I'm puzzled. Quite a few of AC's posts have been marked as offensive, including some in the "Seeng people you recognise in the papers" thread, and one in the "Stuff wot I found wot I forgot I had" thread. Now, I cannot for the life of me work out what is wrong with those posts so perhaps those that took umbrage would be good enough to enlighten us?
I've marked your post as offensive just to try out the feature. I have never used it before, and would never dream of marking an ordinary post as such.
I agree - it seems totally illogical behaviour, only explicable by personal grudge or misunderstanding.
I've given you a red face Mr Pope because it's still raining in Cornwall, and someones got to suffer.
It keeps happening, to several different people.
I have never managed to get any hint or clue as to anyone who may have done it or why.
same sad trolls about, maybe?
It doesn't seem to have any correlation with the lunar cycle, which surprises me a little:)
>> I have never managed to get any hint or clue as to anyone who may
>> have done it or why.
The thick plottens.
Think back carefully over events of the past few years, as they say in detective stories.
Have there been any events that seemed to you strange, anything moved in your room, strange behaviour by anyone close to you, mysterious phone calls?
Do you sometimes sense that you are being followed?
I have never marked a post as offensive on here. Strikes me as a rather pointless activity.
I have had the odd one over the years, so what? Some people are genuinely offended, some people annoyed that you dont share their view. Who on earth has the time to naval gaze about who gives a scowly face and why?
I use websites with the +/- arrows and they work better than the system here because you can show your disagreement without citing something as offensive, depends how sensitive you are as to whether you want that level of scrutiny though. me, I dont mind at all.
..and I've had one today of which I am proud. ;-)
+/- is often overwhelmed by mob mentality - generally the more pluses, the less intelligent and more populist a post has been.
Not always, of course: when Z gets thumbs up it's usually one of his very rare intelligent moments.
A scowly face at least means someone thought about the post enough to have made their own opinion about it, albeit a wrong 'un :-)
>> I use websites with the +/- arrows and they work better than the system here
>> because you can show your disagreement without citing something as offensive, depends how sensitive you
>> are as to whether you want that level of scrutiny though. me, I dont mind
>> at all.
That was, IIRC, the original proposition here. Quite a few regulars were uncomfortable with the idea that it created a 'ranking' system. OK in Technical perhaps and in threads where information was sought perhaps in MD too. But here in NM and in a lot of MD threads where opinion is being expressed and where most of us know each other's (apparent) politics and views on motoring matters from fuelling to speeding it just seemed to create an unnecessary hierarchy.
For whatever reason the site went ahead with green arrows only but also the scowly for offended. The latter has become a sub for the red/down arrow.
I've got loads of them for being a lefty cyclist and I wear them with pride. I doubt I've ever really offended.
Someone is just trying to frigg 'the system' by dropping them around like tintacks on that stage of the TdF.
Suggest we stop worrying.
The troll has achieved his (her) aim by getting us grumbling about it.
I think Attila the Hun was a good egg and we should nuke any country that a terrorist has ever set foot in. Oops, we have a few living here. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 14:33
Not me either.......I save my scowls for the wife !
Although if it was Dog who did a whoopsy outside our 'ouse this morning there might have been one on the way !
I think Attila the Hun was a good egg .......
Surely that was Attila the Hen.....
>>dropping them around like tintacks on that stage of the TdF.
Do people do that? I mean seriously set out and try to nobble bikes?
Some old phart was doing that on a stage of a Highland race a couple of years ago because it interfered with his ability to use the roads for a day or so.
The nobbled highland race was around Loch Rannoch, I believe. Presumably the culprit had been driven mad by the local midges.
>> Do people do that? I mean seriously set out and try to nobble bikes?
I happened on one stage last year. Australia's Cadel Evans was particularly badly affected; three or four wheel hangers. Sportsmanship was such that the peloton regulated their speed to allow the laggers to catch up. Culprit/motive never found.
They were also used a couple of years ago in the amateur Etape de Caledonia in the Highlands. In that case the offenders were locals with a grouse about road closures and traffic disruption. (EDIT -as reported by Lygonos).
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 14:52
You have to wonder what goes on in the mind of some people.
>> You have to wonder what goes on in the mind of some people.
No.. they don't have anything inside their heads.. Simple really.
In a less enlightened age we would call them retarded..:-)
>> >>dropping them around like tintacks on that stage of the TdF.
>> Do people do that? I mean seriously set out and try to nobble bikes?
