There has been very little reported about this in the press, and it would be the gravest decision to affect the world since WW2.
On Sky News at the weekend they interviewed an ex Israeli Government Military leader who confirmed that they have plans in place to launch an attack on Iran. Their window is next month and will be carried out without any western support. Does anyone else not see the grave consequences such an attack could lead to. And this guy did not rule out nuclear weapons being used.
Would the whole Arab area not see it as another attack on Muslim life and seeing how they've reacted to rubbish internet film, what can of worms will be released.
The danger being that China or Russia might become embroiled which would surely entice the west to get involved to support Israel. Don't they realise what they are about to do. We have discussed WW2 on another thread. But what about the near future?
It is worrying; I have been looking out for information about this issue for maybe 12 months now and I agree it is just not getting headline news.
About 2 months ago the entire Israeli population was issued with gas masks, which strikes me as a pretty newsworthy item, but it hardly got a mention here.
The pressure is building and bits more information are slowly coming out - you'd think there was a deliberate policy of downplaying it, unless of course the antics of the royals are really more important to our lives.
WW3 - I doubt it. Pretty bad times though are near enough guaranteed.
Last edited by: Dulwich Estate on Fri 21 Sep 12 at 16:44
Defence analysts say that Israel would struggle without US support, both in a logistical and intell sense. Israel bombed nuclear installations in Iraq in '82 but no-one remembers that. We're going to hell in a handcart and all the media focus on are Katie's knockers.
>> Israel bombed nuclear installations in Iraq in '82 but no-one remembers that.
I do. Operation Opera. And it was 1981.
I suppose if one side makes public statements that they will 'destroy Israel', then Israel has a pretty good reason to pre-empt the attack.
>> going to hell in a handcart and all the media focus on are Katie's knockers.
Well, that's a storm in a b-cup, R.P.
Not even that from what I saw !
Yes sorry 81 - told you no-one remembered it !
US reckons that they lack tanker capacity for manned air strikes. Seem to recall around 4 years ago they were running exercises in the Med using AtoA refuelling. Guesses were they were testing kit planning this raid. China and Japan are equally as risky. Trouble is Japan has a Defence treaty with the US.
>> US reckons that they lack tanker capacity for manned air strikes. Seem to recall around
>> 4 years ago they were running exercises in the Med using AtoA refuelling. Guesses were
>> they were testing kit planning this raid. China and Japan are equally as risky. Trouble
>> is Japan has a Defence treaty with the US.
They could fastpack it, with underslung loads on other fighter aircraft, acting as tankers. That's how the US navy does it - doesn't need to be a specialised tanker.
Also, who knows what kit the Israelis have up their sleeves - they've covered enough stuff up in the past, after all.
I think its likely, I think Britain should keep its nose out of other countries business at the moment too as we would have trouble defending Jersey right now, our navy appears to be down to two blokes in a dingy with a slingshot :-p
I have been following the Middle East news for a while and it seems to be inching closer and closer to something happening. The question is who will do what plus who else will get involved. Then theres the oil prices...
Israel has been threatening this for years, at least 4 years to my my knowledge. They have no window, its not going to happen in the next month. Its rhetoric that the Israelis are ramping up in the run up to the US elections - Obhama is not on their side, they want him out
Yes they have bombed stuff in Iran before (and syria) didnt see china and russia get involved then, let alone WW3. Would the west get involved to help Israel if they bombed Iran? no.
Israel often issues gas masks, they have a (unpublished) policy of keeping the population on their toes, its a way of making sure hawks keep getting elected.
Do get a grip Mr ECS.
You need to worry about whats happening between Japan and China.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 21 Sep 12 at 17:21
The Chinese need a popular war to pacify their unhappyish masses. Taiwan look out.
Its interesting that the US navy is mooching about down there after years of staying away.
I thought they always had a carrier group down there anyway (to do with Korea)
When i say "donw there" I mean "close to Taiwan"
Yeah, but these Islands are in the same region ? (Mind you I only have comprehensive school geography education - not an Eton one )
Last edited by: R.P. on Fri 21 Sep 12 at 17:35
A day's sailing to be in range of whatever ?
The flashpoint is the disputed islands with Japan. They lie in between Japan and Taiwan.
Taiwan, China and Japan all dispute them. China is in the middle of "behind closed doors" power struggle for the next leader, the population is being whipped up, the trade war and trade bans are warming up nicely, and Chinese growth is tanking.
