Non-motoring > Paypal phishing Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Lygonos Replies: 12

 Paypal phishing - Lygonos
Not sure if this should go in Computing but as noone seems to go there and it might save some PC naives from losing ££....

In my hotmail junkbox today:

"Information Regarding Your account:

Dear PayPal Member:

Warning! Your PayPal account has been limited!

As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system.We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason:

Our system detected unusual charges to a credit card linked to your PayPal account.

Reference Number: PP-259-187-991

This is the Last reminder to log in to PayPal as soon as possible. Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access.

Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account safety.

Click HERE to activate your account
[actually shows up as a address if you hover the cursor]

We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologise for any inconvenience..

PayPal Account Review Department


Copyright ? 1999-2011 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal Ltd. PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056.
PayPal Email ID PP059"

Apparently been doing the rounds for a while.
Last edited by: Lygonos on Sun 18 Nov 12 at 23:11
 Paypal phishing - Ted

I jacked Paypal in a few years ago when they suspended my account. When I queried they said they required proof of my identity and a copy of a recent bank statement. I was running 100% no problems.

As I had a dedicated credit card just for PP use, I didn't see that my current account was any business of theirs .

I haven't missed them. For a commercial transaction you can usually phone the firm with your debit card. Private sellers are happy with a cleared cheque or cash on collection.

 Paypal phishing - -
I use paypal quite often, many online sellers now offer paypal payment as an option, i always take that option and never had a moments problem, useful in several ways i don't have to give CC details yet again.

Never ever click on an email request from any source, if it looks genuine enough i would still log on to the account in question via the normal route.
 Paypal phishing - VxFan
>> Dear PayPal Member:

That is enough for me to know it's not from PayPal.

They always include your christian and surname in the subject header (unless they're just sending you a receipt for payment of something)

And they always include your christian and surname after "Dear" (eg, Dear Fred Bloggs). They never address you as "Dear PayPal Member".
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 19 Nov 12 at 01:20
 Paypal phishing - Old Navy
Some years ago my Paypal account was hacked, Mrs ON did wonder why I had ordered a $400 black dress. It was only noticed as an account debit, quickly resolved, the account closed, a new account set up, and no problems since. Mrs ON also had a problem with multiple debits for one transaction, also quickly resolved.
 Paypal phishing - madf
Similar experience to ON.. But a/c never closed . Just changed password.. Ok ever since.

I like Paypal when purchasing from unknown sites. If you don't get your product you KNOW you will be refunded by Paypal with far less hassle than a cc.

All those against are living in the 20th century in my view :-)
 Paypal phishing - smokie
I recently did a Buy It Now on a new external hard disk that was ridiculously cheap. So cheap it must have been a scam.

Very impressed though, within hours I'd heard from eBay and PayPal telling me they were suspicious and were investigating. Within about 5 days the transaction was reversed and the money back in my account.

Despite having had a major issue with them some years back (as a seller) I do think they provide a good service now, and make it reasonably safe to buy online. Those phishing emails can be quite canny though.
 Paypal phishing - Duncan
>> Mrs ON did wonder why I had ordered a $400 black dress.

Surely she knew that you could be at sea for a long time with an all male crew?

 Paypal phishing - lancara
Keep a separate email account for PayPal, so any emails to my usual account are junked The word "Lemited" in the title of today's attempt was also a clue
 Paypal phishing - Old Navy
>> >> Mrs ON did wonder why I had ordered a $400 black dress.
>> >>
>> Surely she knew that you could be at sea for a long time with an
>> all male crew?
>> ;-0

I am forever thankful that it was all male in my day.

The LBD might have been useful for the Sods Opera had I still been at sea.
 Paypal phishing - TeeCee
>> Warning! Your PayPal account has been limited!

Old as the hills that one.
You'd have thought that the scammers might have spotted the obvious boatload of FAIL in that and changed their boilerplate after all these years.

Every time I see that one I do wonder just how mind-numbingly thick the people behind it are. I reckon you could train chimpanzees to write more convincing scam letters than that.
 Paypal phishing - No FM2R
>> I reckon you could train chimpanzees to write more convincing scam letters than that.

Probably, but I don't think they need to.

For how many years have people been warned not to let a man from the waterboard (sic) in without ID?

Its still a productive scam.
 Paypal phishing - Mike Hannon
I got that one this morning - in French.
I know I've said this before but when we had an internet banking fraud some years ago the second question the police asked was 'do you use Paypal?'
The first question was 'do you use Ebay?'
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