Non-motoring > iSulk Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Mapmaker Replies: 18

 iSulk - Mapmaker
The internet connection sulks. It has to be turned off every few hours in order to be able to make an internet connection at all. Sometimes even that doesn't do the trick. I had 24 hours without internet over the weekend, and then rebooting it (yet again) brought it back to life. Neither wifi nor 3g works when it's sulking.

4S running iOS6.

And it's completely sulking at the moment; no internet at all. I've tried rebooting it after quitting all applications; I've tried holding down both the Siri key and the power key until the screen goes black with a white apple.

And there's no internet at all - except emails do creep into the phone. So it's not entirely dead.

 iSulk - Armel Coussine
I have to say Mm that on seeing yr thread title I thought immediately of a new iproduct aimed at teenagers, and even wondered briefly whether to get one myself. I know my 16-year-old granddaughter often needs one. But they are all a bit like that at that age. She's a good girl really apart from treating us as a free all-night taxi service.
 iSulk - sherlock47
>>She's a good girl really apart from treating us as a free all-night taxi service. <<<

But payback can be worthwhile - get her driving at 17, she then becomes your taxi service. Worked with daughter, grandaughter should be easier - less historic baggage:)
 iSulk - Cliff Pope
I thought it was going to be a thread started by a disgruntled forumite who was about to make a protracted flounce.
I sulk therefore I post.
 iSulk - No FM2R
Does this only happen on your home WiFi? How is it elsewhere?

I'm thinking the router settings are giving grief; have you changed them recently?
 iSulk - Focusless
Might be worth rebooting the router if you haven't done already - ours gets its knickers in a twist sometimes with symptoms similar to what you describe.
 iSulk - Manatee
Now and again I find my 4s won't switch on. I haven't fully worked out what circs cause it but there are usually lots of apps open when it happens. Cure is the two button reset, but when it restarts the wifi is off and won't switch on. Switching the phone off and back on again then restores the wifi.

Does your wifi just not work, or does wifi on the phone go to 'off'?
 iSulk - Mapmaker
WiFi and 3G. At home, at work.

And sometimes it does work.

And if it's 'not' working, it's actually working but extremely slowly - i.e. emails that come through on push (I think that's the right way round, i.e. automatically) do dribble in; but for those coming in on pull the phone is never attached to the net for long enough for them to turn up.

Router has been rebooted.
Last edited by: Mapmaker on Tue 5 Feb 13 at 08:32
 iSulk - Zero
Take it to the Apple shop at Covent Garden, and ask them.
 iSulk - Mapmaker
>> Take it to the Apple shop at Covent Garden, and ask them.

I was going to pop into the one at Regent St, but I thought I'd ask here first. Thanks.
 iSulk - Zero
let us know the outcome. Take your proof of purchase with you, if its a hardware issue they might exchange it on the spot (and transfer your data)
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 5 Feb 13 at 09:56
 iSulk - Crankcase
Wait for failure.

Walk to Apple Store.

Bat your eyelashes.
 iSulk - VxFan
A friends wife has an iPhone4. Her daughter only recently noticed the phone doesn't connect to a wi-fi signal. His wife never spotted it. All the time she's been using it she assumed it was, but it turned out that it was solely using the 3G signal for the internet and emails. Took it to an Apple shop and they found the wi-fi aerial inside the iPhone had never been connected.
 iSulk - TeeCee
>> Might be worth rebooting the router if you haven't done already - ours gets its
>> knickers in a twist sometimes with symptoms similar to what you describe.

That might account for WiFi problems, but wouldn't affect 3G at all, unless it's got a femtocell associated with it (unlikely). mapmaker said that when it's knackered, neither work.
 iSulk - Focusless
Good point, missed that.
 iSulk - Mapmaker
Had my appointment at the genius bar today. I had restored the 'phone to iTunes last week, but it made no (appreciable difference). He did something clever with the software, and it's hopefully working again (though as it was always an intermittent fault I'll save passing judgement on this for a day or two!). Hurrah. He said the software was corrupted and it would also have been corrupted in iTunes so a full restore will have made no difference.
 iSulk - Londoner
I wonder what caused the corruption? Was it an app, maybe?

The Roman Emperors app, iCaludius?
The app to help you improve your observation skills, iSpy?
or maybe the special app for Geordies, Why-i?
 iSulk - Zero
Sounds a bit fishy, or finger problems - must have been the Birds-I app.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 14 Feb 13 at 19:04
 iSulk - Londoner
>> Sounds a bit fishy, or finger problems - must have been the Birds-I app.
I-I, Captain, I think that you must be right - the operating system seemed to freeze.

(I'm sure that I left my coat around here somewhere...)
Last edited by: Londoner on Thu 14 Feb 13 at 22:07
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