Non-motoring > Fitted new Cylinder Lock. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dutchie Replies: 10

 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Dutchie
Haven't been happy with our lock in the patio door for a while.It is one of these cylinder locks what stuck out the door at least halve a inch.

I'm no expert with locks and thinking the whole lot needed replacing and left it.Rang a few locksmiths,one quoted 80 pounds and a other 120 pounds to replace the barrel.

I thought have a look on you tube you never know,
how to replace the barrel and put a new one in the no bump no pick and brake type of barrel.

Got the explation how to do it took me less than a minute to take the old barrel out.New one cost 37 pounds and about 5 minutes to replace it.I had to take the door handles off and line the lock up .You learn something every day.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - bathtub tom
I presume it's one of these euro lock jobbies.

I had to do one and found it remarkably easy through the interweb thingmy.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Robin O'Reliant
A few years back I did consider going on a locksmiths training course. They only last about a week and when you've done you've got a licence to print money. They must make a small fortune from distress call outs.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Armel Coussine
Some time ago translated a vulgar and garish but very good fun French novel set during the Paris Commune (1871). I recommend it - sex, violence and lots of creative and profane polemic. I haven't checked but it may be remaindered on Amazon. I don't think it sold well although it got the odd good review (the best was in the TLS). The Voice of the People (in English - poor title I thought), Jean Vautrin, (Orion/Weidenfeld & Nicolson) 2002 I think. It's good on the politics of the Commune at a moment in Fr. history not for the faint-hearted.

One of the main characters is a locksmith who works at night for burglars and gangsters, opening doors and safes for them. He owns several large houses dotted about Paris and despite a modest working-class demeanour is really very rich. This doesn't prevent him from being a left-wing agitator however...
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Runfer D'Hills
My current wife managed to lock the keys inside one of our old cars on our drive with the engine running while I was hundreds of miles away with the other set. Don't agonise over how, suffice it to say the car's central locking system was bewitched at the time.

She called out our local indy garage owner who thankfully lives round the corner and he opened it with ease. Took him less than 3 seconds without damage to the car.

Amazing how he did it, sadly though he made us swear not to say...

 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Ambo
I think you need to check your home insurance policy, Dutchie. A patio door must count as an entrance to your house and insurers have specific requirements about entrance door locks.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Biggles
One of the points of weakness of these cylinder locks is if they stick out beyond the door. If they do, it is possible to clamp onto the cyliner and using brute force twist it out - the recommendation is that the end of the cylinder should be flush with the door.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - sherlock47
>> One of the points of weakness of these cylinder locks is if they stick out
>> beyond the door. If they do, it is possible to clamp onto the cyliner and
>> using brute force twist it out - the recommendation is that the end of the
>> cylinder should be flush with the door.

Which is why he fitted a "no bump no pick and brake type of barrel."
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Dutchie
Top of the range lock fitted draiber.Lock is flush with the door,the old one wasn't.Same type of lock as the old one but more secure.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Armel Coussine
>> it may be remaindered on Amazon. I don't think it sold well although it got the odd good review (the best was in the TLS).

I've taken a Google. For anyone who's interested, many s/h copies seem to be available for a bewildering variety of prices down to below a dollar, but I suppose 'two or three bucks' about covers it.

Saw a couple of reviews new to me, one online very flattering, but another quoting (as an example of a peculiar tortured couple of sentences, which it is) a passage containing one of my very rare actual translation mistakes, of which the reviewer thank goodness is unaware.
 Fitted new Cylinder Lock. - Ian (Cape Town)
>> A few years back I did consider going on a locksmiths training course. They only
>> last about a week and when you've done you've got a licence to print money.
>> They must make a small fortune from distress call outs.

a friend of a friend is a locksmith.
When MrsIan lost her keys - yep, the whole bunch including backdoor and patio door! We'd just moved in a few weeks before, and on my 'to do' list was get spares cut - he popped round and 'sprung' the locks and replaced them in a matter of seconds.
He was also the local 'on call' guy for BMW and Mercedes, and spent a fair amount of time on the road going to unlock them. Often a 500 mile+ round trip was involved. Nice work if you can get it, but eventually he packed it in, as the hours and travel were getting excessive.
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