and boring as hell.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - R.P.
Cracking walks along the crags, funicular railway up the hill - walk down. Get there for dawn if you can. Magical place in those hills..
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Zero
Ah - the rack railway wasn't there when i was there.

Yes dawn is good - before the tourists swarm over the place.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - bathtub tom
When I was there it had a cable car to the monastery.
 What areas to stay in Barcelona? - Ian (Cape Town)

Joy is everywhere, apparently.

>> Ah - the rack railway wasn't there when i was there.
>> Yes dawn is good - before the tourists swarm over the place.
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