Great brew.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 21 Sep 12 at 17:43
>> these Islands
Isn't the squabble over some islands with Japan, not Taiwan?
The many archipelagos at the eastern end of the Asian land mass are endless sources of trouble between the coastal states... remember the Spratlys? China and the USSR or Japan and Manchuria, whatever...
All the Chinese need to do is sell Japanese bonds. Market collapses, Japan cannot fund its deficit..
End of issue...
(Japan 's running of its own economy over the last 30 years makes the Greeks look Masters of the Universe.)
Now I`m not one to usually put two and two together and get the right answer, but I remember something from the far-reaches of one of my Childhood R.E lessons at school, stating that the Anti-christ would be born in the middle-East and the World would end by Fire. Given some of the posts above, is it any wonder that the Mayan calender ends on December 12th this year!
No point taxing the bike for 12 months then ?
"No point taxing the bike for 12 months then ?"
Guess not
And i've just changed from PAYG to a contract for the mobile
Wish I'd have known about WW3 earlier
>> the Mayan calender ends on December 12th this year!
my 2011 lets one ended last year. We are still here.
>> >> these Islands
>> Isn't the squabble over some islands with Japan, not Taiwan?
>> The many archipelagos at the eastern end of the Asian land mass are endless sources
>> of trouble between the coastal states... remember the Spratlys? China and the USSR or Japan and Manchuria, whatever...
Are you meaning to tell me that a large nation, with the leadership under fire from the populace about their domestic policies, could launch an invasion of some foreign-owned islands somewhere to restore some national pride, and then ANOTHER nation, also with the leadership under fire from the populace etc etc etc could go to war to get them back, to restore national pride?
You're having a laugh Armel. Nothing like that would ever happen!
>> You're having a laugh Armel. Nothing like that would ever happen!
And it has been said that you can't perceive sarcasm here. :-)
"Do get a grip"
I'm not running around shouting "don't panic Mr. Mainwaring", though it's probably from an era you're familiar with.
I'm only sharing what I saw on a credible TV news report and wondered why no-one else has picked it up in the press. That's all. Maybe those that govern don't want to cause panic. By the way, where do you get your news from old chap. Another case of jumping to conclusions Z. Let's see who's right on this one. Get your tin hat and respirator out of retirement, you might need it.
>> "Do get a grip"
>> I'm not running around shouting "don't panic Mr. Mainwaring", though it's probably from an era
>> you're familiar with.
Thats exactly what you are doing. WW3 as the title even.
>> I'm only sharing what I saw on a credible TV news report and wondered why
>> no-one else has picked it up in the press.
Right so its been on TV, and thats how the government dont cause panic?
And you accuse me of jumping to conclusions?
Déjà vu.
C'mon all of you big strong men, uncle sam needs your help again.
He's getting himself in a terrible jam, over yonder in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
So put down your book and pick up a gun, we're gonna have a whole lotta fun.
And it's one two three what are we fighting for? don't ask me I don't give a damn, send us off to Iran.
And it's five six seven open up the pearly gates, well there ain't no time to wonder why yippee! we're all gonna die.
Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box.
I don't see the big powers getting involved overtly, and the Arab nations generally might quite like Iran's wings to be clipped. But neither do I think Israel will attack Iran unless there is a more tangible threat.
I don't believe Iran is anywhere near trying physically to obliterate Israel, and probably has no such intention anyway.
Last edited by: Manatee on Fri 21 Sep 12 at 19:49
>> I don't believe Iran is anywhere near trying physically to obliterate Israel, and probably has
>> no such intention anyway.
Armoureddinnerjacket just likes winding up his arab neighbours from time to time. They are supposed to be the arch Israeli-haters, so positioning himself beyond even their most extreme policies helps to stir up dissension and uncertainty.
Ahmadinejad has denied that what was translated as "wipe Israel from the face of the map" actually meant what that has been interpreted as in English, so I don't think Israel can or will react on that supposed, and much reported, threat alone.
It's believable - it's a very figurative phrase, and that sort of language doesn't always translate in meaning.
Much posturing on both sides, and I have no doubt that Israel would get it's retaliation in first if it looked imminent, but I don't think it's near the brink yet.
>but I don't think it's near the brink yet.
Nah, they're playing it cool.
Three Nimitz class carrier groups in the Gulf already. - link to Telegraph.
