Non-motoring > I need a suitable caption or short verse Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 22

 I need a suitable caption or short verse - L'escargot
I've got a six pence coin which was minted the year 'er indoors was born, and I'm going to stick it inside her birthday card this year. I need a suitable caption or short verse to write below the coin. Any suggestions?
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Alanovich
"Don't spend it all at once."
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - VxFan
Money's tight, times are hard,
All you're getting this year is a coin and card.

 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Iffy
Here's a coin which is not shiny or new,
But looking at the date, I thought of you.
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Roger.
Dangerous stuff!
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - devonite
heres a coin from the year your were born
it may only be 6d
but you mean much more to me
I`ll run to 7p.
but before you get too excited,
before you get carried away,
it`s not the money but the thought.
have a happy birthday, from me.
Last edited by: devonite on Fri 17 Aug 12 at 10:23
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - devonite
You could always play the "olde romantic" card,
and use it to disguise (sort of) her real present!!
Something along these lines perhaps?

Heres a coin to start you off,
on a search for another two,
and when you have a set of three
you know where we will go?,
I`ll whisk you off to Fontana di Trevi
and the coins in you can throw.
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - SteelSpark
Here is a coin that's the same age as you,
The only difference is, it still looks shiny and new
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Fri 17 Aug 12 at 11:20
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - madf
When I look at this coin minted in the year
when you were born,my love ,my dear
I think of all the time so blessed
and think it's time I now confessed.

I have not always been so true
honest and hard working , my love as you
I have at times avoided working
and watched you cook and iron whilst shirking.

But in my defence I now avow
that I love you better even now
than on the day when we were united
and our love to each other we plighted.

So fairest one as you hair turns
to the colour of coins and milk churns
I will pledge to you this day
I'll love you always through life's affray.

 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Pat
That's lovely madf!

You old romantic:)

 I need a suitable caption or short verse - WillDeBeest
I think

I'm going

To be sick.
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Londoner
I'm a romantic, so provided that you REALLY MEAN IT,
I would write something like. . . . .

Both this coin and you came into the world in the same year.
How things have changed since then!
The coin is now worthless.
But you are priceless.
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Falkirk Bairn
£5 0s 6d

"Who gave you the odd 6d?"

"They all did!" said the 'lady' who had been swinging the handbag on the street corner
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - VxFan
>> I think
>> I'm going
>> To be sick.

 I need a suitable caption or short verse - madf
>> That's lovely madf!
>> You old romantic:)
>> Pat

Thanks Pat

At least someone has some taste :-)
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Focusless
>> Any suggestions?

Don't tell her that you asked someone else to write it for you :)
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Cliff Pope
"I've got sixpence,
A jolly jolly sixpence,
I've got sixpence to last me all my life.

I've got tu'pence to lend
And tu'pence to spend
And tu'pence to send home to my wife."

Found on Google.

So you are being generous giving her the whole sixpence.
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - devonite
Could be worse I s`pose!

"ere`s a Tanner, there`s the bus-stop!"
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - L'escargot
>> Found on Google.

I remember singing that when I was a nipper. I won't tell you how long ago that was!
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - L'escargot
I think perhaps something mildly amusing like "I bet you can't remember what you were doing on your birthday the year this coin was minted.".
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - Fullchat
Being born???
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - L'escargot
>> Being born???

Exactly. That was the thing I'd bet she couldn't remember doing on her birthday.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sat 18 Aug 12 at 09:13
 I need a suitable caption or short verse - devonite
"I bet you can't remember what you were doing on your birthday the year this coin was minted.".

There you go! - you didn`t need us after all!
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