Non-motoring > Government Gateway/pension forecast question... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Haywain Replies: 11

 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Haywain
I just wonder if anyone on here has had any luck in using the 'Government Gateway'. I tried a couple of years ago in order to fill in an on-line tax form, but failed to complete the registration procedure. They had a habit of changing the terminology during the registration process and, in the end, I had to resort to the old paper tax form.

I tried to register again a few weeks ago in order to obtain a pension forecast, only to find that the 'activation code' didn't work and, again, I suspect that they were swapping and changing terminology. When I rang the technical help desk, they didn't seem at all surprised that I couldn't get it to work and quickly volunteered to send out the forecast in the post.

As promised, the pension forecast arrived and I appear to have hit the jackpot with 44 years of contributions, though by hitting 65 in 2014, I believe I will miss out on the new uprated pension available to the next wave with only 30 years contributions.

My wife seems to think that there's a reduced rate of pension for married couples - can anyone confirm that? What's more, she will hit 65 in 2018 and may therefore get the higher amount, so I've no idea how that might pan out if some kind of 'married' pension is calculated.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - madf
I used it to get pension forecast in 2012 with no problems.

Married couples do not exist in taxation : pension is based on individual's contributions. Additional pension credits take partner and savings into least they did in 2012
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Fursty Ferret
Yeah, but at least you'll get SERPS if you paid into it.

The mugs born in the mid-80's are the worst off because as I understand we'll still have to make additional contributions but get nothing back.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Clk Sec
>>I believe I will miss out on the new uprated pension available to the next wave with only 30 years contributions.<<

Yes, it looks that way. But there'll be roughly 13m others, including me, to keep you company.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Zero
The government gateway is the very worse available example of a web site. Inconsistent, poorly laid out, bad use of links - Wont even work on many browsers.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - smokie
I had problems too but they said to use IE not Chrome and it was OK.

It said I have 30 years. I thought I'd have more than that, but maybe if that's the max then they don't report anything over it?
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Clk Sec
>> I had problems too but they said to use IE not Chrome and it was
>> OK.

I was on the Gateway site a few weeks ago and had no problems with Firefox.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Zero
I tried the gateway this morning, and it doesen't work with Safari.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Haywain
"I tried the gateway this morning, and it doesen't work with Safari."

In my latest unsuccessful attempt at access, I was also using Safari.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - DP
>> The government gateway is the very worse available example of a web site. Inconsistent, poorly
>> laid out, bad use of links - Wont even work on many browsers.

Yup, another shining example of a New Labour IT project.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - -
Thanks i wasn't aware of this service, no probs with Firefox, now waiting for my activation code to arrive via the post.
 Government Gateway/pension forecast question... - Alanovich

>> Yup, another shining example of a New Labour IT project.

I'm still working on one.
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