I'm just pondering whether it is worth regrouting the joints between my crazy paving slabs. Haven't touched it since we moved in 3 years ago and it's beginning to age and flake a bit in places. I'm getting some weeds coming through plus some grass. I'm thinking it could go one of two ways - either the regrouting would stop the weeds, or the the weeds would simply push out the new grouting irrespective of how hard I try to kill them before I do the grouting. Any thoughts?
Chemical warfare is the way to go. Any weedkiller containing glyphosate should do it. Wilko is probably the cheapest. tinyurl.com/8c688qy
So blat them with chemicals and then regrout is what you are suggesting? I seem to recall that weedkiller needs to be applied in good growing whether, so perhaps wait until next spring? I have a good supply of Roundup.
Plan B: actively encourage grass to grow between the slabs and then use a strimmer every so often to keep it low. Grass usually crowds out the weeds.
Of course if the crazy paving is nowhere near any other grass/lawn it'll look cack in which case go with plan A.
Why spend money on chemicals when diluted bleach is effective and far cheaper. As is diluted salt.
>> So blat them with chemicals and then regrout is what you are suggesting? I seem
>> to recall that weedkiller needs to be applied in good growing whether, so perhaps wait
>> until next spring? I have a good supply of Roundup.
I gave mine a good dose two weeks ago and it killed the lot off no problem.
I do mine twice a year with Sodium Chloride using a pressure spray. You can direct the poison into the gaps....so little wasted.
I really ought to get down and point everything up but I've been suffering from advanced idleness...mebbe next year !
>>I do mine twice a year with Sodium Chloride
Table salt?
>> >>I do mine twice a year with Sodium Chloride
>> Table salt?
Not bought at table salt prices, tho' A chemist pal of daughter's got me a huge tub at cost.
Used for the ice as well but didn't need any last winter.
Imagine what it does if you put it on your food!
>> Imagine what it does if you put it on your food!
No thanks.
For decades the salt in our household has been for external use only ( outside the house) with the only exception being for guests use plus a daughter who wants it on chips.
It certainly works on weeds , slugs and their friends!
Is Sodium Chlorate available anywhere now? It was good and cheap and we used to use plenty of it - the new stuff is hugely expensive in comparison.
Do farmers get a supply if the keep it under guard and promise not to make bombs with it?
Sodium chlorate as a weedkiller withdrawn from use throughout EU in 2009. Very toxic to humans and animals. Does nasty things to red blood cells. Weeds won't kill you.
>> Is Sodium Chlorate available anywhere now?
Sodium chlorate is banned under EU Directive 91/414/EEC except for 'essential uses', so not available to the amateur gardener.
Paraquat is also banned but the Weedol label is still in use ( but the pack no longer contains Paraquat) .
>> - the new stuff is hugely expensive in comparison.
I assume you mean weedkiller containing glyphosate.
I buy it in my 99p shop and stock pile it from summer surplies.
Glyphosate could well end up on the banned list too. Has been implicated in a number of health issues and I believe banned in parts of Canada already. Many common weeds are becoming resistant to it as a result of its widespread use in farming throughout the world.
>>Glyphosate could well end up on the banned list too.
I Googled - glyphosate banned in canada - and there are other countries banning it or very concerned about it.
( I loved the expression cosmetic lawn care )
>> Glyphosate could well end up on the banned list too.
Not sure whether Roundup contains glyphosate, but I understand that it's formulation is different here in Austria, and that it's not as effective - which is why I bought a stock from the UK. Probably illegal to use it here.
Excuse their spelling:-(
It should read Doff Knockdown Systemic Weedkiller Spray.
Same stuff I get for 99p
Diluted bleach - as I mentioned above - kills
And it costs £0.75 for a litre of concentrate - own brand.. Beats anything mentioned above .
And it cleans your stonework as well...
Makes the drive smell like a toilet tho.
>> Diluted bleach - as I mentioned above ..........
What concentration?
>> www.poundland.co.uk/product-range/a-z/doff-knowdown-systemic-weedkiller-spray/
There was a TV programme last night about Poundland, pointing out that you need to be very careful about the size of the product versus the price.
>> There was a TV programme last night about Poundland, pointing out that you need to be very careful about the size of the product versus the price.
I have shopped in Poundland for many years and bought many many items that were far cheaper than I could find elsewhere. (They were all non food items. )
Generally I was buying for a charity tombola and there were none of these discount stores local to me. What was interesting and I do not recall being mentioned in the programme, A few years ago they dropped their name off product labels.
I think the weedkiller is a good buy and it does work.
>> I think the weedkiller is a good buy and it does work.
Well thats good, cos the Wilkos own brand is rubbish.
>>Poundland....I do not recall being mentioned in the programme, A few years ago they dropped their name off product labels.
It was mentioned. They have six or eight "phantom brands" which they use for different product lines, one for DIY, one for sweets,....etc.
The programme had a psychologist on hand to tell us how this makes us feel we've got an even better bargain!
>> I do mine twice a year with Sodium Chloride ..............
What concentration?
yeah, otherwise it goes over the flowers or the lawn.
>>What concentration?
The stronger the better.
I keep a container in the garage. If there's salt solids in the bottom I know I can top it up with water. If there's no solids, I just add more salt.
how about a brew of bleach and salt?
>> how about a brew of bleach and salt?
Dunno! Tell us what it tastes like.
