Non-motoring > 1400 Ted Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 10

 1400 Ted - Dog
This is for our Teddy who we all hope is recovering well.

Ted, last year I asked you if you were familiar with a case I heard about on Colin Fry involving a young woman called Helen who disappeared on her way home from work some years ago, well, I've at last managed to track the case down:
(I should have been a copper!)

Good old DM, where would we be without it!
 1400 Ted - Ted

Hi Bonzo.... Now you've brought up the surname, McCourt, then I can say I do recall it very well. The local paper was full of the incident....a very pretty girl. I don't recall the medium being Colin Fry but I think there was another one who pointed to an area of land by the Manchester Ship Canal. Searches found nothing, sadly.

I'm doing ok. My breastbone is knitting itself back together and the odd cough is a lot less painful than a week ago. I've been out walking the mean streets and cut down on the painkillers quite a bit. I chanced a bath last night, my only worry was having enough ' arm-power ' to get out, but it was ok.

The hospital 's glossy pamphlet says I can have sex after 4 weeks.....which is next Wednesday. Anyone any idea where I go for this service ?

Thanks for asking M8.
 1400 Ted - Roger.
Here you go, Ted!
 1400 Ted - Dog
Thanks Teddy, good to hear you're slowly but surely getting back to firing on all cylinders again.

I watched the Colin Fry episode about Helen McCourt with her mum Marion last year, lo and behold it was on again yesterday so I've got it on DVD now.

Colin was quite accurate about young Helen, but apart from saying she is buried in the area where the Police have already looked, he couldn't be more specific than that and there is some sort of law/reason why that is, they say.

Don't look (Ethel) at the picture album on that site Dodger uses, or you might have a seizure!

 1400 Ted - Dutchie
Remember the young woman from York who disappeared four years ago? Somebody just wrote a book about her.Her father has been on the television a few times,his tormented face says it all when he is intervieuwed.

I wonder what has happened to her.
 1400 Ted - Roger.

>> Don't look (Ethel) at the picture album on that site Dodger uses, or you might
>> have a seizure!
Oye, Perro - I don't use it, I just Googled for it! Mierda!
 1400 Ted - -
Good to see you up and about Ted, give some of these young hoodlums here a thick ear will yer (like the old days:-), give that arm some exercise.
 1400 Ted - Ted

Interesting, Roger. I suppose you've got a few more websites that you're keeping to yourself !

That Solitaire was quite fetching.......not sure about Muriel tho. I'll have a word with Big Ron.

 1400 Ted - Roger.
You may think so, bit I could not possibly comment.
 1400 Ted - Dog
It'll all come out in the rash wash.

 1400 Ted - No FM2R
>>Don't look (Ethel)

But it was too late....
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