No different to people putting rocks, logs, etc on rally stages. Well maybe not as lethal.
One Stage of of the T DE F was sabotaged this year and Wiggo got much praise from the French for slowing everything down until the punctured ones were back into the pack/peloton.
I quite orften give em out in jest - I've even given em to DD & Pugugly!
I gave Zed a phew the other week too, I can't remember what it was all about but, everyone else was having a go at him, so I thought I'd stick the boot in as well.
I gave Humph one recently because he said granpa bennetts wife's car was pig ugly, no big deal though, is it.
I wonder if Lud is the one who is giving AC all these red nose days, a sort-of masochistic self flagellation, like.
>> a sort-of masochistic self flagellation, like.
How dare you Perro... if I have a perversion - I don't think I have - it isn't that one. I didn't enjoy being caned at school.
I've asked t'managment to have a look at the whole thing.
It would be interesting Rob, but I'm not in a state about it myself. Mild annoyance at worst.
Perhaps remove the anonymity. On Facebook for example, if you "Like" a post, your name is visible against that "like". How about applying this to both the green arrows and frowny faces?
I have seen posts on this site that I fundamentally disagree with to the point where I'd struggle to respond in any positive manner, but have yet to see anything that I find deeply offensive. Disagreement is healthy, and I wonder how many users of the offensive button are confusing offence with strong disagreement.
>>I have seen posts on this site that I fundamentally disagree with to the point where I'd struggle to respond in any positive manner, but have yet to see anything that I find deeply offensive.
I agree, and that is the point. I may massively disagree with something, but I'm not offended by it.
>>I wonder how many users of the offensive button are confusing offence with strong disagreement.
On the one hand it all seems kind of silly, and I try to go along with the "what does it matter" point of view.
On the other hand it all seems so cowardly and almost "gang" mentality. Like one doesn't have the courage to stand up and make a point yourself, or even to say openly "me too", and so puts a sort of pathetic tick. Or for that matter scowlie, they annoy me equally.
I also suspect that what really happens is that person A decides they dislike person B and so scowls everything they do. Or conversely ticks of course.
So, I'd change it to three options
1) I agree with and support this post.
2) I disagree with this post.
3) I am actually offended by this post.
And I'd make it public who had ticked 1) or 2). I'd let 3) have anonymity.
And if I could then use a public I agree or I disagree, then I'd use them often. Its the anonymous nature that I am uncomfortable with.
I doubt that I would ever use the offensive button around here.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 16:56
>>I'd let 3) have anonymity<<
Because whilst I wouldn't feel the need for it, I think that if someone is genuinely offended then fear of being known shouldn't stop them objecting.
Although I did mean anonymous to the general readership, not anonymous to the moderators.
>> Because whilst I wouldn't feel the need for it, I think that if someone is
>> genuinely offended then fear of being known shouldn't stop them objecting.
>> Although I did mean anonymous to the general readership, not anonymous to the moderators.
I agree with Mark's proposal including anonymity for those who find a post offensive. While in most cases it simply means I strongly disagree there are occasions where fringe racism has crept in.
There may be other reasons where comments impinge on people's personal lives. Another forum I use closed off a discussion about and air accident after it turned out a participants brother was amongst the dead He was open about it and in circs we should have known anyway but others may prefer just ot share it with the moddies.
I'll ask car4play to have a look at Mark's proposal - makes sense.
>> I doubt that I would ever use the offensive button around here.
I haven't used the offensive button for it that I can remember, but I do deplore the use of foul language including that in the form of initialisms such as the one used recently in relation to Helen Mirren when I came close to expressing disapproval - but how can I be offended by something that isn't directed at me?
As it seems now to be acceptable to many educated and intelligent people, there's no use complaining - if it becomes too annoying I'll just remove myself.
I don't find verbal bad language troubling on the whole, but writing is perforce premeditated.
"but I do deplore the use of foul language including that in the form of initialisms such as the one used recently in relation to Helen Mirren"
I agree. Have the moderators abandoned house rules 5 and 8?
1 Personal insults
2 Content likely to incite religious or racial intolerance
3 Libellous content
4 Content which may be a contempt of court
5 Crude or sexually explicit content
6 Copyright protected content
7 Advertisements - (see our Naming and Shaming policy)
There is a difference between advertising and sharing a positive experience!
8 Profanity
9 impersonating content
10 Harassing content
>> "but I do deplore the use of foul language including that in the form of
>> initialisms such as the one used recently in relation to Helen Mirren"
>> I agree. Have the moderators abandoned house rules 5 and 8?