Vinegar will kill weeds, especially effective if applied in warm weather. 17p a bottle in Aldi.
These potions are all well and good - but what stops the pesky blighters coming back and back.....and back.
>> These potions are all well and good - but what stops the pesky blighters coming
>> back and back.....and back.
There is no "final solution" for weeds
>> >> These potions are all well and good - but what stops the pesky blighters
>> coming
>> >> back and back.....and back.
>> There is no "final solution" for weeds
A few years ago elderly friends complained about weeds in their front garden.
Their helpful son, who was, at that time, working for a car parks company obtained "the stuff" they used.
I have no idea what it was but nowt grew there for many many years after.
We often smiled at his helful action.:-(
Nothing - that's what is truly amazing about plant life. I visited a a crater of a volcano in La Palma which was basically black volcanic ash. The way plants had established themselves in such a hostile environment in a comparatively short time was astonishing. Your patio with or without weedkiller will soon be hosting its share of plants once again.
>>Nothing - that's what is truly amazing about plant life<<
So why do we call weak people weedy then, if the damn veg is so strong & enduring!
>> Nothing - that's what is truly amazing about plant life. I visited a a crater
>> of a volcano in La Palma which was basically black volcanic ash. The way plants
>> had established themselves in such a hostile environment in a comparatively short time was astonishing.
>> Your patio with or without weedkiller will soon be hosting its share of plants once
>> again.
Wish the same could be said about my back lawn. Well, I suppose it can, it's just that the grass seems to have topped itself and moss has taken over. Blasted nuisance.
I should get my dogs pee manufactured. It can kill a patch of lawn stone dead, and stay dead for years.
Z, Australian dog rocks seem to work. Google them - you can buy them on line.
>> I should get my dogs pee manufactured. It can kill a patch of lawn stone dead, and stay dead for years.
Already available.
Sold under the name Adblue, to be used in diesel engined vehicles..
>> Vinegar will kill weeds, especially effective if applied in warm weather. 17p a bottle in
>> Aldi.
So we are pouring vinegar on them as well as salt? sounds like those weeds have had their chips.
I understand that any of the ad hoc solutions are, strictly, illegal, unless they have been extensively tested (and expensively)
Due to legislation from the usual suspects.
However, you are extremely unlikely to get your collar felt.
>> 17p a bottle in Aldi.
How big is the bottle (thought I'd ask before L'escargot does)
>> >> 17p a bottle in Aldi.
>> How big is the bottle (thought I'd ask before L'escargot does)
Thanks. Saved me the bother. Why are people vague when they can be exact?
>> Why are people vague when they can be exact?
"Any weedkiller containing glyphosate should do it."
How much is needed?
"There was a TV programme last night about Poundland"
What channel was that on then?
>> >> Why are people vague when they can be exact?
>> Quite!
>> btw,
>> www.car4play.com/forum/post/index.htm?t=11924&m=265200&v=e
>> "Any weedkiller containing glyphosate should do it."
>> How much is needed?
Read the manufacturer's instructions. D'uh!
>> Read the manufacturer's instructions. D'uh!
Can't cos someone let the contents dribble down the side of the container and it removed the writing.
>> someone let the contents dribble down the side of the container and it removed the writing.
Effective stuff then obviously. Is there any left?
>> I do mine twice a year with Sodium Chloride ..........
I have to stay well away from sodium chloride!
Order that and you will get a visit from "authority"
99.9999....% sure that our details have been logged by the FBI just for clicking the link!
Danger: mad terrorist gang at work.
Beware: any serious exertion will result in 60% suffering a heart attack.
The remaining 40% don't "do" exertion.
I have noticed that in my allotment, Weeds in the regularly Weeded beds are actually evolving! They are growing thinner stalks, so that when you attempt to pull them the "tops" come away leaving the roots still firmly implanted, to regenerate. They are also evolving "brains", I have also noticed that in order to help protect themselves, they will grow as close to a Vegetable as possible and inter-twine their roots! so if you pull the weed you lose the Veg! makes it uneconomic to disturb them - very cunning!!
I've notice that ' hiding ' instinct as well. They also seem to be able to eke out a living on top of the membrane below my pebbles !
Crafty so & sos
I always knew that vegetables and weeds has the same brains as northerners.
Or was it the other way round?
Fortunately, I'm a suvverner........but your name's in the book anyway.
Be very afraid.
I will have a weed free security zone set up in a matter of hours.
We'ed soon get through it !
And I`m a Northener! with apparently the same cranial capacity as a Weed! - How would you like me to get all confused, grab your Veg and pull them out by the roots? ;-)
.......and chew them up and spit them out............hmmmmm, maybe not !
>> I've notice that ' hiding ' instinct as well.
Another cunning thing they do is take on the form and appearance of the plant they are growing next to. The weeds that grow in chives look exactly like chives, for example.
This is called the cuckoo effect - it's to ensure that you pull out the wrong plant, leaving the weed to thrive.
Also of course they are totally resistant to slugs, caterpillars, aphids, and lack of watering.
Weeds have no natural predators, only man with his puny efforts.
There is another twist and that's the plants that turn into weeds. I grew rocket last year that bolted and went to seed. Now the stuff's everywhere. Smells nice when you pull it up though.
Roundup Pro Biactive 450 weedkiller looks interesting. tinyurl.com/8rz8q68
Last edited by: L'escargot on Wed 19 Sep 12 at 08:58
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