Non-motoring > OAP - no longer employable! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 19

 OAP - no longer employable! - henry k
I am no longer employable by the local council at election time.
Having done this job over the last few years it has been quite interesting to meet / observe Joe public and try not to be a jobsworth.

I do not need the expenses but am a little surprised at the reason my services are no longer required.

An exact quote.

"The regulations governing elections now require an increased level of insurance to cover all risks, and this has meant that we are unable to insure people beyond a specific age limit"

Do I enquire re ageism and should I point out the effects the government has on my wellbeing ? NECS. No Election Counting Syndrome?

I was looking forward to counting Clegg out!!!
 OAP - no longer employable! - Cliff Pope
>> "The regulations governing elections now require an increased level of insurance to cover all risks,
>> and this has meant that we are unable to insure people beyond a specific age
>> limit"

That's clever. Although sexism has now been removed from insurance, ageism hasn't, so probably, surprise surprise, older employees will increasingly be discovered to cost more to insure.
 OAP - no longer employable! - Haywain
I've been doing the job of Presiding Officer at a rural polling station over the past 8 or 9 years; did the council give a specific age, Henry, or did they wave an arm and use the non-specific 'too old'?
 OAP - no longer employable! - henry k
The only reference was in the quote I posted.

I have not been selected recently and I suspect they were stalling but have now written.

The rest of the letter ws just nice padding.

I would be interesting to know what other councils are doing with the likes of myself who have just clicked over the 3 score + 10.
 OAP - no longer employable! - Haywain
I'm 63, and have just received an e-mail asking if I'm up for the council elections in May.

I just wonder if your council is making way for a wave of ex-council employees seeking to make a bit of pocket money following redundancy/early retirement?
 OAP - no longer employable! - No FM2R
I should think that its someone who has simply decided that its all too difficult.

They've over interpreted the insurance requirements, coupled that together with over interpreting their own perception of insurance for older people and resulted in the standard "I can't be bothered, its Heath and Safety you see......"

If you care, push back to someone in authority and watch them run.....
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 29 Jan 13 at 00:45
 OAP - no longer employable! - madf
The HSE publicly announced recently they would like to see examples of HSE itis sent to them so they can deal with them.
Summat about a total lack of confidence in HSE...

So send a copy to them ...
 OAP - no longer employable! - Old Navy
If the council employers insurance is the insurance referred to and it now has an age limit some council employees are in for a surprise.
 OAP - no longer employable! - henry k
>> The HSE publicly announced recently they would like to see examples of HSE itis sent to them so they can deal with them.
>> Summat about a total lack of confidence in HSE...
>> So send a copy to them ...
That looks an interesting approach.
 OAP - no longer employable! - Crankcase
Our HR dept recently wanted to impose a change I wasn't happy with, either in the objective or the way it was presented as a fait accompli.

They told me was a legal requirement. So I looked it up. It wasn't. Then it morphed into it was an insurance requirement. So I looked it up. It wasn't. So then it morphed into the premium would be higher if I didn't conform.

I didn't conform. Apparently I'm not popular with them now, as the blanket change is now patchy as others have refused too, but there we are.
 OAP - no longer employable! - henry k
>>I should think that its someone who has simply decided that its all too difficult.

>>If you care, push back to someone in authority and watch them run.....

Letter signed by Deputy Returning Officer who is also The Chief Executive of the Council .
 OAP - no longer employable! - Zero
thats just the oily rag, talk to the engine driver.
 OAP - no longer employable! - Stuartli
It was probably more likely to have been the fact that over the 15 hours or so you would take dozens of toilet breaks and perhaps even forget why you were there in the first place, rather than insurance cover relating to your age...:-( :-)
 OAP - no longer employable! - -
>> It was probably more likely to have been the fact that over the 15 hours
>> or so you would take dozens of toilet breaks

Oh no does that mean my increasingly regular visits are likely to increase further?, i'll get a season ticket..;)
 OAP - no longer employable! - Stuartli
Get a postate check up.....
 OAP - no longer employable! - -
>> Get a postate check up.....

Shall i go to specsavers first and get me prostrate prostate postate checked over...;)

Seriously though SL i was thinking along those lines.
 OAP - no longer employable! - Stuartli
>> Seriously though SL i was thinking along those lines.>>

Very sensible...:-)
 OAP - no longer employable! - Stuartli
>> >> Get a postate check up.....

>> Shall i go to specsavers first and get me prostrate prostate postate checked over...;)

It was the second "r" I was trying to leave out...:-)

Last edited by: Stuartli on Sun 27 Jan 13 at 12:51
 OAP - no longer employable! - henry k
>> It was probably more likely to have been the fact that over the 15 hours
>> or so you would take dozens of toilet breaks
Instructions were not to leave the site so one likes to eat ones sarnies in peace :-)
 OAP - no longer employable! - Haywain
The chap who does the poll clerk job with me is, I reckon, 73 - I'll find out if he's been approached re the May elections.
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