....a couple of frozen Toad in the Hole's and fry the batter, will it make an emergency pancake?
pedant mode
shouldn't it be Toads in the Hole? :-)
>> shouldn't it be Toads in the Hole? :-)
The name of the item is "Toad in the Hole". So the plural is Toad in the Holes.
>>Toad in the Hole's
Pat, about that apostrophe.......
>> >> shouldn't it be Toads in the Hole? :-)
>> The name of the item is "Toad in the Hole". So the plural is Toad
>> in the Holes.
Rot! Toads in the Holes.
>> Rot! Toads in the Holes.
Crap, multiples are called "toad in the hole"
You two are cluelesses.
Its quite clearly Toad in the Holes.
I wonder what their collective noun is?
>Its quite clearly Toad in the Holes.
I'm confused.
Are there multiple toads and multiples holes, multiple toads and one hole or just one toad and multiple holes?
They'd probably fight if it was multiple toads in one hole and if there was only one toad and multiple holes wouldn't the empty holes just be Yorkshire Puddings?
Not sure if I've ever actually had Toad in the Hole. But even if my memory fails I'm fairly sure that I'd be disappointed if there were not proportionately more Toads than Holes involved. This then would perhaps by default give the Toads some form of priority and status thus conferring the emphasis upon them? Notwithstanding that, Kevin makes a valid point on the sheer practicalities above.
>> Not sure if I've ever actually had Toad in the Hole.
Probably not, its not deep fried.
Well now that would depend on the qualifying criteria for the classification of Toad in the Hole.
I would have thought that there must be at least one Toad, or else as Kevin says its a Yorkshire Pudding. And there's got to be at least one hole, or its just a sausage.
So that would tend to mean 1 hole, per 1 toad.
However, there must be some further criteria to avoid confusion with a battered sausage.
>> Well now that would depend on the qualifying criteria for the classification of Toad in
>> the Hole.
>> I would have thought that there must be at least one Toad, or else as
>> Kevin says its a Yorkshire Pudding. And there's got to be at least one hole,
>> or its just a sausage.
>> So that would tend to mean 1 hole, per 1 toad.
Insertion of the toad, creates the hole. Each hole should therefore be full of toad.
>> ....a couple of frozen Toad in the Hole's and fry the batter, will it make
>> an emergency pancake?
>> Pat
Yorkshire batter will be thicker than pancake batter. And it will taste of sausage fat.
No point you and ian starving for the next few months when its easy to make pancake battter....
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 16:17
I was going to take the sausages out first.
I can't make them I don't have any flour, it's not something I ever keep in.
You leave my apostrophe alone. It looks nice there!
I've got some frozen Yorkies, maybe they would be better?
>> I was going to take the sausages out first.
>> I can't make them I don't have any flour, it's not something I ever keep
>> in.
>> You leave my apostrophe alone. It looks nice there!
>> I've got some frozen Yorkies, maybe they would be better?
>> Pat
No, chocolate bars make crap pancake mix.
Get your backside over to the new Morrisons, and get some ingredients.
Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 22 Feb 13 at 10:16
No chance, I don't do cooking since my Son ( who is 47) stopped having a Blue Peter Annual every year.
They use to have a recipe in it for pancakes.
I live 9 miles from the nearest supermarket...he'll have to make do with beef casserole (stew) and Aunt Bessie's dumplings.
Tesco colcannon and Tesco Finest microwave veg.
It's better than Camion stew!
Last edited by: pda on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 16:47
Is Ian fond of Aunt Bessie's dumplings then?
Just asking :}
He eats what he's given and is grateful of anything edible;)
I've heard Aunt Bessie's dumplings are quite a mouthful... er, handful... whatever.
Last edited by: FocalPoint on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 18:17
Multiply recipe according to quantity of pancakes needed.
Basic batter recipe
4oz plain flour
1 egg *
1/2 pint milk
Pinch of salt
And oil for frying.
Make batter and allow to stand. Heat rather more oil than you'd use for one pancake and pour in batter. Lightly mix in.
Make pancakes. Ingredients will make around 6 smallish pancakes but many people make the basic mistake of getting them too thick. Paving slabs rather than pancakes and nowhere near 6 of them.
Fold onto plate, add squeeze of lemon and choice of sugary topping (maple syrup is nice albeit expensive).
*The egg can be doubled for a richer batter. For Yorkshire pudding batter it frequently does have two eggs per 4oz flour.
As basic recipes go, they don't come much easier.
"As basic recipes go, they don't come much easier."
Yes they do
1 Buy pack of pancakes
2 Microwave
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 20:35
I'm coming over to hit you :o)
Bet you buy white sauce mix too!
