Non-motoring > little query Miscellaneous
Thread Author: devonite Replies: 20

 little query - devonite
Just got our quarterly Gas bill - £115.45 ! and am devastated!!

so had a look at some comparison sites, and they offered a small non-profit supplier that claimed they could save me £67 per yr, on my present reading.

Our present supplier has a 2 tier system 1@ 5.*** and 2@3.***. After all the mathematical jiggery -pokery they arrived at my KWH and hence my bill.

This supplier uses a flat -rate of 4.*** per KWH to arrive at your bill.

when I entered my actual KWHs as shown on my bill and multiplied it by the lower tariff, the bill worked out at £115.43, 2p cheaper! - so if they are charging exactly the same per KWH as my present supplier, how can they save me £67 per year?

sits awaiting answers scratching head!
Last edited by: devonite on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 13:49
 little query - Zero
Because you are comparing apples and oranges. In this case an ANNUAL projected or estimated cost verses the present actual quarter, i.e. one 1/4 of a full years consumption.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 13:51
 little query - devonite
This is where I think one of my "Apples" may have dropped off my cart! coz I still dont get how 2 companies supplying the same product at the same price, can when each given an identical projected target, come up £67 apart!

now sitting here confused, removing splinters from fingers!
 little query - Manatee
There'll be a breakeven level of annual usage at which the two suppliers will cost the same. Above that level, your existing one will be cheaper as its marginal cost per unit is lower. Below that breakeven level, the new one will be cheaper. So if you can come up with a good estimate of how many units you use a year, you can then work out which is best for you.

If you reveal what the *** are in your post, we can work it out ;-)
 little query - R.P.
I'm glad that neither Apple nor Orange are energy suppliers...!
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 14:27
 little query - devonite
present supplier - 2521.29KWH - tier1:1177 KWH @5.891, tier2:1344.29 KWH @3.430 =

new supplier - 2521.29 KWH @ 4.578 = £115.43

no standing charges
Last edited by: devonite on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 14:23
 little query - Zero
Thats for the quarter, you were quoted 68 pound saving for the year, you need to know your consumption for the year.

(unless of course your gas bill is only 115 quid for the year)
 little query - Manatee
Your usage is pretty much bang on the breakeven level then, for that quarter. But it's a light quarter? So my guess is your annual usage will be more than 4 times that, which will mean that your existing supplier will be cheaper for a full year's worth..

If your average quarterly usage is 50% higher than last quarter, the new supplier would be abut 9% dearer.

I'd be inclined to stick with the lower marginal rate. It's better if your usage is higher. If you can cut your usage right down the new one might be a bit cheaper but your bills would be a lot smaller anyway.

Have you got the last 4 bills out to use as an estimate of your annual usage?
Last edited by: Manatee on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 14:37
 little query - devonite
Have you got the last 4 bills out to use as an estimate of your annual usage?

No, not gone that far, If I cant see a definite advantage or saving (which I cant) then my motto is "better the devil I know"!
At first £67 seemed appetising,and I was intrigued, but being a bit thick this afternoon, I was just a bit puzzled how they arrived at the claimed figures, hence the question.

We`re staying put for now! - and i`ve turned the fire off! gotta start somewhere!

Cheers all!
 little query - L'escargot
>> We`re staying put for now! - and i`ve turned the fire off! gotta start somewhere!

Fire? It's 7th July not 7th January.
 little query - devonite
Try telling Mother Nature that! ;-)
 little query - L'escargot
>> Try telling Mother Nature that! ;-)

Is that what you call "er indoors?
 little query - L'escargot
>> no standing charges

What about VAT?
 little query - devonite
I didn`t bother with Vat as its a constant between the two.
 little query - L'escargot
>> I didn`t bother with Vat as its a constant between the two.

I think you need to give us all your bills for the last 12 months so that we can work it all out properly.
 little query - Manatee
The other thing is, what if anything are the standing charges for each?
 little query - L'escargot
>> The other thing is, what if anything are the standing charges for each?

devonite said no standing charge.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sat 7 Jul 12 at 15:25
 little query - Manatee
>>devonite said no standing charge.

Yes, 7 minutes after I asked the question - keep up ;-)
 little query - L'escargot
>> Yes, 7 minutes after I asked the question - keep up ;-)

Blub blub blub.
 little query - L'escargot
>> Just got our quarterly Gas bill - £115.45 ! and am devastated!!

I'd be over the moon if our oil cost so little. Our monthly payment is £95 ~ £1140 per year.
 little query - Manatee
£148 for both. Gas accounts for about £100 of that. They just "recalculated" my Direct Debit to £256 a month (!!!) so I told them politely to bog off, with supporting numbers. They didn't agree but they backed off anyway on the grounds that I was in credit by £300 - how generous of them!
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