>> Rubbish They all held trunks and did ring a ring a rosies and all fell down..
Typical comprehensive school taught poppycock.
They used to ring-a-ring-a-roses trunk to tail which had a gyroscopic effect that smoothed out the rotation of the planet.
But after hearing there was horsemeat in their burgers they turned vegetarian.
Then, due to the unpleasantness of holding each others tails with their noses, they stopped circling in this way, and the Earth's spin-axis moved from North-South to East-West over a few years and they died out, being unable to get used to the warming of their enviroments (augmented by their now vastly more voluminous methane-rich guffs).
Fortunately Nigel Farage flew over from the planet Krypton and saved the Earth by tilting it back onto a North-South spin axis.
This is why the modern day elephant votes UKIP.
Last edited by: Lygonos on Sun 10 Feb 13 at 20:19