Off to look for those on the Tesco grocery website CG, thanks :)
>> Off to look for those on the Tesco grocery website
This is what my mum got on Sunday for a £1.
She made 6 really yummie pancakes from it last night.
Out of stock on the website, but the local store might still have some left.
Tried it, home made mix is better.
We got four perfectly fine pancakes out of a Tesco everyday value mix last night. Cost me 7p and an egg.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Wed 13 Feb 13 at 10:49
>> We got four perfectly fine pancakes out of a Tesco everyday value mix last night.
>> Cost me 7p and an egg.
you would have had 4 better pancakes if you had made your own mix...
I saw that last week Dave and thought it was something to 'shake' on the pancakes....what a stupid name.
I even looked at the description to see what to do with it and all it says is store in a cool dry place.
I just don't buy anything if it doesn't have cooking instructions on it.
I always knew, given a Haynes manual for the right model, there wasn't any job I couldn't do on a car if I put my mind to it, so why do they assume we all want to be super cooks and know everything.
>> ....a couple of frozen Toad in the Hole's and fry the batter, will it make
>> an emergency pancake?
I'm curious now what state these "frozen Toad in the Hole's" are frozen in.
I've got this picture in my mind of some cooked Cumberland sausages doing a Walt Disney in a state of suspended animation in an uncooked batter. I know it wasn't true about Mr Disney but still sticks in the mind.
Last edited by: gmac on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 17:32
I like Aunt Bessie's dumplings.
But then I just love Amy's dumplings, and Linda's and.
I'll get my coat...
Yorkshire pudding batter is the same as pancake batter, except for a smidgen of salt & pepper, so frozen Yorkshire puds, heated up should do nicely.
Try 'em with butter and sugar, or golden syrup - yummy.
Last edited by: Roger on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 19:31
Well I have just polished off a nice steak and salad followed by several of SWMBO freshly made pancakes liberally sprinkled with fresh lemon juice and brown sugar....
SWMBO does not think Toad batter will be OK as it is thicker batter than that for pancakes but reckons why not give it a try as in the absence of any flour you have nothing to lose Pat....
>>Try 'em with butter and sugar, or golden syrup - yummy.
I used to enjoy Yorkshire pudding and jam when I were a lad.
"a couple of frozen Toad in the Hole's and fry the batter, will it make an emergency pancake?"
This talk of pancakes is wetting my appetite. Better still the hotcakes they serve up across the pond with lashings of maple syrup.
Yum, yum...
>> This talk of pancakes is wetting my appetite.
Given we appear to have dispensation to play pedants in this thread, then it's "whetting". As for the apostrophe, if I see "it's" misused once more on this forum, well, there'll be some stonking in for a roof level attack, although I will of course keep it to myself, as it's pretty well endemic everywhere now, and in every thread.
Which doesn't make it right. I appreciate nobody else gives a flying hippo of course, and I also fully understand the above will contain errors.
>> >> This talk of pancakes is wetting my appetite.
>> Given we appear to have dispensation to play pedants in this thread, then it's "whetting".
>> As for the apostrophe, if I see "it's" misused once more on this forum, well,
>> there'll be some stonking in for a roof level attack, although I will of course
>> keep it to myself, as it's pretty well endemic everywhere now, and in every thread.
>> Which doesn't make it right. I appreciate nobody else gives a flying hippo of course,
>> and I also fully understand the above will contain errors.
Roof level attack from you Crankers! Mind the Chimney.............
The Lad's just making a batch now.
We've run out of to55er jokes.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 20:22
Anything frozen or pre-packed may may you Horse.
>> This talk of pancakes is wetting my appetite.
>>Given we appear to have dispensation to play pedants in this thread, then it's "whetting". As for the apostrophe, if I see "it's" misused once more on this forum, well, there'll be some stonking in for a roof level attack, although I will of course keep it to myself, as it's pretty well endemic everywhere now, and in every thread.<<
Its a mere typo. Thats all!
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 20:49
'err indoors 'n me have just consumed a batch of 8 homemade pancakes.
Surely you jest, we've all seen your profile on that platform.
May we have a critical report from Ian?
Ate my fair share (3) of proper pancakes, served with freshly squeezed lemon juice & white sugar, yesterday lunch at my old Mums. Then had to endure the hell that is known as Boundary Mill Colne. Hopefully another 5 years before I go but had a blast driving there on the quiet back roads. Good job the old dear is used to my spirited driving! She just hangs on and grins.
Blueberry pancakes, with pure Canadian maple syrup for brunch today after a few hours spring cleaning this am. And its snowing quite heavily now.
Good job i enjoy the gym after stuffing my face with all these calories.