>> 1 Personal insults
>> 2 Content likely to incite religious or racial intolerance
>> 3 Libellous content
>> 4 Content which may be a contempt of court
>> 5 Crude or sexually explicit content
>> 6 Copyright protected content
>> 7 Advertisements - (see our Naming and Shaming policy)
>> There is a difference between advertising and sharing a positive experience!
>> 8 Profanity
>> 9 impersonating content
>> 10 Harassing content
I don't remember the Helen Mirren post. If however the usage was the the four letters which are a step or two on from Yummy Mummy I'd struggle to regard it as crude.
I find the 'See You Next Tuesday' word far less impactful when thrown at the customers these days too.
Barely raises an eyebrow from the stroke patients.
>> I don't remember the Helen Mirren post. If however the usage was the the four
>> letters which are a step or two on from Yummy Mummy I'd struggle to regard
>> it as crude.
Well be my guest and spell it out then ;-) I promise not to award a gong.
>> Well be my guest and spell it out then ;-) I promise not to award
>> a gong.
Mother Id like to Facebook??
>>How dare you Perro... if I have a perversion - I don't think I have - it isn't that one. I didn't enjoy being caned at school<<
Just trying to be helpful Sire, I have a friend in Plymouth who knows about these sort of things, you see.
Feliz Navidad :)
>> Feliz Navidad :)
Y por Ustedes también...
Like governing the nation no system is perfect* and there is no absolutely correct way to like/dislike/flip the bird at posters.
*of course the only perfect system whether in government or t'interweb is the one that lets me have autocratic power but that's apparently offensive to some people :-)
I think all suitable* people should have total power to run this country and make dictatorial decisions impacting the entire populace at will.
* suitable = agrees with me.
We've got to be careful about trying to avoid giving offence. I exclude personal offence to another member of course, but any comment which does not breach the law of the land is fair comment, in my opinion. It is very easy, for example, to find "racist overtones" in a legitimate political point of view you do not happen to agree with.
As someone once said, if the only free speech we are allowed is that which causes no offence to anyone it is not worth having.
>> As someone once said, if the only free speech we are allowed is that which
>> causes no offence to anyone it is not worth having.
Yup. If only because some people will be offended at anything.
What's wrong with removing them altogether?
Have we suddenly become incapable of saying I agree with that, I disagree with that or even, I am offended by your remarks?
"What's wrong with removing them altogether?"
We don't really need 14 posts saying "I agree with that" and another 14 saying "I agree with that"
E-mailed car4play with Mark's suggestion.
Rob, can we have a 'giggle' button, and a 'I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe' button if we are changing them? I love the humour on here more than anything.
I am still here, just not posting as only have phone at the moment.
>> Rob, can we have a 'giggle' button,
BBD's the man to ask about a ' Giggle Button ' . I would think he's the forum expert !
>> BBD's the man to ask about a ' Giggle Button ' . I would think
>> he's the forum expert !
>> Ted
Someone should explain what a "giggle pin" is and its location and function on a car, some of our younger readers may not know. I have not seen one fitted to a car for years.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 23 Dec 12 at 16:17
>> what a "giggle pin" is and its location and function on a car,
What are they? I've never heard of one. Button under the bonnet to work the starter?
>> >> what a "giggle pin" is and its location and function on a car,
>> What are they? I've never heard of one. Button under the bonnet to work the
>> starter?
No, Ill tell you later if no one knows, but plenty will.
>> >> >> what a "giggle pin" is and its location and function on a car,
>> >>
>> >> What are they? I've never heard of one. Button under the bonnet to work
>> the
>> >> starter?
>> >>
>> No, Ill tell you later if no one knows, but plenty will.
I can't remember precisely what one is but I'm nearly sure you need a left handed screwdriver and a glass hammer to remove and refit.
>> I can't remember precisely what one is but I'm nearly sure you need a left
>> handed screwdriver and a glass hammer to remove and refit.
No, pliers would do it. After some dismantling.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 23 Dec 12 at 16:47
I can see which way you lot are going (no surprise).
There are two as far as I know, one in some thermostats, (see link). Also they used to be fitted in a hole in the bottom of the bell housing to drain any oil that passed the crankshaft rear seal, in that case it was a loosly fitting split pin which allowed the oil to drain but "giggled" in the hole to keep it clear of road dirt.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 23 Dec 12 at 17:12
>>What's wrong with removing them altogether?
