Non-motoring > Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 15

 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
Went to Germany Mon/Tue and kept my iPhone off as I didn't wish to roam or be charged for it. Ten minutes into the tunnel on the return journey I tuned it on, ready to use in UK and instantly got some messages and e mails and a £3 charge for roaming! I was 5 miles, at least into the tunnel but I still had 4 bars of an Orange FR signal AND 3 g and this continued until we were about a 2 minutes short of coming out the Folkstone end of the Tunnel. Clearly there is some on board relay system so beware!

Other general point, petrol v expensive vis a via UK, diesel is rougly as many €s numerically as it is £s in UK. However this is almost negated by the exchange rate fall. One of the exchange offices was offering only €1.03 for £1 and would buy back at €1.33 = £1 30 cents on one euro spread is criminal!
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - VxFan
>> Went to Germany Mon/Tue and kept my iPhone off as I didn't wish to roam
>> or be charged for it.

Why didn't you just turn off data roaming in the settings menu?

Settings > General > Mobile Data > Data Roaming = Off
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
Yes - I did that. I didn't think there was ANY chance of getting a mobile signal 6 miles into the tunnel and under the sea and the ground so I turned the phone on ready for Folkstone! As I explained I was still connected to Orange France as the train can out of the UK end of the tunnel. Must have a signal relayed into the train
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - TeeCee
Congratualations! You've just availed yourself of the "Olympic Legacy".

Coverage in the Chunnel was introduced for the Olympics.
Calais to Dover you get service from the French networks who have clubbed together and allowed Orange to do the job. "Real" roaming revenue from non-French phones is split between the networks.
Dover to Calais there is no service as the British operators could not agree to cooperate and allow one to provide service with all the others roaming onto it while still taking that as a "home" signal, as the French have done. They also couldn't agree on the roaming revenue split. Roll on a year and they're still arguing about it.

My suggestion when I found that out was that they should give the other side to the froggies as well and let the bickering idiots rue the lost revenue at their leisure.
Last edited by: TeeCee on Wed 27 Feb 13 at 14:31
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
Thanks! Straight out of a script from the original Yes Prime Minister!
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - No FM2R
As Dave says, turn data roaming off and keep it off. It will have no impact on you whilst in the UK and will prevent any accidents.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Wed 27 Feb 13 at 16:12
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Mapmaker
Beware the same can apply overground in some parts of Dover/the distant far south east.

Which makes me wonder... how do they cope on the, say, French-German border?
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Ian (Cape Town)
I think pragmatism would come into play here. there's probably a zone on either side of a few kms where benefit of the doubt swings the way of the consumer.
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Zero
I have stood on the cliffs at Les Gris Nez and used UK O2!
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
By the time I had got off the Eurotunnel and got to Germany I had texts from the service providers in France Belgium Holland and Germany, welcoming me and giving me the call charges.
I only got three on the way back as I wasn't "welcome" back in UK which is fair enough as I wasn't that pleased to be back! >:(
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - PhilW
"I wasn't "welcome" back in UK"
More likely you couldn't get a signal in UK! I drove back from Munich overnight a couple of months ago - had perfect signal all way to Chunnel. When I got off Chunnel had to drive miles before I got a signal to let Mrs W know I was back safely!
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - PhilW
"However this is almost negated by the exchange rate fall. One of the exchange offices was offering only €1.03 for £1 and would buy back at €1.33 = £1 30 cents on one euro spread is criminal! "

Have a look at Nationwide Select Credit card. In my experience you get a very good rate of exchange, no commission charges and you get (paltry) money back even on money spent abroad (NOT though on cash from cash machines!! Don't use it to get cash). Card works at fuel stations (24 hr things as well as kiosk), and never had it refused anywhere even in Germany (where they are not too keen on CCs)
As long as you pay back with Direct Debit to avoid interest it's a pretty good deal.
MoneySaving Expert also recommends it to use abroad.
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
Thanks PhilW. I used to be with Nationwide. At the moment I have a Santander debit card which allows me to get cash from a foreign ATM free of fees or transaction charges and at a fair exchange rate and I have 3 credit cards which work abroad fee free and also at a fair exchange rate, Santander Zero, Halifax and Post Office.
Last edited by: Meldrew on Wed 27 Feb 13 at 19:06
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - PhilW
Looks like I was trying to teach my Grandma to suck eggs!!
Sorry M!
Last edited by: PhilW on Wed 27 Feb 13 at 19:10
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - Meldrew
No apology called for. I may have come over a bit pretentious, talking about my card collection!
 Mobile Phone Roaming - Network signals - mikeyb
IIRC there was an issue a few years back where people in Dover were connecting to French networks, and then getting huge bills as all their calls were classed as roaming
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