Sounds like a good share buying opportunity to me
And maybe a cheap Aston offloaded by those blokes in the City.
Will it affect the price of beer?
We need another world war to help reduce the burgeoning population.
What a jolly idea Mr Snail. Let's kill millions and millions of foreigners. Unless of course you were thinking it would be us who would be killed to ease the population growth.
"We need another world war to help reduce the burgeoning population."
Well step forward and be the first L'es. ;-)
What a thing to say.
Seeing as the Jewish people bore a substantial piece of ethnic cleansing during the last WW it's a bit rich of them to "possibly" (Zero) create a similar scenario in terms of "possible" (Zero) extreme loss of life due to a hard headed attitude. Have they not learned anything from that period of History. The boot is on the other foot.
If the zionist state 'takes out' the Iran nuke site now, they stand to lose thousands of lives.
If they wait until Iran develop a nuclear bomb, it could be a little more.
What would you do under such circumstances?
War is of course the classic way to try and bring about the end of a recession - it worked in 1939.
>> War is of course the classic way to try and bring about the end of a recession - it worked in 1939.>>
Are you suggesting WW II was a cunning plan to end a recession?
Are you suggesting WW II was a cunning plan to end a recession?
It was a happy coincidence for a neutral America in WW2 - they were in a depression - terms of the Lend Lease agreement moved them in to the boom times and got rid of a load of obsolete kit in to the bargain. They basically drained this country's gold reserves and we were in hock to them for another 70 years. What price a "special relationship" eh ?
>> "We need another world war to help reduce the burgeoning population."
>> Well step forward and be the first L'es. ;-)
>> The boot is on the
>> other foot.
Not really. The Israeli starting point as ever is that "we won't let it happen again". Remember what Ahmadinejad said (though subsequently disowning the obvious figurative meaning) and the Iranian nuclear programme.
It just seems to me that the Israelis would much prefer to avoid starting "WW3", hence the clear signals that they might. On past form, if Israel was really planning a preemptive attack, it wouldn't be so obvious and the first you'd know about it would be the 6am news one morning.
A deterrent only works if you can make people believe you will use it. The Israelis won't mind whether the result is that Iran backs off in some way, or the superpowers somehow solve the problem for them. What they would never do is just let things develop and hope for the best.
You can apply the same sort of logic to the US presence.
Good words Mr Manatee Sir, and plenty of them, pray tell us why the zionist state bombed the Iraq & Syrian nuke sites but are just gonna put the frighteners up Iran?
Perhaps the stakes are higher this time.
I'm speculating like everybody else, and I'm certainly no expert on Arab-Israeli politics.
WW3 has already started.
It's militant Islam against the rest of us. and we have a fifth column in this country already.
Yeah, they run garages, the diagnostic money goes into Al Queda. You are funding Islamic terrorism.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 22 Sep 12 at 11:27
A fifth column thats funny Roger>:) There everywhere these foreigners taking our women.>)
Not looking forward to WW3 best not to have one.
>> Have they not learned anything from that period of History.
It seems not. They have not learned, for example, that forcibly incorporating large numbers of unwilling people into your borders, in the name of re-creating a "Greater" nation from several thousand years ago, is not a recipe for peaceful relations with your neighbours.
When you get rid of Rubbish, you just empty the dustbin - Britain is Europe's dustbin!
Pop across the channel devonite plenty of foreigners in the lowlands France and Spain.In Spain they are called ex Pats.Get a live.!
They are called "老外" in China, guiri in Spain, grockle in Devon, and emmett, outsider, incomer, foreigner or un-natural in Cornwall.
On the one hand. the conseqences would be appalling. On the other hand, war can be wonderfully liberating for the young. Many find themselves in more rewarding and challenging roles. How else would an office boy, whose experience of riding did not even extend to seaside donkeys, get in less than a year to be commissioned in Prince Harry's crack cavalry regiment? This, my elder brother's war also brought a whole new world into my narrow provincial life. Too young to participate personally, I could see this world through his eyes and had a great time of my own, what with frequent bombing and machine gunning raids and so many interesting shrapnel and other souvenirs to collect, one nice piece even being delivered directly onto our front porch. The point is well made in Mary Wesley's book The Camomile Lawn (there was a TV series as well) and it also higlights the sexual liberation that went with WWII.
As things stand, many of the young have no role at all and may never get one. But on a third hand, go back to the first.