Have we suddenly become incapable of saying I agree with that, I disagree with that or even, I am offended by your remarks?<<
I disagree with that, however I am not offended by your remarks.
>>We don't really need 14 posts saying "I agree with that" and another 14 saying "I agree with that<<
Be sensible CG, there are few post with 14 thumbs since the board started, and in reality it would be a case of normal replies but would promote more discussion.
Maybe some would then be prepared to elaborate and debate what they feel.....as in a 'discussion' forum.
Well 14 might be an exaggeration but half a dozen would be too many. We already get those irritating "+1" posts which are simply a waste of space.
(well it cuts out the other 6)
I've just given a few thumbs up to some posts above to show what an agreeable fellow I am!
Never give scowly things, if I disagree I say so, if I violently disagree or feel offended by a post I either argue the point or flounce off (for a minute or two!)
I can remember referring to posts as "Rubbish" and being sarcastically asked what "Cobblers" meant, we are all still more or less on speaking terms.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 18:59
>> What's wrong with removing them altogether?
What's wrong with using them for their intended purpose?
>> What's wrong with using them for their intended purpose?
I sometimes use the scowly as an opposite to a green thumb, because there isn't such a thing at present. I have on very rare occasions used a scowly because something was offensive (IMO).
It wouldn't bother me if they were anonymous or not.
I am also intolerant of the view that if my thoughts are different to yours, there might be something 'ist' about them, as opposed to just firm views backed up by fact. In fact that really annoys me.
>I am also intolerant of the view that if my thoughts are different to yours, there might be something 'ist' about them,
Now you're being populist!
>>I am also intolerant of the view that if my thoughts are different to yours, there might be
>> something 'ist' about them,
>>In fact that really annoys me.
pist off?
Last edited by: No FM2R on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 19:45
>> I quite orften give em out in jest - I've even given em to DD & Pugugly!
That's alright then, as long as it wasn't me ;)
I tend to use them incorrectly too. Never use the red ones, although those three or four who would receive them from me do get a lot of psychic attacks. But I tend to use the green ones for things that make me laugh, of which there are a few a week.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Wed 19 Dec 12 at 19:27
>>. Never use the red ones, although those three or four who would receive them from me do get a lot of psychic attacks<<
Oh, so it's YOU is it, and there was me thinking it just my low Serotonin level at this time of the year.
I reckon it's that Lud. He never did like AC.
I'd be wasting my time Dog. If ever there were a man who knows how to cast a protective pentagram it's you.
Really with all this topic drift a chap could almost feel his name was being taken in vain.
Thinking about gongs, I have the impression that I award green ones impulsively and not all that often, but perhaps more at some times than at others. I wouldn't be surprised if others didn't do it like that, in phases.
There was a mention above of the lunar cycle. Everyone has their own, often pretty random and disordered in a semi-virtual world essentially for nerds and timewasters, and which is said in itself to have as yet unmeasured, perhaps dark and profound, effects on the mental health of its acolytes.
Someone's slapping those red ones around like a lunatic though. Taking it I reckon, or think they are. Saddo, but no sweat eh?
Snot me. Haven't got time. Too busy getting blooming wet every day. N E Ow I likes his posts.
Can anyone advise the most amount of green thumbs issued?
Just a matter of interest.
No real reason.
Just curious.
Just wondering.
....oh alright, I do seem to remember receiving 23 once.
>> Can anyone advise the most amount of green thumbs issued?
>> Just a matter of interest.
>> No real reason.
>> Just curious.
>> Just wondering.
>> ....oh alright, I do seem to remember receiving 23 once.
OFFS! I have just given you a red face to wipe that supercilious smirk off your gob.
Last edited by: Zero on Thu 20 Dec 12 at 15:14
>> I do seem to remember receiving 23 once.
Show-off. I can only boast a couple of red and yellow suffering-from-terrible-piles gongs. Can't remember what for but I'm sure I deserved them.
We could replace the thumbs up with a piston, and the scowl with a broken cambelt. More in keeping with the forum.
So that's ........................piston broke?
I'm off to the pub, so I'll get my coat on the way out.
... the most amount of green thumbs issued?
Are you Alan Sugar in disguise?
...I do seem to remember receiving 23 once.
Was it motherhood you were advocating, or apple pie?
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Thu 20 Dec 12 at 22:26
Should we ask them to nurture the green thumbs?