Sometime ago AC recommended a good book to me. "From the City, From the Polugh" well I got it from e-Amazon or Amazon-Bay cheap. Been on my "to read" pile for a while - got round to reading it this weekend, just doffing my hat sir. Well recommended and there's now a list of further books to read from the same author to be read. Brilliant.
Thanks Rob, but it wasn't me. I've never read that book. Could it have been Zero? His sort of thing.
I did recommend a trilogy of historical novels on Florida some time ago.
A bit like the Sunday school teacher who asked the class who knocked down the walls of Jericho....
"Please sur, it wisnae me!"
If RP is so old and addled he can't remember, grab the credit anyway.
>> FFS AC,
>> If RP is so old and addled he can't remember, grab the credit anyway.
Credit? Credit Card you mean...