Anyone see the meteor (or space debris) shower last night night? My wife had picked me up from the local jazz club* and as I was getting out of the car, I happened to glance north and saw a shower of sparks and a trail. It appeared far too slow to be a meteor, moving low on the horizon from east to west at the speed of a military jet. It reminded me of the film of the blazing Concord prior to the awful crash in Paris some years ago and I was convinced that it was a plane in trouble as it faded and brightened behind low cloud. I lost it as it passed between the house roofs but I waited, expecting a bang and noticed that the time was precisely 10.57 in case eye-witness reports were called for; just to the north of us, we have the USAF bases of Mildenhall and Lakenheath.
My wife, getting out of the driver's side, missed it all, and I began to wonder if the evening's beer had distorted my vision. This morning, I heard that a meteor/space debris had been spotted at the time that I had noted; I was relieved that it was neither the beer nor my imagination.
* for jazz aficionados, the legendary Jim Mullen was playing with the Chris Ingham Trio at the Hunter Club, Bury St Edmunds.
Up here several Sonic-type booms were heard, but I neither saw or heard anything.One report on FB had Helicopters following it!
They`re back!
Crop circles here, I'm going blind (beware Trifids) and strange little green men on our lawn..
Seems to have been some military exercise around here last couple of days - Chinooks and C130s and fast jets. Thought I heard something last night and assumed it was more of the same...missed the light show.
low flying Chinook in my part of the world today. Very unusual for a Saturday.
And more than usual very low C130s this week.
Has the price of aviation fuel suddenly dropped?
Nothing unusual about Hercs flying low level or at a weekend (but maybe in your area), Chinook a bit more unusual at the weekend but not especially so.
Something may be afoot somewhere.
The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million to one they say.
>> The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a million to one they say.
But still......................
That 'after disclosure' site I posted earlier was sent to me by a young friend of mine, Jack Witek, about 3/4 down the page.
They are quite serious about this ere blimmin UFO stuff, the Roswell incident, area 51 etc., etc..
Me? - I believe in everything, and nothing.
According to this evening's Radio 4 news, it was most probably a satellite breaking up on re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
What nonsense - we all know it was an alien spacecraft, don't we, chaps?
>> According to this evening's Radio 4 news, it was most probably a satellite breaking up
>> on re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.
>> What nonsense - we all know it was an alien spacecraft, don't we, chaps?
It was detected by SID and shot down by Sky 1.
It was an alien spaceship coming to earth to collect the LibDems after their conference.
Tis very naive Imo, to think that all the UFO sightings are just figments of the imaginations of the gullible, or can simply be dismissed as Space-junk etc.
Lots of "Credible" people have seen them, and there is no-reason not to think that we haven`t been visited before by far more advanced, intelligent beings.
It happens here(albeit on a much smaller scale) when us Northerners have a holiday on the South coast! ;-)
>> Lots of "Credible" people have seen them,
Indeed they have seen something, that they have never seen before.
>>and there is no-reason not to think that
>> we haven`t been visited before by far more advanced, intelligent beings.
Something not seen before does not equal spacemen in spaceships.
>> It happens here(albeit on a much smaller scale) when us Northerners have a holiday on
>> the South coast! ;-)
Ah the vegetables are sprouting down south.
Some debate on a FB page I visit, one of the links posted is this one. In this context Rhiw means hill not sex.