Non-motoring > Police horse - only in Glasgow!! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: BobbyG Replies: 27

 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - BobbyG
There is just something so Glasgow about this!!

Man faces trial for feeding police horses sausage rolls
Francis Kelly denies the breach of the peace allegation over feeding police horses sausage rolls A 41-year-old man is to stand trial after being arrested for feeding sausage rolls to police horses.

Francis Kelly faces a breach of the peace charge over allegedly feeding the animals pastries in Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow, on 26 September this year.

The charge alleges he behaved in a "threatening or abusive manner" and "adopted an aggressive stance" towards officers when told to put food away.

Mr Kelly, who denies the charge, faces trial at a Justice of the Peace court.

It is not known how Mr Kelly, who is from the city's Govanhill area, initially came into contact with the horses.

He was unavailable for comment regarding the allegations, but a source close to the case said he would be fighting the charge.

The source said: "His view is simply that he thought the horses looked hungry - daft as that sounds."
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Old Navy
He couldn't have been drunk, the standard caricature is someone eating a fish supper (fish and chips for those south of civilisation) while trying to walk with one foot stuck to the ground. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 15 Nov 12 at 17:39
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - BobbyG
I love the comment - the horse looked hungry!!! Spat my coffee over the keyboard!!
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Armel Coussine
>> the horse looked hungry!!! Spat my coffee over the keyboard!!

My mother, a lady who sympathised with everyone and everything, once got worried about a mainly black dog we had. She thought he was looking 'pale'. She was much given to pouring out the life stories of tramps she had met on the bus.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Runfer D'Hills
Brilliant Bobby !

( 'course if it'd been in Edinburgh it would have been croissants ! )

 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - CGNorwich
Could have been a script for Rab C Nesbitt.

Made we take a look at Youtube for my favourite rant.
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Thu 15 Nov 12 at 18:37
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - neiltoo
Fortunately, for the (vegetarian) horse, there wouldn't have been much meat in the sausage roll.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Zero
>> Fortunately, for the (vegetarian) horse, there wouldn't have been much meat in the sausage roll.

The horse would not have been bothered, meat or no meat.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Cliff Pope
Glasgow police force is an equal opportunities employer, and caters for horses of all dietary persuasions.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Zero
Do they have gay, bisexual or transgendered horses?
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Lygonos
As long as they know the words to "The Sash" they don't care.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - devonite
The "Cops" were worried they were Pork Sausages, and of the Horses getting a taste for them and turning Carnivorous!
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - BobbyG
On a similar note, I have never seen a police person getting off a horse to arrest / talk to anyone. Always remain seated.

Is this policy or have I just never seen the horses tied up whilst the copper gives chase on foot??
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Zero
You are extremely vulnerable while climbing on and off a horse. Police horses are also chosen for their size and stupidity so could quite easily have it away while you are off, or worse half off and half on.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - zookeeper
I imagine the guy only gave the sausage roll to the horse because he couldnt wait to tuck into dessert ( deep fried mars bars) i imagine
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Ted

The local police zoo is just round the corner from me......horses and dogs mostly. If they have any hamsters, I've not seen them out.

Anyway, we get a lot of patrols in the area. Some sinister, on football nights at Old Trafford where they come back late in a phalanx of, maybe, 20 black clad riders with lights on the offside stirrups.

Mostly, though, they're out and about during the day, holding up the traffic on the main roads by riding at 1 mph two abreast. If me and Pug did that on our bikes I'm sure we'd be in bother !

I've noticed over the last years of sexual equality, that the majority of riders seem to be young, blonde lasses. In my day it was men only...and big men too ! I've wondered if these girls really wanted to be police officers or whether the ' job ' was just a jolly good way of getting involved with horses whilst being well paid.

Just a thought...old cynic mode over.

Oh, and did you know ? The distance from the stable to my front gate takes exactly the same amount of time as the horses last feed to digest and be farted out all over the road ! Good on the rhubarb, though...although we prefer custard.

 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Cliff Pope
>> The "Cops" were worried they were Pork Sausages, and of the Horses getting a taste
>> for them and turning Carnivorous!

Some horses don't eat pork for religious reasons.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Lygonos
>> Some horses don't eat pork for religious reasons

Now you're just being silly.

I've never seen a circumcised horse.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - bathtub tom
>>I've never seen a circumcised horse

If they're no good on the flat, they geld them and put them over the jumps.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - CGNorwich
Is that the same for the Olympics athletics team?
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Zero
no, only the paralympics athletics team.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Ian (Cape Town)
>> I've never seen a circumcised horse.

To be honest, I've never looked.

Anyhats, I HAVE seen a police horse charge on rioters, and realise these blokes mean business.
horse + chap + 4ft stave at 25mph, and you are in a tad of bother.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Runfer D'Hills
A Glasgow police horse kicked a dent in the side of my yellow Mk1 Cavalier as it walked past it in stuck traffic in Sauchiehall St in 1979. It's WPC rider gave me such a dirty look I decided not to suggest she kept better control of her horse. Pulled the dent out later with one of those dumb dolly sucker thingies so no big deal in the end. I was a bit cross at the time though.
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - BobbyG
Apparently the horse is now receiving therapy and counselling for eating a relative.......
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - NortonES2
We had a yellow (very) Escort many years ago. It got many aggressive reactions:) But would horses notice a chrome yellow?
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - madf
Any horse that kicks a Mark 1 Cavalier has good taste - which is more than can be said for the owner of said vehicle....:-)
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Roger.
Aggressive stance is a crime now? Crikey.....
Last edited by: Roger on Fri 8 Feb 13 at 19:39
 Police horse - only in Glasgow!! - Zero
>> Aggressive stance is a crime now? Crikey.....
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