Non-motoring > Lie Detection for voters... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 6

 Lie Detection for voters... - No FM2R
We need a UK version of this website....
 Lie Detection for voters... - Roger.
...only if you believe tat their"falsometers" are themselves true, accurate and not powered by a political agenda.
 Lie Detection for voters... - No FM2R
Easier to check a bunch of collated facts with associated clues then survey all the statements made in every medium every week.

But surely UKIP and its members never lie anyway, so it wouldn't matter?
Last edited by: No FM2R on Thu 21 Mar 13 at 13:43
 Lie Detection for voters... - Roger.
Never pass up the chance for a sneer, eh?
Still it shows we are starting to make progress, doesn't it?
 Lie Detection for voters... - No FM2R
A sneer? Hardly a sneer. A poke perhaps, but not a sneer.

And a sneer is a mark of progress? Perhaps, but as a career path its hardly "up", is it.
 Lie Detection for voters... - madf
>> Never pass up the chance for a sneer, eh?
>> Still it shows we are starting to make progress, doesn't it?

This from a man who blamed the EU for Cyprus's woes when in reality if it were not for about £8billion of EU money injected into Cyprus banks months ago, Cyprus would have no banks left..

I am afraid with judgement like that... progress = going backwards
Last edited by: madf on Thu 21 Mar 13 at 15:10
 Lie Detection for voters... - Bromptonaut
I suspect given the focus on Michelle Bachman that the detector may start from an at mildly Democrat standpoint.

OTOH some of the free market revolutionaries stuff about over regulation stiffling enterprise and the benefits of trickledown are easy to debunk.
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